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I don't think we have a way to upload images directly from our editor (ckeditor); you have to have a valid web url for the image.
That said, your small image seems to have worked. Perhaps the data of the image itself works, but for larger images you run into comment length limits in the scripts/database?
That said, your small image seems to have worked. Perhaps the data of the image itself works, but for larger images you run into comment length limits in the scripts/database?
Yes, that's how it will be. Thanks Ben.
Short feedback: The 'Move definition aid' is a great tool. To get the Betza string for the Enhanced Pawn finally working it was necessary to define the standard pawn first and then to add the enhanced capturing possibilities. This probably has something to do with the en-passant rule. Maybe that is self-evident for the insider, for me it took some time. Anyway, the following string finally worked: fmWifmnDfceFscWbcF
After my first trials with the 'Play-test applet' and the conversion to Game Courier thanks to the game code provided by the play-test applet, I have tried my luck with my other variants. To be honest, I am quite stumped and very sure that I will never get it right. Hence my question - better request:
Would it be very naughty to ask you to provide me with the HTML-codes you have already created? This would be for the variants Avatar Chess, Borderline, Bull's eye and Conquer. It would be great if I could make the variants playable in my pages with your help. (If yes via e-mail perhaps?)
If that is too much to ask, then please forget my request.
Would it be very naughty to ask you to provide me with the HTML-codes you have already created? This would be for the variants Avatar Chess, Borderline, Bull's eye and Conquer. It would be great if I could make the variants playable in my pages with your help. (If yes via e-mail perhaps?)
You can simply get the HTML code for the Diagrams by asking the browser to display the 'Page Source', and then copy-paste the relevant part of the HTML code that is displayed. (Search for "idiagram" on the page, because CVP pages always contain an enormous amount of HTML for displaying the menu bar, and the user text will start only after that.)
Thanks, I have done, works very well.
Now it would be the topping if there could be a way to get the game code for Game Courier. Do you have a workable suggestion for a non-expert like me?
Well, in general it is possible to paste the HTML of an existing Diagram into the Play-Test Applet, and then use the GAME code button. But this only works for 'run-of-the-mill' variants that the Play-Test Applet could generate. (I.e. pieces that move differently, but otherwise normal rules.) Promotion restrictions, multiple royalty or anti-trading rules can be added by post-editing of the generated GAME code (modifying or adding some tables).
I am not sure if all your variants are of that type. When the ID required custom JavaScript, no GAME code will be generated to perform its function.
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EPC on Game Courier.