Comments/Ratings for a Single Item

@Fergus: While you are at it, could you also suppress anything that starts with 'chess' on the Ch page? That page now overflows, and we do have a separate 'Chess' page.
And why is this page hidden?
While you are at it, could you also suppress anything that starts with 'chess' on the Ch page? That page now overflows, and we do have a separate 'Chess' page.
There are only two pages of results for Ch, and you can get the second page of results by clicking the Next button.
And why is this page hidden?
There was a bug in modifyitem.php regarding a new parameter. I think the same bug caused all categories to be selected. I fixed it by adding an array of default values for expected parameters.

I can no longer reach most articles from the alphabetical index. Clicking the links results in an error message that translates to "the page relays in an incorrect manner" in FireFox, and "" has relayed you too many times" in Chrome.
It seems to try to access the URL /page/MS... , where the URL /rules/... would work.
I haven't found any problematic links. Would you name specific pages whose links are not working right?

Plutonian Test Chess, the Play-Test Applet, the Chekmating Applet.
Me too, for 2 days
Plutonian Test Chess, the Play-Test Applet, the Chekmating Applet.
These now work. By redirecting /page/ URLs to the canonical URLs, I had created a Catch-22 for /page/ URLs that are canonical. I have now built in an exception for them.
Have the 'Primary Items' notifications that used to appear at the top of many Alphabetical Index Pages been eliminated?
This may relate to the periodic discussions about how people find 'the best' CVs on this site, such as via Favorites, Featured CVs, Recognized CVs...
Checking earlier comments in the Featured Games thread, I see 'Primary Links' in the database are referred to by Fergus. Indeed, I can query the database on that checkbox. I assume 'Primary Links' are the same thing as what also were called 'Primary Items' in the past, formerly shown at the top of many Alphabetical Index pages.
[edit: it might be nice if somehow Primary Links/Items had a Page (if only to explain what they are) that people could make comments on]
From the Recognized Variants thread, on the topic of Primary Items (from an exchange I had with Fergus that I'd forgotten - may be a good idea to post this in the present thread, too):
Fergus Duniho wrote on 2020-04-03 EDT 'That's something that David Howe instituted so that the most important pages would be at the top of the list when listing search results. I think he largely included the Recognized Variants, though some other things are also included. It might be a good idea to replace Recognized Variants and Primary Items with Featured Games and Featured Pages, the former being a subset of the latter. Featured pages would be ones that we want to draw greater attention to or that we expect users would be looking for more. These could include links to games that enough of us think highly of, links to well-known or popular games, and links to commercially available commercial games. These could be featured at the top of search results, as Primary Items are, but referred to as Featured Pages instead. Also, they could be a bit more dynamic than Recognized Variants, meaning we could drop something from the Featured Pages, such as a commercial game no longer being made, or a game that has been reevaluated.'
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I added a link for Sk. So that the top row would align with the other rows, I combined two tables into one. I also replaced
in the top row with<th>
so that each field in the top row would serve as a heading for its column.