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I see only apothecary chess Modern. Probably it is a superficial problem.
Later Edit: Sorry for that My bad!
In apothecary chess classic the knight does not get it's extra moves (it is a NmZ).

In apothecary chess classic the knight does not get it's extra moves (it is a NmZ)
Thanks for pointing this out. It will be corrected in the official release. In the meantime, you can play with an include file like the following:
Game 'Apothecary Chess Classic (fixed)' : 'Apothecary Chess Classic'
Knight.XBetza = "NmZ";
Knight.MidgameValue = 425;
Knight.EndgameValue = 425;
Ok, Thanks!

Game Reference Documentation
ChessV is designed to allow easy creation of new games through the customization of existing games. Unfortunately, documentation has been sorely lacking. I have now posted reference pages for the predefined games:
ChessV Game ReferenceThese games are organized into a useful hierarchy with many extension points. Hopefully, browsing through these pages will provide some insight into the inner workings of ChessV. Please feel free to post any questions you might have!
I can't get that download link to work.
I mean the link to download ChessV 2.3 verison
Also, when i go to your site, on mainpage, I just see the 2.2 version.

Hi Christine,
Thanks for checking it out. I think the must be an error your end. It downloads ok for me, as does the Grand Shatranj Zillions link which you are also having trouble with. When you click on this link, what happens?
And, yes, 2.3 is not lised on the ChessV page because this is a pre-release. I'm just hoping to get a few members of the community to give it a test drive before I build the install package (which is a pain in the butt.)
Hi Greg,
I can't download ChessV2.3 The link does not work. Chrome seems to block it. I wonder if it has nothing to do with the fact that this browser wants URLs to be safe and I see that the protocol you use is http and not htpps.

Thanks, Carlos. That is helpful.
It seems you are correct. Chrome will not download a file that is not secure if the link is on a page that is secure. So it was possible to download a link from, since that site is not https, but linking it from here does not work because this page is https. Funny, even Chromium would download it, while Chrome would not.
Anyway, I have posted it here for the time being:
/programs.dir/ChessV2.3RC1.zipOkay, Greg, you are welcome. The new link does work. I see that you have added 12 variants including 2 invented by Vitya Makov: Chess 9x9 and Cardinal Chess. Those interested in seeing how ChessV handles these 2 variants take a look at the following YouTube links:
Congratulations and thank you for such a commendable work you do!
Greg, What is chess with jokers supposed to be? To me it looks like regular chess!

In Chess with Jokers, the queen piece is a joker. I used this for developing and testing the joker piece. It seems I never updated the graphic used. I'll fix that now.
Thanks, Duplex Chess is a very good game that I need to get posted. It is my attempt to make a double-move variant that isn't too overwhelming. No piece moves farther than two spaces. A few notes: the same piece cannot be moved on both moves - except for the king. He can make two moves, including two captures, making him the most dangerous piece. But, if you lose him, the game is over. Also, there are three ways to win: capture your opponent's king, capture all your opponent's pawns, or move your king to the last rank.
Impressive work, Greg!
I really appreciate implementing my 2 games: Apothecary chess classic and Apothecary chess modern as they were quite a challenge. I can hardly wait for the source code once you post everything from the official release.
I just wanted to ask, because it would be very difficult, if this version implements all the endgame conditions for apothecary. I doubt it because the AI is hard to reprogram for this. Have you given them any thoughts though?
I really like the piece description that appears when right clicking a piece.

I just wanted to ask, because it would be very difficult, if this version implements all the endgame conditions for apothecary. I doubt it because the AI is hard to reprogram for this. Have you given them any thoughts though?
If you mean the way a game can have additional outcomes, such as 3/4 - 1/4, that is not something that I know how to do. And, even if there is a way, I would not alter the core AI to do it.
I really like the piece description that appears when right clicking a piece.
Thank you. I'm rather proud of this. ChessV definitely makes the most sophisticated movement diagrams that I have seen, offering good support for showing multi-path moves and bent rider moves.
Yes, I clicked on that link and it downloaded
Sorry, been away for a bit.
Hi Greg, Thanks for the updated version. I received an exception while playing Tripunch chess
ChessV.Exceptions.ChessVException: An item with the same key has already been added. ---> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at ChessV.Game.SearchRoot(Int32 alpha, Int32 beta, Int32 depth, List`1 movesToExclude)
at ChessV.Game.Think(TimeControl timeControl, Int32 multiPV)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ChessV.Game.Think(TimeControl timeControl, Int32 multiPV)
at ChessV.InternalEngine.startThinking()
at ChessV.Match.OnMoveMade(Player sender, List`1 moves)
at ChessV.MoveMadeEventHandler.Invoke(Player sender, List`1 moves)
at ChessV.Player.emitMove(List`1 moves)
at ChessV.GUI.BoardControl.tryMoveToLocation(Location location)
at ChessV.GUI.BoardControl.BoardControl_MouseUp(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
The final board state was
I had just moved my Nightrider from g1 to f3.

Thank you for the detailed bug report. This should be what I need to reproduce. I'm travelling at the moment, but will take a look this weekend. Thanks!
Hello Greg, Any hope for the latest ChessV version this weekend? I hope to share it with my friends.

Hi Greg, Thanks for the updated version. I received an exception while playing Tripunch chess
Thanks again for finding this. I've found the issue. The next version will resolve this problem in Tripunch and be more resistant to this issue in general. But, in the meantime, you can fix this by going into the ChessV include directory and editing the Tripunch Chess.cvc file in a text editor. Inside the SetGameVariables function, add the following line:
DeduplicateMoves = true;
Then restart ChessV and you should be good.
Hi Greg, I received an error while playing Do-Or-Die Chess.
This is the log
Do-or-Die Chess Player(White) = Human Player(Black) = ChessV Moves = { d2d3 c4c3 f2f3 g4f3 e2f3 e4e3 d1e2 c3b2 c1b2 a4a3 b2c1 b5c3 b1c3 b4c3 g1h3 } Exception type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array. Source: ChessV.Base Stack Trace: at ChessV.Board.SquareToLocation(Int32 square) at ChessV.GUI.BoardPresentation.Render(Boolean highlightComputerMove, Boolean rotateBoard, Piece piece, Boolean endgame)

ChessV 2.3 Release Candidate 2
This is a pre-release of upcoming version 2.3. It corrects a few issues reported with Release Candidate 1. It also adds support for a new movement capability for bent riders: the ability for a piece to slide followed by a manditory step in a different direction. As such, Renniassance Chess is now fully supported.
Since it is not an official release, there is no installation program. Just unzip to a new directory and run ChessV.exe. The official release will contain an install program.
Download here:
Please let me know if you run into any issues. Enjoy!
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ChessV 2.3 Release Candidate 1
It's been over a year, so time for a new release! This is a pre-release of upcoming version 2.3. It should be fully functional but I am posting a Release Candidate first to give the community a chance to give it a test drive. Since it is not an official release, there is no installation program. Just unzip to a new directory and run ChessV.exe. The official release will contain an install program.
This release has lots of improvements:
Download here:
Please let me know if you run into any issues. Enjoy!