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Removing post-game does not fix it. Also removing post-move also does not fix it. This is a real head-scratcher. I don't understand at all...

Note I edited my posting before your latest one!
P.S. I think we had problems before removing a section, when you accidentally had misplaced some of the function calls. This seems a general problem of the GC preset editor. This might explain why 'removing' the Post-Game section has no effect.

Oh, ok. Glad you were able to figure it out! I'm going to try to generate the game with the designer again...
How do you remove the King that starts on the board automatically? I don't see any obvious way to remove a piece that has been placed. (General question - not needed for this game.)

It seems there is a bug in the Applet for generating this 'partners' array. I am pretty sure it worked before. But I had a regression at some point in the Diagram script, when I apparently uploaded a 'fix' applied to an older version, and this probably lost the code for identifying castling partners.Castling doesn't even work in the Diagram itself. (Not obvious, as for legacy reasons it always allows the user to castle with a Rook. But the AI cannot do it anymore.)
The only way to remove a piece is to capture it (and only pseudo-legal moves can capture!).

Ok, I remade it and the problem is gone and I have castling working the way a I want. Unfortunately, I have a new problem. The unmoved pawn can move up to four spaces. So, I used the Omega Pawn which should allow it to move up to the center. I'm sure this used to work, but now the white pawn can move one square too far and the black pawn ends one square too soon. (In the generated GC code, not sure if this affects the diagram/AI.)

I don't understand that. The * range is encoded as -1 in the tables, which is then dynamically replaced by the actual range in the move generator:
switch #rng: case -1: set rng cond < 0 #dy rank #cursqr - lastrank rank #cursqr; set rng - >> lastrank 1 #rng; set rng max 1 #rng;
In infix notation this reads
rng = (dy > 0 ? RANK(cursqr) : LASTRANK - RANK(cursqr)); // start rank (flipped for black) rng = (LASTRANK >> 1) - rng; // distance from board half. rng = max(1, rng); // minimally 1
On a 10-rank board MAXRANK = 9, so LASTRANK>>1 should be 4. That should give you 4 steps from the back rank (rank 0 for white and 9 for black). From their starting rank it should be 3 steps. I don't see anything wrong here. In particular, I don't see how white and black Pawns could behave differently.
Can the GAME-code variable 'lastrank' actually return the number of board files (minus 1)?

I don't know how to test that. I tried:
tell lastrank; tell var lastrank; tell #lastrank;
None of them work...

It seems I can modify & test the preset as well, even though it is not mine, through Edit, Test, Play. I tried
print lastrank; die;
as first thing in the Pre-Game code. This prints 11...

Ok, so lastrank is returning the last file and not the last rank.

Hmmm... So I found where this is handled in the PHP code and it looks correct:
case "lastfile": // Returns numeric index of last file
array_push ($output, count($file)-1);
case "lastrank": // Returns numeric index of last rank
array_push ($output, count($rank)-1);
So I'm not sure why this is happening.

You defined too many rank labels.
Automatic detection of the castling partners should now also work again in the Applet. It is invoked every time you press the 'Start Position' button. It does assume white and black have their castling partners on the same files.

You defined too many rank labels.
Thank you! Must have made this from an earlier preset. Sorry for the trouble!

It seems there's an issue with the optional javascript. It works with alfaerie, but when I change it to abstract it only appears OK until I move a piece.
I think the issue is probably that some of the abstract pieces are smaller than the square size.

I think the issue is probably that some of the abstract pieces are smaller than the square size.
Indeed, the Abstract images have variable size. The movepiece.js script copies their URL from cell content to background style, and apparently the default mode for background is to tile, starting in the upper-left corner.
This was easy to fix: in the loop that does the image copy I now also set the background-repeat and background-position styles to 'no repeat' and 'center center'. You would probably have to append a ?nocache=true parameter to the movepiece.js URL to make sure the new version is used.

Thanks! Updated Janus Kamil presets have been published. I plan to, over time, update older presets with this technology. Hopefully I'll be able to streamline the process so it doesn't take too long.

Here's a small problem: the generated GC presets don't recognize or allow the command "resign"

Here's a small problem: the generated GC presets don't recognize or allow the command "resign"
Isn't that by definition a Game Courier / GAME code problem? I would think that resigning should always be possible in any game in any situation. It also seems that 'resign' should be considered a move, rather than a command; it is one of the possible things a player can (always) do when it is his turn.
The include file bans commands. I don't want the preset to allow commands in general, just to be able to process 'resign'.

The error is "board step does not mention two squares". Isn't that message generated by your code? I think even when commands are banned, that one is still allowed.

Ah, OK. I guess ticking the checkbox to not include moves in the GAME code also applies to 'resign'. I will let my move parser recognize it.
Should I expect similar problems for draw offers?

Yes, you should probably allow "drawn" too. Players will discuss a draw in comments and then one will enter the drawn command.

Yes, you should probably allow "drawn" too. Players will discuss a draw in comments and then one will enter the drawn command.
This should be fixed now, without any impact on the preset's efficiency: I only do the test for resign and drawn at the point where it otherwise would have given the error message about the move syntax.

It still didn't work, but now there's a new message:
Syntax Error on line 24
Misplaced endsub.

My bad, I wrote elsif: instead of elseif: somewhere. And I didn't test, as I figured that 'resign' would only work when you are actually playing a game. But it seems I can actually type 'resign' in Play mode. But this produces very strange behavior. I have this code in ParseMove now:
if != 2 count #sqrs: // must give 2 squares print . count= count #sqrs; print thismove; if == resign thismove: print ok; resign; elseif == drawn thismove: drawn; endif; die "board step does not mention two squares"; endif;
When I enter 'resign' it prints 'count=1', 'resign' and 'ok' as expected. Then, however, it survives the 'die', and continues until it later dies with the complaint that 'resign' isn't even pseudo-legal for a Pawn.
[Edit] It seems resign doesn't have the new behavior in this context: it terminates execution of the current subroutine, but not of the GAME code. It happily continues with the caller.
It seems resign doesn't have the new behavior in this context: it terminates execution of the current subroutine, but not of the GAME code. It happily continues with the caller.
Would you set up a sample preset that exhibits the bug you're describing?
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Ah, I think I got it. In the generated Pre-Game code this is fishy:
This mentions the Queen as possible castling partner, and apparently the move generator doesn't explicitly test for the occupant of the King target, as it assumes the King could not 'see' the Rook when that square is occupied in the first place. (Note that Fischer castling is not supported.) The move take-back during legality testing for highlighting purposes (which does run in the initial position!) apparently counts on the King target being empty, and doesn't put the victim back.
I am not sure how the Applet could have generated this partner set. The values are strange; they seem to apply to the 8x8 board, in absence of any pieces. (By default it is the most-distant piece.)
Another thing that is fishy is that the King table also contains vertical castlings. You must have forgotten to put the s modifier on the O3. This doesn't really hurt, as the piece in front of the King is not in the 'partner' set. It just wastes some time.