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John Savard's Three-Dimensional Chess. (Link.).[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Aug 2, 2003 07:59 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
Would be excellent but for two things.
	Firstly the restriction on the King in check seems overcomplicated.
Something applying to all kinds of move might be better, or even banning
all moves (capturing or otherwise) in the kind of direction of check. For
example check by a Rook, or by a Queen checking as a Rook, preventing
escape in any orthogonal direction. In this system a Knight check would
not restrict escape.
	Secondly the central 6x6x3 area could be reduced to 4x4x3, shortening the
Pawn trek. To prevent immediate capturability you could include a 'one
foot in the grave' rule that pieces cannot move through the vertical
edges of the central area, as they are part of the boundary of the entire