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Ok, sounds good. I will assign the games for round 2 on Saturday afternoon.
The games for round 2 have been assigned. Enjoy :)
I am not sure how to find the game exclusivelly to this tournament in game courier. Any suggestions?
You can put GameCourier2019 in the tournament filter.
I see! I did not thought it should be 1 word :(!
I have beeen assigned to the second round games, but none of them are showing up on My Games on Game Courier. I eventually found them using search filters, but when I tried to move, I got a error message saying that the file for the game could not be found on the website. This happened to me for all three games. Any help I can get would be appreciated.
This is strange. The games do open for me but after a delay of about three seconds it gets redirected to a bad URL. It looks like it is trying to jump to the board by putting #board on the URL, but it also changes it from /play/pbm to /pbm (which is not correct.) I will try to figure out why it is doing this.
Ok, I've made some progress. I found the bad reference to /pbm and replaced it with /play/pbm. It is still refreshing the page every few seconds. I'm not sure why it is doing that but at least it is going to the correct page. The refresh is probably connected to the other issue. When I try to bring up your games, I get:
It is not Adam DeWitt's turn to move in any game. This page will refresh and beep when it is Adam DeWitt's turn in at least one game.
I have to figure out why it thinks it isn't your move. I think the page is getting reloaded because it thinks the game state has changed so something is wacky with the state. I'll rummage around in SQL and see if I see anything. If not, I'll just delete and recreate these games.
Got it. When I created the games, I used ChessShogi as your ID when it should be all lower-case. Apparently in some places in the code it is case sensitive and in others it is not. I will look into preventing this from happening again, but these games should be good for now. It appears to have fixed the refresh issue also.
It looks as though Round 2 is nearly about to draw to a close. Any idea when the rule-enforcing presets for Metamachy and Symmetric Chess will be ready for us?
Fergus started working on Metamachy but I don't know where that sits. I have been planning on taking a stab at Symmetric but haven't started yet. I will make a concerted attempt probably starting tomorrow. Aside from the tournament, this is one of the most played games on Game Courier so it should have a rule-enforcing preset. Whether or not I succeed will depend on how difficult I find it. The Bishop Conversion Rule is a little tricky and I find game courier code pretty difficult to work with.
I now have a working preset for Metamachy at this URL:
Just to make sure everything is working, it could use some beta-testing before it's used in the tournament.
New Metamachy rule-enforcing preset: After brief testing of en passant and initial king move...
I was unable to make any en passant captures using white pawns on ranks 6, 7, and 8. I was able to make normal en passant captures with white pawns on ranks 4 and 5. More interestingly, I was able to make illegal en passant captures with white pawns on ranks 4 and 5. By illegal, I mean that: a black pawn that can be captured normally by a white pawn makes a double-move; White on his next turn is allowed to take that pawn en passant illegally. I was able to make legal en passant captures with black pawns on all squares tested. I was also able to make the illegal en passant captures with black pawns on all squares.
The initial king 2-square move doesn't seem to work.
Will keep testing...
With en passant, the bpr variable for Black's Pawn Rank had the wrong value. For the King's two-space leap, it was checking whether the destination was empty, which works only for potential moves, rather than checking whether a capture had been made. I have fixed these now, and you can test whether anything is still not working.
I just made some more fixes to how the King's two-step leap is handled in the stalemated subroutine, so that only legal moves are displayed.
I made some more fixes to the King's two-space leap in the subroutines for moving the King. They now give informative messages about particular reasons why an illegal move is illegal. Since I used restore to check whether the King was in check, I went back to checking whether the destination space was empty.
King 2-space leap appears to be in order. All legal en passant captures can be made. However, one is still allowed to make incorrect en passant captures.
For example, if a white pawn is on c4 and a black pawn on d5, if White plays c4-c6, the preset still allows Black (incorrectly) to take d5-c4 en passant, removing the pawn on c6.
So, after two rounds of play, the current tournament results are:
[Pos) Name, Pts, #Wins, BS, SB, Black wins]
- Kevin Pacey, 5.5, 5, 11, 13.25, 3;
- dax00, 5, 5, 11.5, 11.5, 2;
- Carlos Cetina, 4.5, 4, 8, 10.75, 2;
- Fergus Duniho, 4, 4, 9, 9, 3;
- Greg Strong, 4, 4, 6, 6, 1;
- Adam DeWitt, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1;
- Jarid Carlson, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1;
- Aurelian Florea & wdtr2 & John Davis, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.
Nice, thank you. I will get the third round assigned this weekend. Hopefully I will be able to get a rule-enforcing Symmetric Chess preset working by then but we might have to do without.
Ok, I think we'll be in business for a rule-enforcing preset for Symmetric. I made some real progress. The display of legal moves doesn't work yet (the legal move display makes it look like the bishop is a dragon horse), but it terms of what it actually allows, it looks like it is doing the right thing in all cases:
I appreciate very much the effort you make to reinforce the rules of the Symmetric Chess preset, however I wonder if using the preset you suggest will not be more confusing for some people than if we used the entirely uncoded one.
I don't know; it's just a presumption, a guess. In my personal case, I would play without problems with any of those two options.
Certainly, coding the Bishops Conversion Rule is a tremendous challenge.
Hi Carlos,
Sorry, I did not mean to convey that I was done. Only that I had made progress. I intend to work on fixing the legal moves display today.
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I think we could start the next round since the result of my Colossus game vs Fergus is practically decided, regardless of the bug in the preset program.