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Very good stuff. I have seen one of these before in person while in Japan and was amazed. Beautiful and fun to play variant. I really like the Taikyoku shogi. I wonder if that george guy makes those too, or even makes these still.
George sadly passed away many years ago, but his widow Angela Hodges is still selling the stuff at that e-mail address. Not sure if they also did Taikyoku Shogi, though.
What, in your opinion, makes it fun to play Tai Shogi? I have never actually played it, but it has always struck me as an extremely tedious variant. it has a royal that is so powerful there is really no hope to catch it short of completely exterminating its army first. And that contains hundreds of pieces. You can ask for a price list.
I still have an old price list, and George Hodges did not make a Taikyoku Shogi set.
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