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The presets on this page now use newly designed fairychess code instead of Chess3, though existing games will not be affected by this. The fairychess include file is designed to be easily adapted for other games. Unlike Chess3, it identifies pieces by name instead of label, and it uses constants to associate labels with piece names. It also contains many more piece definitions, and I'll add more as need for them comes up. Just assign piece names to piece labels using constants. If you want to change the name of a piece, you can copy its functions (and subroutine if need be) to another name, then assign your constants to the new name. Here's an example of what could be done in Chinese Chess:
copyfn Chinese_Elephant Elephant; copyfn Chinese_Elephant-Range Elephant-Range; copyfn Chinese_Elephant Minister; copyfn Chinese_Elephant-Range Minister-Range; setconst e Elephant; setconst E Minister;
Note that copying functions should be done after the file has been included, since it contains the functions to be copied. I'm not sure what to do about copying subroutines except to copy the whole code and change its name, but few pieces use subroutines.
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Not sure this is the right place for my comment, as it may apply much more to Game Courier than Chess. Anyway, I was trying to use the Record feature for the chess preset. I entered 1.e2-e4 1.e7-e5 2.f1-c4 b8-c6 3.d1-f3 c6-d4 4.f3-f7 successfully (a version of Scholar's mate trap). However, when I tried to do the same thing but also insert "| 3.g8-f6 //is a better move." after Black's 3rd move, I got an error message saying I cannot move my opponent's piece, after I clicked on the 'View' button (that is, I unsuccessfully tried to enter a variation plus comment after the 3rd Black move of the main continuation).
I'm wondering if Game Courier's Record feature isn't fully working properly. In any event, I've yet to see a single webpage on CVP where a recorded game(s) have been offered by the author, and maybe that's no coincidence. [edit: I had missed the example game using the Record feature on the Voidrider CVP webpage. The moves were given, although no variations were offered (just Comments here and there), but more importantly, perhaps, I couldn't view a board from the Voidrider page for the example game.]