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AnandvCarlsen13[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 4, 2014 01:47 PM EST:
Variantists, please say a prayer for the singleminded OrthoChessist. For
they're locked in a vice and cannot move to avert a gaze.  The key
serial number R-N-B-Q-K-P is hard to grasp.  Their own colourful history is
off-limits to them: exotic Alfil, unaccustomed General, blindfolded
Philidor, the Turk computer, free castling, Great Chess(es).  Riveted
 hoi polloi masses are forbidden even glancing at almost twenty-year-old
man-machine Kasparov or randomizing Fischer -- two too controversial.
These images grace Rabelaisian Chess Chapters 24 and 25, when in the 1540s
Queen Whims vanished along with chess variants.   
(Queen Whims reappears of course late 20th century under spell of druid Parton, pioneer Boyer, wizard Betza.)  

Moreover --, -- OrthoChess champion being self-described "non-reader" []  puts even fundamentalists further a little on the spot. 
Hey really, Charlemagne himself, of same country as Rabelais, was illiterate, yet founded France and more out of Roman Gaul; Charlemagne never got the hang of writing either.  Did Charlemagne play Chess?  Not a prayer, because Chess forces arrived thereabouts near 1000 from the East.,

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jan 9, 2014 04:22 PM EST:
Shogi champion plays Simpleminded Chess:

George Duke wrote on Mon, Jan 13, 2014 02:57 PM EST:
So much for the element of surprise: Is d4 or e4 the better, asks
Chessbase, the Simpleminded Chess site,  Suppose, within
different elo ranges, one stands atop 1% or 2%.  Then theoretically they
can ban the other opening move from given tournament, as stupid, and
eventually everyone must play even the first ten moves alike.  Well, almost they do already in generalized sense that each sensible first 8 or 10 has been long recognizable as to have own disambiguated name.  

Hence the liturgical ring of some "Nimzo-Indian Defence, Normal Variation,
Bernstein Defence, Exchange Line" though "simply" '1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3
Nc3 Bb4 4 e3 0-0 5 Nf3 d5 6 Bd3 c5 7 0-0 Nc6 8 a3 Bxc3 9 Bxc3...' It and
hundreds others speak volumes in memorizable confining repetition of fundamentalists. 

The November 2014 championship is fully in the works:  It will pit Carlsen and someone other than Nakamura.  Though Nakamura is now #3 elo, on technicality he happens to lack the pre-qualifiers this year.   

"Magnus" and "Gargantua,"  though different cognates are of course synonyms within and across languages, meaning very big.   Too, the images --, --  arguably bear not altogether remote resemblance, one of OrthoChess Carlsen, other from Rabelais five-book masterpiece.  Now his 'Gargantua and Pantagruel'(circa 1540) is totally concerning Chess of the 1530s, when modern ranging Queen was recent invention, expressed in this work's Chapter XXV,, and later illustrated by Gustave Dore.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Jan 21, 2014 03:49 PM EST:
Whew. Anand is going to participate, so chances are Simpleminded Chess will
pit the same two Carlsen-Anand championship November 2014.  Nakamura though #3 lacks required pre-qualifier, or more so became as high as #3 too late.

George Duke wrote on Sun, Feb 2, 2014 04:30 PM EST:
Variantists, here's a new fantasy CV to rate:  Poor? 
Mediocre?  Good? Great?  That actually just went up with full Rules here at CVPage recently: 

Hey opening theory certainly goes out the board, if a player thinks "chain" and is willing to lose a little material.  Is all Rules dis-ambiguation complete?

See Switch-Side Chain-Chess to critique, preliminarily noted above whilst Zurich tournament progresses:  Unlike the best ever chess tournament Zurich 1953 (, current Zurich 2014 is not a Candidates', but the coverage stays here since Anand-Carlsen 2013 will soon morph into Carlsen-other 2014.

George Duke wrote on Thu, Mar 13, 2014 11:46 AM EDT:
Post-Zurich there is a Candidates',, to get
challenger 2014 World Chess Championship. Who won Zurich? Magnus Carlsen.
Will it be Carlsen-Anand again in November? Or Carlsen-Aronian, or someone
else? All the Orthodox tournaments stay here since they morph one into

Here's an Aronian best game:, one of five best. Where does White go wrong?  Any takers?

George Duke wrote on Tue, Mar 25, 2014 12:57 PM EDT:
Towards the rematch,, and 8
months of hoopla til November.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Apr 1, 2014 12:28 PM EDT:
Coverage of OrthoChess events has not been extensive since November 2013
title match between Carlsen and Anand. Supposed breaking  news:
It's April 1, so unlikely the match is to be on oil rig. Yet other than Roberto Lavieri's
elo rating discussion a decade ago, Chess variantists mostly avoid
Simpleminded Chess anyway, and oil rig would be really tacky.  On the very same day chessbase announces World Championship on practical temporizing oil rig, oxymoronically:, so the joke's on 10 million species.

 This topic will go on looking at
some great games, like the one already queried Aronian versus Carlsen in 2011, where does White go wrong? 

It is continuation of topic "Spassky-Bronstein++":  There over score of OrthoChess all-time games are annotated, including most of the Spassky-Fischer 1972.

[Instead of quote, today's side topic: Here's for genuine end to Whale slaughter, as well as Draw-dominated simpleminded OrthoChess championship business as usual?]

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Apr 6, 2014 02:26 AM EDT:
I certainly agree about the whaling - but even if the Japanese abandoned whaling altogether I still feel that Whale Shogi is too short-range a game for its theme. Not having its pieces named thematically might make for easier graphics, too.

George Duke wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2014 02:23 PM EDT:  the
expected Be Mused retraction.

[8.4.14 Today's quote: "A gust of wind is wild and free, but there are handcuffs on the storm." --Charles Fort 'Wild Talents' (1932).

Also excellent article:  The fulcrum has to be Kasparov as number 13 appropriate for April Fool's, Kasparov birthday April 13, and the question is whether five earlier champions.]

George Duke wrote on Thu, Apr 24, 2014 11:24 AM EDT: is
ChessBase article Part Two.

George Duke wrote on Sat, May 3, 2014 12:31 PM EDT:
Chess is Art! 

Some of CV art embedded in new CV: by Cannon whose first CV designs were in 1970s., 3d by mathematician Thompson., snow crystal.

George Duke wrote on Tue, May 6, 2014 02:11 PM EDT:

George Duke wrote on Thu, May 29, 2014 05:40 PM EDT:
Is e4 or d4 the better?

Contrast to the earlier series of  'e4 versus d4':,

On Carlsen-Anand II for November 2014, there is routine extended time by world chess body f.i.d.e. to announce venue. Here is a Carlsen-Anand game from 2012: Where does Black go wrong?  There are fourteen pages of kibitzing, 80% of it live 12.Oct.2012, mostly about Anand's errors.

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jun 5, 2014 11:16 AM EDT:
A close contest, Ilyumzhinov and Kasparov, in the ninth inning:

[And, in which on deep 'e4 or d4?' at top 'e4' is shunned]

George Duke wrote on Wed, Jun 11, 2014 12:17 PM EDT:
November Championship, Carlsen-Anand II, to be in Sochi, thanks to Putin
and Ilumzhinov: 

Interests in Chicago,, 

had been weighing a bid, "before Vladimir Putin snags this tournament for the greater glory of Russia."

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 12:09 PM EDT: -- would
males also predominate at Chess variants?

Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 02:31 PM EDT:
If the author's conclusions in this article are accurate, then males
also be better at chess variants. Chess is chess, until it isn't. (How
many would recognize this game as a shatranj variant?

However, I would take issue with at least some of the conclusions in the
article. The last 2 paragraphs of the article are:
"Males on average may have some innate advantages in developing chess
skill due to previous differing evolutionary pressures on the sexes.
Females may have greater talent on average in other domains, however. If
the male predominance in chess was due just to social factors it should
have greatly lessened or disappeared by now. Indeed, some researchers now
recognize that many psychological sex differences are due to complex
interactions between nature and nurture.

This conclusion is unpalatable to many but it is best to acknowledge how
the world actually is."

The idea that social factors are now balanced between men and women is a
stretch, one I do not agree with. I believe it's been demonstrated that
there is a difference between men and women in any area, a good part of
that difference *is* social conditioning. Encouragement and discouragement
in children is often quite subtle, and recent studies of films of classes,
for example, show this clearly. You want 2 kids who read the same to read
completely differently 5 years from now. Tell one kid (s)he is a good
reader and the other (s)he is a bad reader. Sometimes that's all it takes
to turn 2 average readers into non-average readers. If that isn't enough,
give the "good" reader encouragement and somewhat harder and harder
to read, and ask them what they liked and didn't like, and what they
learned.Give the "bad" reader very simple kids books to read, with
to write book reports on them. Keep it up for a year, and see what happens
several years further on. Any bets?

I do not claim men and women are equal in everything, as that is obviously
wrong. I do not even claim that the difference shown in the article isn't
real. What I do claim is that the author never analyzed the male players
the way the female players were analyzed. Suppose only the top 5% of all
chessplaying men go on to get better, and the top 50% of women do. What
would that do to the conclusions? We know that women are discouraged from
things like chess, and men are encouraged to play things like chess, on
average. Finally, the little matter of sexual harassment also has a
bearing. Based on studies of women, any that rise are subjected to more
intense, more open, and more hidden harassment. In fact, you can see that
in the news, if you look. Just 1 example, the Gov. Christie bridge-closing
scandal was blamed entirely on a woman working directly for Christie by
lawyers Christie hired to "investigate". It seems she was having an
affair with another Christie top gun, and he dumped her, leaving her to
close the bridge in a fit of irrational female passion - all her fault,
because she was jilted.

Carlos Cetina wrote on Fri, Jun 20, 2014 10:33 AM EDT:
Lopota GP, Rd 1: Top women meet in Georgia

Michael Nelson wrote on Fri, Jun 20, 2014 07:06 PM EDT:
I think Joe Joyce's post on "male predominance at chess" make more sense
than the study itself. The explanation of gender differences in Chess may
be simpler yet.  **On average**, men are more likely than women to purse
activities that have no social utility apart from the pleasure of doing
that activity. Chess is in that category (as indeed are checkers, card
games, etc.) No insult intended--I am interested in Chess variants for my
own pleasure and no other reason and feel no need to apologize to anyone
for that fact, and neither judge nor wish to judge anyone else for doing
the same.

I have considered that Chess can teach critical thinking, strategic
planning, etc. Yes it can, but so can a myriad of non-game things useful in
themselves apart from teaching.

"Male predominance at chess" is a current fact of reality. I suspect
there are males who believe this has 1) always been true, 2) always will be
true, and 3) SHOULD be true. A significant number of such males will then
reason by analogy about "male predominance in science", etc.

I won't touch of the idea of a female human being who argues for "male
predominance ...", the very idea terrifies me.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Jun 24, 2014 11:16 AM EDT:
e4 or d4? Not locked in a vice:

George Duke wrote on Wed, Jul 16, 2014 12:42 PM EDT:
[Added 17.July.14,]. -- there support data in May has Ilyumzhinov 56, Kasparov 20.

George Duke wrote on Mon, Jul 28, 2014 02:48 PM EDT:

George Duke wrote on Wed, Jul 30, 2014 02:58 PM EDT:
It starts:
(Environment-conscious are free to think of the repugnant Whaling aspect to the

It ends? --   

Edinburgh, Scotland, to Oslo Norway, direct as the crow flies, is 934 kilometres (580 miles), the same distance as Chicago to Washington and same as Moscow to Kryvyi Rih, central Ukraine.  Recall Ukraine,, holding  Progressive tournaments, and Scottish Progressive one of the few.

George Duke wrote on Mon, Aug 4, 2014 12:04 PM EDT:

Background from 2 months ago regarding f.i.d.e. election August 7:

In September 2010 Ilyumzhinov was elected again that time over Karpov by 95-55: There are 174 countries with teams participating now.
The Wikipedia article linked above lists 'The Chess Artist', and following does include quote by Ilyumzhinov from that book: OR -- three days to the voting on players' day off.

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