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I don't have any specific experience with computer players for multi-move chess variants, but I think it is worth noting that while a computer will not be able to see as many TURNS ahead, it should be able to see just as many MOVES ahead as normal. Depending on how you measure quality of play, one could argue that they should play single- and multi-move variants with equal proficiency. Perhaps we should ask: how well do HUMANS play multi-move variants?
The branching factor of Marseillais Chess would be 35, the same as for Chess.
From Wikipedia- It's hard even to estimate the game-tree complexity, but for some games a reasonable lower bound can be given by raising the game's average branching factor to the power of the number of plies in an average game, or: GTC ≥ b^d
The average game of Chess with a white-black turn order runs 40 turns (moves) per player. So, the average game of Marseillais Chess with a white-black-black-white turn order should run 20 turns per player.
Hi Jeremy, I measure quality of play with computer vs. competent humans matches. Derek, I don't understand how it is possible the branching factor of MC is the same of chess. The available (multi-)moves per turn are much more that chess. I heard MC is quite a violent and brutal game so I imagine the game is much quicker than chess... but I would like to know if the MC would be last as much as chess what would be the size of the game tree.
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