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I am still considering names for new pieces, especially pieces restricted to directions marked on a Take-the-Brain-style board. I'm still trying to think of one for a Double Rhino so restricted. Here is the list that I am currently contemplating:
Alderney - Dabbarider-Elephrider alternator
Auk - Elephrider-Cobblrider alternator
Birdbrain - Falcon with first step restricted to marked directions
Goblin - Gorgon with first step restricted to marked directions
Loon - Lion (alone or as part of a longer name) with first step restricted to marked directions
Redner - Ferz-Zombie alternator
Render - Wazir-Commuter alternator
Sabretooth - Rankwitch+Colourtiger
Tigress - Colourwitch+Ranktiger
Traveller - Treburider+Tripper
Truck -Tripprider+Trebuchet
The last two are partial riders of the Trilby. Ideally I would like to use ten similarly-themed names starting with Tr- for partial riders of fellow MAB 06 pieces the Triffid, Trebizond, Tramp, Trapezium, and Trailer.
Charles, I really like this series of articles, at least in principle; the main problem is that I find many of the long, run-on paragraphs very hard to wade through.
Would you mind terribly if I were to take the text and play "Editor" on it, formatting it into an easier-to-read (and comprehend) document? I could just email the result to you, and let you take full credit if you like.
If you'd like I could even put it together into a PDF file (again, emailed directly to you), suitable for self-publishing somewhere like Lulu, Amazon, etc.
Alas, Charles hasn't been seen here since 2016; I don't think anyone knows what's become of him
It's not the first time someone has suggested doing an editing pass on M&B; I've considered doing one myself and probably will in time
Thanks for the info, Bn Em.
I probably will go ahead and do the editing pass myself by year's end, if only for my own use.
There are some theoratical symmetries missing, i'll list them and what could be added
- Hypercube / Square Cluster / SinS
- HD could be used for the new diagonal because of it's SOLL of 4
- 4D leapers will need to be added
- Hexagon Cluster / HinH
- A new Diagonal that's ND on the board and the grid of boards simultaneously, i like to call this the Double Diagonal, DD
- "Doubled" Hex leapers would also need to be added, one part on the board, the other on the grid of boards
- SinH and HinS
- A new Diagonal that's SD on the board and ND on the grid simultaneously or vice versa, i like to call this the Mixed Diagonal, MD
- "Mixed" Leapers would also need to be added, one part on the board, the other on the grid of boards
HD and MD can only appear together on a hex-grid of square and hex boards, which i like to call Hex-Mix
One way this can be added is with some kind of Expansion Articles, but if you don't want to add it that's fine, i'm just giving ideas
4D has at least two more symmetrical tilings: Xyrixa‐prism (a line of boards each of which has the same topology as Tetrahedral Chess or OctHex), as well as one that continues the Hex–Xyrixa–??? line which I've wondered about for a while but have never looked into in enough detail. There might also be one or two more in the class of the following.
There is also one more 3D one that Charles never explored (and noöne else seems to have used either), the bitruncated cubic honeycomb. Which corresponds to the other close‐packing of spheres that the Xyrixa geometry doesn't cover.
Unfortunately Charles hasn't been seen here since 2016, so even if he were interested in 4D (which he stated several times that he wasn't) it's unlikely that he'll do much on that front. And even there, the Hybrid Diagonal stuff is already kind of pushed into more‐or‐less expansion article territory.
If you're really interested, of course, you can devise some names yourself :)
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