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Hi. You are listed as a user, with an ID of hnr01
i'm posting a game for first time, what should i do?
''i'm posting a game for first time, what should i do?'' Go to this page: http://www.chessvariants.org/Gindex.html At the top, you will see this: ''The Chess Variant Pages: Index What's New! (All Languages) | PLAY! | About Us | Help Us | Contact Us | Post Your Own Game Google Search WWW Search www.chessvariants.org Languages | Other Information | Advanced Search | Subject Index 0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z'' Click on 'Post Your Own Game' and you will get the first page of a two page form that you fill out to submit a game. Complete and send those two pages and an editor will look at the submission and either post it or return it with comments to indicate what will make it acceptable. If you have any questions or problems, please email me. Click on my name, highlighted in blue, on the left of this comment, and it will take you to my 'person ID' page, which gives a current email address.
I have been a registered user, but still can't submit a variant. I can't find my user id in the user id list. Do I need to become a member not only a user?
Shi Ji Send me an email and I will send you the details on how to submit a variant. I just went through the process recently and wrote a submission summary. Send to SpartanChessOnline@gmail.com
Okay, Shi Ji, you are listed as a contributor. You can submit items now.
I am also having the problem of being able to submit something to the site. It will not let me add a variant as my name is not in the pull down list.
Your first submission must be by email to the editors. After that, then you can submit using the form.
Travis Z - you're hooked up. You may submit games or other materials through the normal submission process. Let me know if your name is not on the list. Joe
Thank you Joe Joyce. When I get some free time, I will see about filling out the forms for contributing my variant to this wonderful site. Thanks.
"To become a member, you must be a contributor to our pages (either as an author or inventor). Simply go to our Contributors Page, select your name from the top list, press the "Send" button, and then follow the instructions on the screen." In other words to become a contributor, you have to select your name from the readymade list of contributors? Anyone see the slight problem with this?! It might be helpful to people you know ARENT contributors to begin with, to have a contact to send their 1st submissions or other means of getting started. Its a little strange how you neglect ANYWHERE on this site to mention as how someone ACTUALLY becomes a contributor and sends in 1st submissions. Theres just a link to a general queries email and thats it. Are you actively trying to discourage new members and input? Because thats the impression this website gives. At least to me...
Johnny Luken, you are now able to submit games or other materials to this site. I agree the wording might be a bit better, but you can join the site as a user without being a contributing member. And once you're registered, I can allow you to submit things, which I've just done. Joe
Joe, As far I can see, my name still isn't the list of dropdown options... I sent in my first submission 3 days ago, a chess 16*16 variant, to chessvar@yahoo.com. How long before I get feedback? Does the game show up on this website or do I resubmit as recognised contributor? Semantics aside, I stand by my point that this website could be made more accessible to new users, with a proper explanation and procedure for 1st submissions for a start...
Your name is in the list, under "Luken, Johnny"
Ok, I see its now been added. Aside from actual games, is there a way you can post piece articles or general essays and discussion on different concepts of interest? I for example have a particular interest in the Ultima/Rococo style games, and have thought of a number of piece types to expand upon them, but rather than churning out variants, I feel I might be best placed to simply publish piecemeal articles on the pieces...
Johnny Luken, up top is a button that says "Create a New Topic for Discussion". Go to it! I'm interested!
you can start a conversation about a topic, or you can make a page, about whatever, you don't have to create a game, check out the alphabetical index and you will see how there are different things posted besides chess variants.
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