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George Duke wrote on Tue, Sep 9, 2008 10:45 PM UTC:
Baseball Chess 9x9, Home Crowd.  RNBKQCBNR.  Towards marginalizing the
Home-Field Advantage, White should not always Move, or Pitch, first.  Or,
Jeers and Cheers unfairly influence outcomes.  (Realize that Chess is far
more International than major league baseball will ever be.) To move
first, White must compensate.   (gggg) White moves first.  Who else? 
Beforehand, White chooses and implements any one of (1) removing one Pawn
from White array; (2) converting one Black Knight and one Black Bishop
both to become Half-Ducks (Alfil + Dabbabah + Trebouchet(0,3)) the duration; or (3) replacing one
Black Rook with second Cardinal(BN), like Janus Chess, and removing one
Black Pawn. (hhhh) 'gggg' except also White may ''pass,'' thereby
requiring Visitor Black to select any of (1-prime) as above for Black
rather than White; (2-prime) as above affecting White pieces not Black; or (3-prime) as above for White piece; and then Black moves first.  ///
If effects entirely shift things to Black's moving first, further
fine-tuning is possible. Granted, 'gggg' and 'hhhh' may only enlarge
the asymmetry created by Home-Crowd bias.  Face it, moving or pitching
first awakens one baffling asymmetry of ethical dimension. The minimal
appropriate counter-measure to balance is sought.  Please enter any other
good alternative equaliser(s), specifying 9-square or 8-square:  
___________________________________. Would modern Baseball itself be
Secular or Sacrosanct?  And Caissa herself, goddess of Art, Sport,
Science, or Religion?

George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 07:27 PM UTC:
John Smith recently says he is excellent at designing CVs within certain
parameters, some constraints being given. The following challenge is not
unprecedented. Around 2004 Roberto Lavieri called for CVs without capture
or promotion; and I made Dice-Mate and Antoine Fourriere Bifocal. Here in
2009 Design a CV fitting certain other criteria:
(1) Devise CV where prime numbers figure in some fashion. Or Fibonacci. Or
perfect numbers.
(2) Design CV without a board, for example, where pieces competitively
mutate until one team's piece(s) exhaust.
(3) Battle Chieftain has one piece-type, legitimately. Design CV with no
piece-types. Instead, for one example, have a royal square to be
''checkmated'' by confinement of moving squares. Is it Go then? Or Go-like? Or think of something else befitting no piece-types, while yet staying reasonably Chess-like.
(4) Design CV based on Joe Joyce's Garage (see that recent thread).
(5) CV using Luotuoqi as finalized(year 2003).
(6) CV keying off Meiriqi(Beautiful Sun), reducing its concept to manageable 8x8.
(7) Design some CV with legitimate move retraction without time travel.
(8) Devise a CV based on sound. (9) Write a suitable prequel to Nemeroth including rules-set. (10) There are very few three-player Chesses, and none of them are much more than adequate for what David Pritchard called a natural idea.
At start of 20th Century David Hilbert posed couple of dozen unsolved math
problems for the century. The list will be extended beyond ten of
unsolved or unexplored CV problems.

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 08:18 PM UTC:
How many criteria must you meet to qualify?

I wouldn't like too many restrictions, but I'm pretty **** at designing unrestricted.

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 08:52 PM UTC:
I'll try to do one involving numbers.

George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 10:13 PM UTC:
Take (8) Synaesthesia Chess. Only the one criterion, namely, sound implies
sight, or sight sound. So they are to be any board size, number of piece-types
and Mutators that suit you. Or if John can please start with (1) sub 'a' prime numbers, for his first CV, that
is reasonable because there are many of them for 8x8, if matching squares
and primes, over 1/4 the board: 2,3,5,7,11...61. (Eventually the percentage falls off drastically by some well-known formulas, 14.6% by 500, for large boards.)

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 10:28 PM UTC:
I have an idea. How about a game where there is no physical board, but,
rather, the moves are played on a reduced piano, where each square has a note?

George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 10:45 PM UTC:
Actually, the last version of Baseball Chess is right here this very thread
as its first comment. It has an equally good puzzle not yet answered:
''Moving or pitching first raises one baffling asymmetry of ethical
dimension. The minimal appropriate counter-measure to balance is sought.
Please enter any other good alternative equaliser(s), specifying 9-square
or 8-square:_________________________________.  Would modern Baseball
itself be secular or sacrosanct? And Caissa herself, goddess of Art,
Sport, Science or Religion?'' Given the 18 primes between 1 and 64
corresponding to squares, what would be a best piece mix and mutator,
John, to utilize them and make a prime-number CV? That is the sort of
question seriously asked the duration of 2009, represented by these first 10 posers.

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 3, 2009 10:53 PM UTC:
I'm thinking something where the numbers themselves are not prime, but
pieces can only interact, or cannot interact, with coprime-numbered
pieces. I don't like the thought of squares having numbers because it's too asymmetrical.

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jan 8, 2009 05:05 PM UTC:
Late to the CV spectacle? What other crying needs may there be to perform?
Of the first ten (3.January.2008) especially urgent are (8) a CV based on
sound and (10) a good Three-Player Chess. Now we add: (11) Alice Chess
must not remain forever sacrosanct, because 128 squares are too big. Who
darest burst that glass ceiling? Describe an effective Alice with
something original on 64 to 100 squares. (12) Are there other geometries of connectivity for spaces or cells than triangle, square, hexagon, pentagon?
(13) Devise CV where the board moves in segments whilst the pieces stay put.
(14) How would a CV work where move-turn order is negotiable? Where win
condition is negotiable?
(15) Start a CV in 3-d and flatten it to 2-d.
(16) Design a CV with two moving alternatives taken in one move and then
''collapse the wave function'' later systematically into one pathway
taken only. (17) Make pieces into letters and let there be a race to spell
a word. This technique would be isomorphic with just getting certain pieces
in a line. (18) Design one-path piece-type that only moves by bouncing off
other pieces after some of Winther's bifurcators as prototypes. (19)
Improve what GM Sam Reshevsky endorsed, Zonal Chess. (20) Meld ''Chess
and ______.'' (a) Chess and Tetraktys (b) Chess and Maze (c) Chess and
Maize (hint: eating is done at table for chess.) (d) Chess and paint by
numbers (e) Chess and 4-Colour map theorem (f) Chess winds

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jan 8, 2009 05:23 PM UTC:
Chess board-shapes can be imaginative. See Tetrahedral Chess, Zigzag Chess et al.
in index. Try different shapes: (21) CV with board like capital E or M (22)
Trapezoid, or pyramid for 3-d (23) Ellipsoid different from Spherical Chess
(24) CV having profile of Abraham Lincoln (penny) or George Washington
(quarter), or other recognizable personage or Deity (25) Name a
geographical area and make the CV playing surface in its shape. For example, Italy could
become boot and heel, West Virginia wheelbarrow. (26) Design a CV
following pattern of some Rube Goldberg device. (27) Use Missoum's Knot
Chess as starting point for shapes of a knot. (28) There are at least three infinite chesses. Robert Bell's is especially appropriate because of John Bell's theorem that reality is indeed nonlocal. What would be your unique infinite version after the fashion? (29) Flying Kittens are relatively undeveloped. Adapt Jeremy Good's Fabulous Flying Kittens having toroidal connectivity and pictured as mere rectangle, to unusual topological shape, to help visualize the moves. (3) Is dodecahedron necessary for Webball? If so describe a variant of it. If not, explain how sphere will suffice.

John Smith wrote on Wed, Jan 21, 2009 01:14 AM UTC:
How about a Chess variant played on the edges of a hexagonal board?

George Duke wrote on Wed, Jan 21, 2009 05:52 PM UTC:
That would be related to Tetraktys. Tetraktys Chess, that got accidently
deleted -- a very rare occurrence at CVPage, when the site shut down for
24 hours once. I have Tetratkys in a notebook; and problems 30-49.

George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 24, 2009 06:14 PM UTC:
(30) Chess Unequal Armies has same rules and different pieces. Design CV
where both sides play by different Rules and the same pieces. Make
opposite rules as divergent as possible but evenly matched. (31) Design
3-D CVs using solids other than cubes. After all, 2-D has triangles,
squares and hexagons. Draw a diagram. (32) Transporter cells are
underutilized by players in Conveyor, Warp Point and Jacks & Witches. Devise CVs where players are more likely to use transportation, or teleport, locations advantageously. (33) Kidnap the King as win condition like Hitchhiker Chess without that one's hole; holes prohibited. (34) Make a CV where King is a Pawn able to promote at least once, possibly inviolably. (35) Contrary to the preceding '34', use the principle ''use it or lose it'' respecting the King. Define CV where if strong King (such as Complete Permutation Chess) does not move at intervals, he begins to lose strength in demotion. (36) Further, design CV where pieces (not King) generally lose power insofar as they are not moved. IOW, one or more piece-types have progressive attrition in movement capability unless moved. (37) Mediaeval Arabs made thousands of Shatranj mates-in-two -three -four. Make mates in two, three, and four for mediaeval German Gala. (38) Devise mates in two and three for millennium-old Hnefatafl. (39) Design CV where one single over-proliferated species human(cancerous?) is purported ''mind'' and all the other struggling species the ''body'' (choose a few of the 10-30 million species left). Base it alternatively on climate change, deforestation or pollution, mindfully, or mindlessly as you will. (40) Design CV where time is no factor, for example, a certain configuration is sought (or fought, aught or bought).  (41) The first game board came from fishing nets 10,000-30,000 years ago, when goddess ascendant. What was the first piece? Why? Which came first, piece or profile? Sand or surface?

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 24, 2009 08:09 PM UTC:
Forgetful Chess: Pieces start out with their normal moves. If a piece does
not move in a certain way for X turns, it 'forgets' how to move that
way. Multi-move variant recommended.

John Smith wrote on Sat, Jan 31, 2009 01:54 AM UTC:
Tile Qi - XQ played on squares of a 9x10 board with all Palace pieces
removed and all Palace squares removed bar the Generals' starting
squares, which function and move in the same way as XQ Generals, but can
additionally have friendly pieces 'piggy-back' on it, moving with it as
it moves. Pieces cannot move onto squareless spaces, but can pass them.

One down. Your score, Mr. Duke?

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