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Chess Morality XII: Piece-Makers. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Aug 7, 2008 11:29 PM UTC:
Gelman cites Farmer's 1967 ''Riders of the Purple Wage'' with respect to Betza's ''Worth Than Worthless.'' By coincidence, in our collection and used here is the same P.J. Farmer's chessic quote from novelette 'Sail On, Sail On' as introduction: ''Black and White, they presented a solid Chessboard of the seemingly empty cosmos....'' Test question: Is ''As live as a bird and dead as a stone'' Simile or Metaphor?

Anonymous wrote on Thu, Aug 7, 2008 11:47 PM UTC:

Anonymous wrote on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 10:53 PM UTC:

💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 11:07 PM UTC:
Both correct, broadly speaking, well simile wins. The ''double rhymes'' are hard. Battered by rockets, scattered in pockets. Perish the notions, cherish the motions. They would be written out with other interesting rhymes month or year before finding a use. Similarly, I had ''The Glowth'' to replace The Big Bang, too late to enter after 'Sky & Telescope's' contest in 1993. Judges Carl Sagan and Hugh Downs rejected all 13,000 entries and Big Bang sticks. I would enter The Glowth if they ever hold it again and finally published the Glowth 2003 in Poem XI ''Pleiadic Dialogue,'' the one right before this one. It might stand a chance. What would you name the Big Bang -- which after all Fred Hoyle came up with derisively in 1949? It was a serious year-long contest pre-Internet days. Hoyle's and others' Steady State had equal billing through the 1950's until physicists found the cosmic background radiation.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 08:47 PM UTC:
Millions of chess piece-types are possible (and impossible to be played), but seven are fundamental west and/or east. Any one of the millions of piece-types, some announced inventor can use words like ''interesting, challenging'' and frankly get away with it in CVPage. And they do as if original even though the piece-type, or near-equivalent, has been used over and over. Basically, Xiangqi is flawed because there is no distinguishing Cannon from Long Leaper or Grasshopper or ten or twenty others similar in modality and then saying one, Cannon in particular, or another is best or correct from group of Hoppers. That has nothing to do directly with the subject matter of Morality XII, but CMXII is my favourite so far. Whereas Xiangqi is flawed, in that for another example, there is no rationale for size of palace, Shogi the other standard, is simply arbitrary, having no sustaining logic. For playability, Xiangqi is excellent and Shogi poor. Again, the CM here does not address those two, Shogi and Xiangqi, yet accompanying Falcon Chess article has section on those other two Chesses for contrast. The reasoning for building blocks of OrthoChess, complementarity and completeness, does not exist elsewhere and assures its logical extension beyond 64 squares, to either 80 or 100. Moreover, mere 80 squares are still fewer than Shogi's 81 or Xiangqi's 90 spaces.

M Winther wrote on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 07:23 AM UTC:
No, my argument that the Mastodon/Pasha is an interesting piece
builds on a few games against my two Mastodon Chess variants
here (10x10) and here here (8x10). I exemplify with a Mastodon
king attack. Earlier, in this forum, Mr. Kaufmann gave an example of an
elegant Mastodon combination. Important endgame properties are
these: King + Mastodon wins against King + Bishop or Knight, and
draws against King + Queen. The Mastodon is stronger than a rook.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Dec 23, 2010 05:52 PM UTC:
Around year 1540 Rabelais' 'Gargantua V Chapter 25',, ends after the live performance ''How the Thirty-two Persons at the Ball Fought'' with the hostess' departure in the last paragraph, ''Queen Whims vanished, so that we saw her no more from that day to this.'' 
Don't believe any closure though, since She did survive, who inspired regina rabiosa, who had been with King Alphonso X for Grande Ajedrez having the Gryphon, and would resurface only year 1617 in Carrera's Centaur and Champion next-door to Rabelaisian France.  Queen Whims as Variants of Chess always in opposition to Caissan formalization. This ''CMXII:Piece-Makers'' exhibits right away the Falcon declaring ''Making such games out of full caprices.''  Synonymously, Caprices and Whims in to do what you will if fully in accord with nature.  By contrast actually representing the one Greek pantheon mortality is death of the great wilderness god Pan, already distorted, the true Pan memorialized this week exactly on accepted for convenience correspondent December 25 4 BCE?

💡📝George Duke wrote on Sat, Jan 22, 2011 05:29 PM UTC:
A celluloid glossed over this attempted annotation last month, still appropriate for the present extended solstitial/new year time., Queen Whims represents variants of chess and problemists' fancies, even Rabelais seems to be suggesting. So many doubled rhymes, unprecedented with meaning, come just from the paper-and-pencil game rhymie-stymie of long standing. Philip Jose Farmer died 2 years ago, author of 'World of Tiers' and 'Riverworld' series.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Wed, Sep 25, 2013 04:32 PM UTC:
What was happening 10 years ago? This Morality Number 12 ''Piece-makers'' appears ten years ago next week.  The unifying concepts always are that Chess itself is at the three-way interface of Reality, Abstraction, and Potentiality, driving motivation and human morality, and secondly that there are, or ought to have been, all these centuries not six but seven mathematically correct Chess pieces.

The mathematical basis for there being four fundamentals R, N, B, and F rests both on mutually exclusive arrival squares from centre of a 5x5 or 7x7 block of squares and differing unique modes of movement. Line pieces Rook and Bishop differ one from the other in that two Bishops are required to fill any space.  Since Rook and Bishop can continue outside a 5x5 and 7x7, or even 9x9, 11x11, there come to be derivative King and Queen, having the exact same eight-way directionality.

Knight and Falcon, correct oblique counterparts to Rook and Bishop, all four and all four only being fundamental, result in space-fillage with no square unreachable in one move by one or another of the four.  Now only Falcon in unique multi-path modality, neither B-R line-slider nor N leaper, has obvious characteristic of each of other three, among the four themselves.  The same cannot be said for Rook, nor for Bishop, nor for Knight; that is for example Bishop has not within herself an inherent or implicate Rook or Knight to be seen or derived.  So among the four basic units, Falcon is as first among equals.

Finally, Pawns -- interestingly alone potentially variable from a mathematical standpoint -- complete the 7-fold splittage within each poetic morality I to XX. Hence there are seven speakers brought to life each Poem, as it were seven buddhic manifestations or appearances, though all are one, or to become the one Chess and proper way of living.

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