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So this program can be downloaded again, I've taken the last full release of the program and made it available on my site:

Version 0.9.4 Released
This version fixes a nasty bug that was introduced a couple version ago that resulted in poor play and the computer moving pieces for the wrong side. A few other minor speed/evaluation ehancements have also been added, so this should be the strongest version to date.
Also, thanks to H. G. Muller, support for the WinBoard protocol has been added, making it much easier to pit ChessV against other engines.
There is no installation program; just unzip and run.

I believe his next chess engine (which can already play FIDE chess) does not have this issue.

Hi Greg! How are you? It's a very good program! I can help you with CWDA openings. Also I've invented new CWDA Army based on the king. It's called Mighty Men. If you like I'll tell you moves of pieces. Here you can see game playing:

Doing well, thanks! How are you? Sorry, been away for a while. I bounce in and out ... If you'd like to add lines to the CWDA opening book, I'd be happy to incorporate them in the next release. I'd also be happy to incorporate your Mighty Men army if there's nothing that makes it technically difficult. Can you describe the army?
I'm well. Invented two original chessvariants (Maorider Chess and Bungalow Shatranj) and some 'light' variants (not posted yet): Rookaba Shatranj, Rooks Chess. Mighty Men: Man (b,g lines) moves like a king (ferz + wazir). Benz (c,f lines) moves like a bishop forward or like a rook backward. Pioneer (a,h lines) moves like a man or like a rook forward or backward. Cyborg (d line) moves like wazir, dabbaba, knight or alfil. IT DOESN'T MOVE LIKE FERZ. Ok. I'll work on different openings for different armies. I'll post openings here.

Sam, your idea of having WinBoard force moves into an engine that refuses them by loading the engine with the position after the move works really great. I implemented in WinBoard now, under control of the option -forceIllegalMoves. In combenation with -testLegality false, this now allows me to completely autmatically play a Schoolbook-Chess match between ChessV and Fairy-Max. Now and then (about 10% of the games ChessV plays a non-standard castling, which then shows up in the PGN as Kf1h1 or Kf1b1, and Fairy-Max is simply restarted. It was a bit of a pain to implement it, because initially the engine will still think the opposite side is to move, and the WinBoard-protocol edit command (which Fairy-Max uses) does not alter that, and the commands that do are deprecated, so the side-to-move has to be flipped by playng a dummy move. But that works smoothly now. In reaction to some earlier remark you made: there was no reason for hacking WinBoard to suppress the popup after a match: there is a command-line option that controls it (-popupExitMessage false/true), which is remembered in the WinBoard settings file. I use PSWBTM to play the match, in stead of the scripts you use, and this uses that option automaticaly.
I could not find the download on your web page nor in the Winboard forum.
This will make Schoolbook 2010 a lot easier to implement.

ChessV 0.95 Released
After many years, I am releasing an updated version of ChessV. The previous version, 0.94 introduced a problem that actually greatly weakened playing strength from version 0.93. This version corrects that issue and adds other speed enhancements which should make this by far the strongest version.
ChessV can be downloaded from my new domain There is no installation program. Just download the correct version (32-bit or 64-bit), unzip, and run ChessV.exe.
Please note that, as some of you know, there is a new ChessV, version 2.0, rewritten completely from scratch that is forthcoming. Hopefully I'll be releasing that in the near future too, but that isn't what this is. This is a new version of the "classic" ChessV. I don't know if there will be any further releases of the classic version, but since version 0.94 had issues, it didn't seem right to leave that unfixed.
Changes from previous version:
- Multiple bug fixes, including one that seriously impacted playing strength
- Addition of Late Move Reductions (LMR), an engine feature that will further enhance playing strength
- Added support for Enep by Aurelian Florea
- Fixed a problem with Ralph Betza's Chess with Augmented Knights that I only discovered while trying to use it as a template for Enep. This has probably been broken for many versions. Actually, this Betza invention is so obscure, I had to dig pretty deeply to find the page for it.
- Updated the implementation of Joe Joyce's Modern Shatranj to reflect the new, simplified promotion rule. Previous versions actually did support the complex rule, but it required a special class to implement it (I couldn't just use the standard class the other Shatranj variants use.) This change allowed me to eliminate two files and over 100 lines of source code. Thanks, Joe, for agreeing to simplify things :)
Please let me know if you have any questions or issues with this version.

Great news, and congratulations. It is a really good thing that you took the trouble to fix the bugs that were inadvertantly introduced in 0.94, because that had some interesting new variants not supported by older versions (such as Spartan Chess, and, IIRC, even Xiangqi.) Now you can terminate this ground-breaking project with a polished product.
I clicked on the link for the 32-bit version, but I got the 64-bit version instead (which doesn't work on my computer). Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: never mind, I figured it out. Just had to change the URL manually. Got the right file.
Oops, it was linked to the incorrect file. Thank you for letting me know, Jospeh. It's been fixed.
I just watched an Enep game where the Enep knight has captured with an wazir move, this is not supposed to happen, could you please check?

You're right, something is definitely wrong with that. Thanks for letting me know, I'll take a look when I get a chance.
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