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I certainly think we should recognize software. I'd recognize: ChessV SMIRF Zillions and I'm practically brand-new, and internet unaware. As for people, that's a bit more difficult. I think this site should lionize Ralph Betza and David Pritchard. Ralph did all but everything, and David got it all written down. Hans Bodlaender certainly deserves a big hand for creating something awesome; and a number of CV editors have made truly significant contributions to the field of chess variants, in many different areas. This is where it gets tricky; notice I've only named people who, for one reason or another, are no longer active here. There are a number of designers who deserve to be recognized for outstanding work, but how do we do it? Voting comes to mind, maybe nominations. But should it be restricted to people like Vernon Rylands Parton and David Pritchard, who are no longer with us, like what's done for US postage stamps? I don't think so; good people need to be thanked and encouraged. Maybe we should have a CV Hall of Fame, where 'active players' can be voted in also.

As I said in my last comment here, I'm not all that internet savvy... For example, it did not occur to me in that post to mention another piece of free game software, Game Courier itself. I just sort of lumped it in with this site as a whole. It wasn't until about an hour later that the thought 'Oh, you *idiot*!' hit me. My apologies for leaving out another outstanding piece of software. I have noticed a lack of response to this topic. It's possible that almost everyone wants to be recognized, but no one wants to be crass enough to say so. What if we just recognized software now, and tabled other sorts of recognition?
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