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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Andy wrote on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 10:54 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Thank you for continuing to work on great program and making it available to all. 'Excellent' is not even high enough rating.

Sam Trenholme wrote on Tue, Oct 3, 2006 05:09 PM EDT:
I agree, excellent update. I'll have sample games available in a day or two.

- Sam

P.S. I liked Andy's last comment.

📝Greg Strong wrote on Tue, Oct 3, 2006 06:23 PM EDT:
Thanks for the comments, guys! Sadly, I'll be out of the country for a week and a half, so I probably won't be checking in. Ok, I guess I shouldn't say 'sadly' since I'm going on vacation :)

Andy wrote on Wed, Oct 4, 2006 11:27 PM EDT:
This version plays odd moves sometimes I noticed. I was in bad positions that I was able to turn into wins. Will there be a fix to this?

Abdul-Rahman Sibahi wrote on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 04:56 AM EDT:
For some reason, ChessV couldn't mate me with a queen and a king against a bare king (in Los Alamos)!!

Andy the First wrote on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 06:02 AM EDT:

We now have two people posting using name of Andy, it appears. Previous post was not mine. Either this is coincidence or someone wants to make it look like my posts. I will post as Andy the First now.

Sam Trenholme wrote on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 12:57 PM EDT:
Andy: Get an account so people can't pretend to be you.

ChessV getting fixed: If you have problems with ChessV, please make a complete bug report. 'I can sometimes win against ChessV, when will this be fixed?' is hardly a bug report that Greg Strong can use to fix the problem in question. If you have a problem with ChessV, please *save the game* so that Greg can look at the problem.

And, yes, I see that ChessV 0.9.1 Schoolbook game is weaker that its 0.9 game. For example, ChessV 0.9.1 was white, ChessV 0.9 was black and both sides had 60 seconds to think their move on a PIII 450 in this game:

1. Pawn f2 - f4
1. Pawn f7 - f5
2. Knight h1 - g3
2. Knight c8 - d6
3. Bishop g1 - d4
3. Pawn e7 - e6
4. Knight c1 - d3
4. Bishop d8 - f6
5. Knight d3 - e5
5. Marshall I8 - h6
6. Archbishop e1 - f3
6. Knight h8 - g6
7. Pawn e2 - e3
7. Queen b8 - d8
8. Knight g3 - h5
8. Knight g6 - h4
9. Archbishop f3 - e1
9. Knight d6 - e4
10. Pawn d2 - d3
10. Pawn c7 - c5
11. Pawn d3 x e4
11. Pawn c5 x d4
12. Pawn e3 x d4
12. Pawn f5 x e4
13. Knight h5 x f6
13. Marshall h6 x f6
14. Marshall I1 - h3
14. Knight h4 x I2
15. Pawn j2 - j3
15. Pawn d7 - d6
16. Rook j1 - I1 @ I1 0 0
16. Archbishop e8 - b5
17. Bishop d1 - e2
17. Archbishop b5 x d4
18. Knight e5 - g4
18. Knight I2 - j4
19. Marshall h3 - f2
19. Archbishop d4 x f2
20. Knight g4 x f2
20. Marshall f6 - f5
21. Rook I1 - I3 @ I3 0 0
21. Marshall f5 x f4
22. Rook I3 - I4 @ I4 0 0
22. Marshall f4 - f5
23. Archbishop e1 - d2
23. Pawn e4 - e3
24. Archbishop d2 - e4
24. Queen d8 - j2
25. Archbishop e4 x f5
25. Pawn e6 x f5
26. Bishop e2 - d3
26. Queen j2 x h2
27. Bishop d3 x f5
27. Knight j4 - h5
28. King f1 - e2 @ e2 0 0
28. Knight h5 - g3
29. King e2 x e3 @ e3 0 0
29. Knight g3 x I4
30. Queen b1 - I1
30. King f8 - d8 Rook a8 - e8 @ e8 0 0 @ d8 0 0
Finally, Greg is on vacation, so fixes will take a few weeks.

- Sam

Other Andy wrote on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 09:36 PM EDT:

Sorry I didn't see there was another Andy here till after I posted. I don't think I have a bug report really it's just that I had 2 other versions of ChessV and they used to win like 70% of the time. It's just my 1st game of Berlina I won with 0.91, my 2nd was with Polymorph and I won and I usually don't do good in that game, my 3rd game was Grotesteque and I won!

I don't think I ever won 3 games in a row with ChessV ever so either 0.91 is weaker somehow or I just got like super lucky!

📝Greg Strong wrote on Fri, Oct 6, 2006 05:34 AM EDT:
Well, although I am in the Ukraine, I have managed to get access to the
Internet :)

Strange that version 0.9.1 is weaker...  I did fix some problems related
to end-of-game detection with Kinglet, Extinction, and other games with
strange victory conditions.  It sounds like I have interjected other
problems... *sigh*  Not being able to beat you with a queen against a lone
king in los alamos is pretty bad.  I will take a look as soon as I get
back.  Thanks for play-testing for me.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Oct 7, 2006 09:39 PM EDT:
I was just looking over the extensability.doc that comes with ChessV, and I was pleased to see that Greg chose one of my games for the example. However, the example doesn't work. Grotesque Chess does not follow the same rules as Capablanca Chess, and so it cannot be derived from it by changing the opening position, as the example does. The two games differ on the rule used for castling. In Capablanca Chess, the King moves three spaces to castle, whereas in Grotesque Chess, the King may move two, three or four spaces to castle.

📝Greg Strong wrote on Sun, Oct 8, 2006 05:10 AM EDT:
The example does not have following line?

$castling-type = 'flexible'

If not, then that is an error in the documentation, and I'll fix it.
NOTE: those should be double-quotes... the chessvariants comment system changes them to single-quotes.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sun, Dec 3, 2006 09:11 AM EST:
hey Greg, thanks for adding the option to play 'Capablanca Shatranj' variants with your program!! I heard (thru the grapevine) about big things coming up for ChessV program too :))

Hoover wrote on Fri, Dec 8, 2006 05:37 PM EST:
Where is the new Chess V at?

Fibnif wrote on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 09:29 AM EST:
It seems ChessV is no longer available. What happened?

Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 01:59 PM EST:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Derek Nalls wrote on Mon, Dec 18, 2006 02:23 PM EST:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

📝Greg Strong wrote on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 07:43 PM EST:

ChessV version 0.9.2 released

Program (and source code) may be downloaded from

There is no install program - just unzip and run chessv.exe. NOTE: When un-zipping, be sure to preserve the folder structure. The Windows decompression wizard does this automatically. If you have an old version of ChessV, you can unzip this on top of the old version.

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 11:43 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
Thanks Greg! Wonderful.

Derek Nalls wrote on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 11:57 PM EST:
Congratulations! Welcome back. Is this new web site safe from saboteurs?

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jan 5, 2007 10:23 AM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
yeah, welcome back, cool!

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Fri, Jan 5, 2007 05:15 PM EST:
Greg, you may wish to consider creating your own link page that you can update as you wish. If you do, we can remove this one.

M Winther wrote on Sat, Jan 6, 2007 01:34 AM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
It gets better and better. Please consider adding Chess256 to v1.0. Of
course. everybody cannot expect to have their personal variants added, but
this one is rather easy to implement, and it is a good training concept for
'orthodox' chess players who have no help from opening theory from the
first move, while the positions are very similar to normal chess.

📝Greg Strong wrote on Sat, Jan 6, 2007 10:22 AM EST:
Sure thing. It does look like it will be easy to implement.

Fibnif wrote on Sun, Jan 7, 2007 10:48 AM EST:
This version is stronger but it has new strange bugs like moving the player's pieces, and if you take back it says 'assert failed'

📝Greg Strong wrote on Tue, Jan 9, 2007 09:49 AM EST:
Thanks. A couple of strange problems have been reported, two that I've been able to reproduce, so I should have no trouble fixing them. I'm heading out of the country today for a week and a half, but I hope to post an update when I return.

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