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Jianying Ji - thanks for indicating a desire to see more problems. Fergus - thanks for you suggestion.. That is a very good idea. And in that way we get: (a) a better diagram graphic (b) don't have to worry about missing an e-mail; (c) players can move pieces around... and (d) save memory space. Comments (at the pre-set) would be a good place to list the solvers and perhaps the solution (after a week or 2 of solving time alloted. I'll try to find time to add one later today. Best regards to all.
How do I remove my last comment? The one with the
Gary, Technically, you have not provided your latest problem as a preset. You have provided it as a viewable game. As a consequence, users cannot enter Move mode to move pieces around. To provide it as a preset, you need to make it in Edit mode by editing the FEN code directly, not by entering a bunch of moves.
Thanks for (a) removing the comment, and (b) recommending the problem submission for #7. Now I need to see what FEN code editing is. :( On another note, regarding problem # 6: Fergus Duniho, Thomas J. McElmurry, and Jianying Ji correctly solved it, making them the only ones who have sentt correct solutions to all 6 problems. The solution to problem 6 will appear Friday, so there is still time to make the solvers list.
Fergus - The jpegs of movement-tables and other text-only graphics have been replaced by HTML text. The DX Problem Diagram Jpegs have also been removed and the page now loads very fast. I just noticed a link to Problem # 7 under CV 'What's New.' The pre-set allows you to move the pieces so it is sort of a like a chess problem in a book, only you can move the diagram pieces around. I do not know if this is the problem I created in the Game Courier, or if someone else re-did it. If it is the second case, I'd like to thank whoever re-worked it. If it is the first case I need to know so I can use the same method to make future problems. I can e-mail the set of the first 6 problems to those who should want them.
Hey, Antoine, I believe the answer is 'no'. Pieces cannot change dimensions and land on top of another piece. I didn't see anything in the rules, but I found it implied in the comments: 2006-06-23 Gary Gifford Verified as Gary Gifford None ...In my current game with Jeremy, though I have the White pieces I did not obtain an opening advantage and I now have an enemy Spider very close to my King. I am busy trying to block landing points so his Trans-Dimensional Creatures don't appear on my Fide-board... 2006-07-26 Gary Gifford Verified as Gary Gifford None In my game with Jeremy, currently in progress, there was a swift and powerful attack by black (Jeremy)... I had to occupy critical squares on the FIDE board to stop his DX creatures from making a devastating appearance. After blocking them I was able... Sneaky of you to ask during my move ;-) Now I gotta wait for the official answer, lol.
As it might be relevant to this discussion, I will quote [2006-06-18] Gary Gifford: Jianying: Thanks for the very important question. Yes, normal chess pieces can capture Dimension X pieces [on the FIDE board], providing that the piece making the capture is not 'stuck' by an enemy Spider. I've just made this issue more clear in the rules. Thanks again.
This page needs a rewrite. I also keep seeing these: .--. |FF| |FD| .--.
Hi Greg. To your very good question. 'Pawns can be 'pinched' back to the first rank. Can they then make a double move? What if they take a single step back to their starting rank - can they make a double move then?'
Answer: No. Though not stated in the rules, pawns can only move 2 spaces from the second rank. So, a pawn that was knocked back to the first rank would need to move 1 space to reach the second rank. On its next move or after it could then move 2 spaces.
Not enemy pieces. As stated in the rules, 'Spiders automatically immobilize all adjacent enemy pieces (including an adjacent enemy Crab and an adjacent enemy Cobra)... Enemy pieces in a web remain immobilized until such a time that the capturing Spider either returns to Dimension X or is captured. Spiders have no effect on other Spiders.'
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