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Comments by FergusDuniho
![A contest or tournament](/index/contest.gif)
I just got a new idea concerning how I could handle the approval poll. Instead of having a period of time for you all to get new presets made, I could start the poll sooner by creating a polling page that would automatically update itself whenever new presets are added to the site. Basically, it would use the same database as the index pages do, so that it could automatically list all games there are presets for. As for the name of each checkbox field, I could use the ID given to the page. I may need some help from David Howe on implementing it, but I'm sure it could be done.
Because there are already over 90 presets, and it may reach 100 soon, I'm thinking of requiring votes for a minimum of 20 games. I think it needs to be this large to provide some reasonable chance of overlap between how people vote. Let me know if you think 20 is a reasonable minimum or if it should be higher or lower. I expect there are some people here who could easily pick 20 or more, while there are others who don't know that many variants yet. Would 20 be too much to ask of newcomers?
I have two ideas for how the tournament can be run. One is to do it as a set of concurrent sub-tournaments. Each sub-tournament would focus on a single game, and it would consist of a series of elimination rounds to determine a champion. The champion of the tournament as a whole would be whoever is champion of the most sub-tournaments. Prizes would be awarded for championship in each sub-tournament, and a bonus prize would be given for winning the whole tournament. By this method, winners would play more games than losers. The other idea is for everyone to play the same number of games. Points would be given for each win or draw, and the whoever scored the most points would win the tournament. This is how the last multivariant tournament was done. With each method, appropriate methods of tie-breaking would be employed if needed. Let me know your thoughts on which method you prefer and what reasons you have for favoring one or the other.
I'm thinking the ideal format for the tournament will depend on how many people sign up for it. If only a few people sign up, then it will be feasible for everyone to play everyone else at all the games. If a moderate number sign up, then my sub-tournament idea would work well. It may be best suited for somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 players. With that many, each sub-tournament would have 3 rounds. If 4 rounds isn't too much of a burden, then it could handle up to 16 players. Something like what Antoine suggests may be suitable for larger numbers. I've also been thinking of a series of elimination rounds from one variant to the next, which I think was part of what he suggested. Another possiblity for large numbers would be to place different groups of 8 into different sub-tournaments.
Geeks may often turn to Chess, because they are not good at the things many recognizably cool people are good at, such as sports and partying. But this does not mean that anyone who likes and plays Chess is not cool. Chess is very cool. It is a very challenging game of intellect and strategy that appeals to people who enjoy using their minds. Using your mind is cool. Not using it is not cool. But what does cool even mean? One meaning of cool is to be calm, collected, and in control of yourself. If you're to do well in Chess, it really helps to be cool in this sense. However, in this sense, you may be cool in one context and not in another. You could be calm, collected, and in control when playing Chess but shy and awkward at a party. Perhaps the people we most often think of as cool show their coolness mainly in social contexts. Think of the Fonz, for example. Another meaning of cool listed in my dictionary is fashionable. This sense of cool is rather fleeting. Raccoon coats were cool in their time, and now they're not. Someone who is cool in any really important sense is not a slave to fashion. A cool person knows what she likes and doesn't consider it important if others don't like it too. If you find something about Chess that you like, and if what you find in Chess makes your life more fulfilling, then it is cool for you to like Chess.
![A contest or tournament](/index/contest.gif)
Since you're lobbying for your favorite games, I'll add a few words on some of them, then do some lobbying of my own. It's just possible that we're biased, because we created the game, but Kamikaze Mortal Shogi is truly a great game. I would even recommend it above my other games. I daresay I even find it more interesting than Shogi. Moving on to Pocket Polypiece. During the 43-square contest, I thought this game would be the strongest competition for my own entry, Voidrider Chess. I was surprised that it didn't win a placing. When I played it against Zillions, I found it to be an intriguing game with interesting new tactics. I'll start my lobbying with recommendations among my own games. Besides Kamikaze Mortal Shogi, my favorites among my own games currently include Bedlam, Voidrider Chess, Interdependent Chess, Clockwork Orange Chess, Eurasian Chess, British Chess, Grand Cavalier Chess, and Storm the Ivory Tower. Bedlam, Clockwork Orange Chess, and Interdependent Chess may appeal to fans of Shogi and Chessgi. Eurasian Chess, British Chess, and Grand Cavalier Chess may appeal to fans of Chinese Chess or Grand Chess. Storm the Ivory Tower may appeal to fans of Chinese Chess, Korean Chess, or Smess. Among other games, my favorites include Shogi, Chinese Chess, and Hostage Chess. David Pritchard called Hostage Chess the Chess variant of the decade, revoking that title from Magnetic Chess. Unfortunately, my very favorite game can't be done on Game Courier. But, for the sake of context, I'll mention that it's Knightmare Chess.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
I'll quickly mention some updates I made to Game Courier today. There are now three kinds of automated move instead of just one. There is a pre-game automated move that is performed only once before the game starts. There is an automatic move that by default regularly follows each move. And there is an automatic move that regularly follows the second player's move. When this is set, the default automatic move is performed only after the first player's move. Note that few games use automated moves, but they're there for games that can use them, such as Motorotor and Brand X Random Chess. There is now a shuffle command, which is useful mainly for automated moves. It should be followed by a series of space-separated coordinates. It then shuffles the contents of these coordinates. I used it to randomize the position of pieces in Brand X Random Chess. It will also be useful for other random phenomena, such as Chess dice. But I still haven't tried that out. The results of past randomness in a game is preserved by using the same seed throughout the game. Each game gets its own seed. The same seed is used to initialize the pseudo random number generator, and the same random numbers are calculated in the same order whenever a log is loaded.
![A reference work](/index/reference.gif)
The section on automated moves is now added. It also gives details on random moves.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
I added more commands to Game Courier today. They include capture, change, conserve, convert, delete, empty, kamikaze, remove, reverse, rotate, shift, and swap. I made some commands simply because I knew I could, and I figure they might come in handy for something. I made some others with specific games in mind. Details are in the Developer's Guide. While they can be used by players in the Moves field, they are designed mainly for use with the automated moves.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
Tony, I think you misunderstood what random was asking about. He's not offering a new variant; he is asking if we have the rules for Korean Chess. We do have them here: http://www.chessvariants.com/oriental.dir/koreanchess.html
![An article on pieces](/index/piece.gif)
Your claim that 2D hexagonal boards have triagonals and no diagonals is completely mistaken. Triagonal movement is 3D in nature and does not exist on a 2D board. Furthermore, triagonal seems to be a mislogism based on an inaccurate etymology of diagonal. The 'di' in diagonal does not mean two. Rather, it is just the first two letters of 'dia', a Greek root meaning through. So, diagonal literally means 'through angles,' or as it's given in the dictionary 'from angle to angle.' On an appropriately colored hexagonal board, you can see diagonally connected spaces in the same color. A diagonal line of spaces on a hexagonal board is one you can draw through the angles of the hexagons. As for the mislogism of triagonal, it should be abandoned in favor of the more accurate term '3D diagonal.' As for your article as a whole, I take it with a grain of salt. You have not provided any compelling reasons for any of your suggestions. And some of your suggestions are laughable. I shall never call the Rook+Ferz combination a CHATELAINE, a word that is pure jabberwocky to me. Besides this, your article is very terse and hard to follow, and it takes a stuffy and officious tone on matters that are not up to you to make rulings on. You can name pieces in your own games whatever you want, and you may try to open discussions on what names should be standard for various pieces, but your article does neither. It is mainly just a list of your preferences, given without adequate defense or explanation, in a manner that tries to lay down the law instead of opening discussion on the issue.
I didn't say authoritarian, because it is not what I meant. I said stuffy and officious. I choose my words carefully and ask you not to make a straw man of what I said by misquoting me.
What dictionaries does triagonal appear in? It is not in Webster's 10th, and it is not listed at dictionary.com. Although it does appear in the OED, where it is described as an erroneous formation of trigonal, the only definition given for it is triangular. The word is new to me, probably because I don't play 3D games, and my objection to it arose from Gilman's erroneous contrast between triagonal and diagonal, which suggested that triagonal movement is not diagonal. As he said, hexagonal boards 'have a triagonal but no diagonal.' Well, if that is what he truly believes, then he is unaware of what you have just told me, that triagonal is just a compression of tri-diagonal, for anything that is tri-diagonal is still diagonal. My objection to the word stands because of the confusion it can cause. While I'm on the subject, I'll mention that this confusion has also been engendered by our regular misuse of the word orthogonal, of which I have also been guilty. The word orthogonal really means at right angles. The directions that a Rook can move on a chessboard can be described as orthogonal, because they are really at right angles to each other. But it is just a relation between the two directions, meaning the same thing as perpendicular, not an independent quality shared by each direction. The most accurate word I can think of to describe the quality shared by the directions Rooks can move on square and hexagonal boards is lateral. Anyway, our misuse of the word orthogonal and our correct use of diagonal has led to the mistaken notion that gonal is a proper root for use in any neologism that describes an axis of movement in Chess variants. Gonal comes from a Greek word for angle. Diagonal movement goes through angles. So-called orthogonal movement goes through sides. To use common English, we could speak of corner-wise movement and side-wise movement. For 3D games, we could speak of corner-wise movement, edge-wise movement, and face-wise (or side-wise) movement. When we use these plain English terms, we can see that triagonal and diagonal are the same thing. They are both corner-wise movement. In Raumschach, the Unicorn is the true 3D counterpart of the Bishop, and it is the Bishop of Raumschach, not the Bishop of hexagonal Chess, that does not move diagonally. It is called a Bishop, because some of its movements through the cubic spaces of Raumschach look like 2D diagonal moves from a flatland perspective, but it, and not the Unicorn, is the truly novel piece in Raumschach.
I wrote the following offline, and it is not a response to anything since my last comment. I will come back later and look at what has been written since. This discussion has helped me see more clearly that there are two alternate methods for describing movement across a board, each equally valid and each useful for boards on which the other isn't. One method describes movement in terms of the geometrical relations between spaces, and the other describes movement in terms of the mathematical relations between coordinates. On the usual 8x8 chessboard, not to mention any 2D board of square spaces, these two approaches converge. The two main geometrical relations on a square board are diagonal and lateral. A diagonal direction is one that goes through opposite corners of a space, while a lateral direction is one that goes through opposite sides of a space. The mathematical relations between coordinates concern how many axes change in the movement of a piece. In Chess, a Rook's movement changes its place on only one axis, while a Bishop's movement changes its place on both axes. In terms of these mathematical relations, the Rook's movement can be described as uniaxial, and the Bishop's can be described as biaxial. More specifically, the Bishop's movement is uniformly biaxial. The Knight's movement is also biaxial, for it too changes its place on both axes, but it does so unevenly, moving across one axis more than it does the other. In Chess, a Rook's movement is both lateral and uniaxial, and the Bishop's movement is both diagonal and uniformly biaxial. This convergence is a coincidence caused by the fit between the geometry and the coordinate system of the chessboard. Let's now examine the divergence of these two approaches. A 2D hexagonal board has two axes. In Glinkski's Hexagonal Chess, the two axes are vertical and horizontal, as in Chess, but the horizontal axis corresponds with diagonal, rather than lateral, lines of spaces. In the generalized approach to hexagonal coordinates used by Game Courier, both axes describe lateral lines of spaces, but they intersect at 60 and 120 degree angles instead of at right angles. Whichever method of coordinates you use for a hexagonal board, the geometrical approach and the mathematical approach no longer converge. In Glinski's Hexagonal Chess, for example, the Bishop sometimes moves uniaxially, and the Rook has only one line of uniaxial movement. Using the other method, the Bishop always moves biaxially, through not always uniformly so, while the Rook has only two lines of uniaxial movement, and its movement across the other line is biaxial. So, for a hexagonal board, the mathematical approach breaks down, and only the geometrical approach is useful. For a 3D board, the mathematical approach is useful and commonly used. In addition to uniaxial and biaxial movement, it introduces triaxial movement, which is movement that changes the place of a piece on all three axes of a 3D board. Although the mathematical approach is useful for 3D boards, the geometrical method can also be used. Diagonal movement goes through opposite corners of a cubic space; lateral movement goes through opposite faces; and edgewise movement goes through opposite edges. Although both approaches can be used for a 3D board, they no longer converge. Although lateral movement remains uniaxial, diagonal movement is no longer biaxial. Instead, it is triaxial. In Raumschach, a well-known 3D variant, the Bishop of Chess has been replaced by two pieces, one still called a Bishop and the other called a Unicorn. The Raumschach Bishop moves biaxially but not diagonally; the Unicorn moves diagonally but not biaxially. No piece in Raumschach can move both diagonally and biaxially at the same time. Although either approach can be used for 3D Chess, only the mathematical approach is really useful for 4D and higher dimensional games. The geometrical approach is useful for both 2D and 3D games, because we can easily visualize 2D and 3D geometrical relations. But it is much more difficult, if not impossible, to visualize 4D relations. On a 4D tesseract board, each space would be a tesseract, but who can visualize a tesseract? I can't. But the mathematical approach doesn't require visualization of multi-dimensional shapes, and it is easily adapted to endlessly multiple dimensions. So, for a 4D game, we would just add tetraxial movement, then pentaxial for 5D, then hexaxial for 6D, etc. In trying to play such games, we would be pushing our own limitations, but we would not be pushing any limitations of the mathematical model for describing piece movement. It could adequately describe movement on boards of any number of dimensions. One practical use of the mathematical approach is for describing the movement of pieces to a computer. Computers have no understanding of geometry and can do geometrical calculations only by having the geometry reduced to mathematics. In creating ZRFs for Zillions of Games, for example, we define directions in terms of the changes in coordinates. The computer has no understanding of the spaces as squares, cubes, or hexagons. All it knows are coordinates and how directions of movement change coordinates. Despite our inability to describe the movement of pieces to a computer using the geometrical method, it remains a perfectly valid method for describing movement, and it is well-suited for human understanding of piece movement. Let me now turn to the word triagonal, which started this line of thought. This word creates confusion, because it tries to conflate two different methods of describing piece movement, the geometrical and mathematical. Since it is used to describe the triaxial movement of the Unicorn, and given that it shares 'agonal' with diagonal and 'di' is sometimes a root meaning two while 'tri' means three, it misleadingly suggests a contrast with diagonal. In actuality, there is no contrast between the meaning of triagonal and diagonal. Triagonal has one of two meanings. It either describes movement that is both triaxial and diagonal, or it describes any triaxial movement. We can safely assume that it is not synonomous with diagonal; otherwise, there would have been no use for this neologism. If it describes movement that is both triaxial and diagonal, it no more contrasts with diagonal than integer contrasts with real, for all integers are real numbers. If triagonal is synonymous with triaxial, then there is no more contrast between triagonal and diagonal than there is between even and prime. A number can be both even and prime, as 2 is, or neither, as 4 is, or odd and prime, as 1 is, or odd and not prime, as 9 is. Likewise, a line of movement can both triaxial and diagonal, neither, or one and not the other. No matter which definition of triagonal we go with, it sows confusion. In both cases, it suggests a contrast that does not exist. While the meaning of diagonal can be found in its roots, which are 'dia' for through and 'gonal' for angles, the meaning of triagonal cannot be found in its roots. Going by the roots of the word, all it should mean is triangular, which does not describe a kind of movement. If triagonal describes movement that is both triaxial and diagonal, it's a term that does not clearly belong to either method of describing piece movement, and its use is limited to games where triaxial movement and diagonal movement converge. If it is synonomous with triaxial, we would avoid confusion by abandoning the word in favor of the more accurate triaxial, whose meaning actually is contained in its roots. Triaxial has the added advantage of fitting into a group of terms that progressively describe movement along increasing numbers of axes. If we followed the model of triagonal, we might say that a 6D game has hexagonal movement, and that would be terribly confusing. In short, using the word triagonal invites confusion, and Gilman's description of the hexagonal Bishop's movement as triagonal but not diagonal is evidence of this confusion. By clearly distinguishing between the two alternate methods for describing piece movement, we can avoid further confusion.
One way to think of orthogonal is to take the ortho to mean right in a more normative sense than in the sense of meaning 90 degrees, such as we do with the word orthodox. Orthogonal movement would be movement that naturally follows the geometry of the board, that doesn't stray from the path by going through corners. We might say that orthogonal movement is movement in an orthodox direction. This would be consistent with our current use of the word.
Tony P., I have not distorted any word. With respect to orthogonal, I am simply suggesting a sense that works with our current usage. I don't have to redefine orthogonal to allow for three orthogonal paths to intersect on a hexagonal board, because current usage of the word already allows for this. The term point-paths does not work for me, because I play Chinese Chess, which is played on points, and these points are connected by orthogonal lines. Calling something a point-path doesn't tell me whether the lines of movement going through the points are orthogonal or diagonal. Diagonal is already a common English word that perfectly describes the movement I think you are describing with point-paths.
Mark, My objection to triagonal is not that it is based on confusion, but that it invites confusion. The fact that it invites confusion does diminish it in my regard. My main point is that there are two alternate methods of describing piece movement, and triagonal does not fit neatly with either method. Instead of using this confusing term, we should use terms that clearly identify one method or the other.
Here are my conclusions on this matter. First, diagonal is a geometric term that has nothing at all to do with specific kinds of changes in coordinates. On a 2D board, the meaning of diagonal is unambiguous. It describes movement that runs through opposite corners of a space. In 3D and higher dimensional games, it becomes ambiguous, because there are different kinds of diagonal movement. In a 3D game, you can distinguish between diagonal movement that runs through the vertices of 3D spaces, what Parton calls vertexel, as well as diagonal movement that runs through opposite corners formed by two edges instead of three. It is appropriate to distinguish these two kinds of diagonal movement as bi-diagonal and tri-diagonal. Contrary to what I said earlier, tri-diagonal does not mean triaxial, and it does not mean triaxial and diagonal. Rather, it describes the geometric property of movement that runs through opposite vertices of a polyhedron. It is a useful term for any multidimensional game beyond 2D. For 4D and up, we can add tetra-diagonal, penta-diagonal, etc. As distinguished from tri-diagonal movement, bi-diagonal movement runs through opposite corners formed by only two sides. The Bishops in Chess, Raumschach, and Hexagonal Chess are all bi-diagonal movers. Thus, Bishop is an appropriate name for the piece which has it in both Raumschach and Hexagonal Chess. Gilman has described a property shared by the Bishops in Chess and Raumschach but not Hexagonal Chess. What he has described is the property of uniform biaxial movement, not the property of bi-diagonal movement. My main point has been that there are two different methods of describing piece movement, and each method should have its own terminology. Orthogonal, bi-diagonal, and tri-diagonal are all geometric terms. Confusion has resulted, because the mathematical method has not had its own terminology, and people who have used it have tried to redefine the geometrical terms in terms of coordinate math instead of in terms of geometry. Case in point is Gilman, who was using diagonal to mean uniformly biaxial. The mathematical method is a perfectly valid way of describing piece movement. It just needs its own terminology, which is why I have proposed the terms uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial. As for the word triagonal, I have no problem with the concept behind it, but I do think that compressing tri-diagonal to triagonal obscures its meaning. Instead of contrasting triagonal with diagonal, which is like contrasting British with European, we should contrast tri-diagonal with bi-diagonal. Tri-diagonal is not a kind of 3D movement that merely resembles true diagonal movement. Rather, it is a specific kind of diagonal movement and should be more clearly acknowledged as such. As for orthogonal movement, it can be understood as straight movement that never passes through corners. All types of diagonal movement pass through corners, and all types of angular movement pass through corners, but orthogonal movement never passes through corners.
You make a good reductio ad absurdum argument against compressing bi-diagonal.
I don't read Latin well enough to know what you're saying.
Tony P., As it turns out, the dictionary does agree with you. Nevertheless, at least with respect to a hexagonal board, the movement I described as diagonal is still diagonal by this broader definition. Furthermore, when you draw straight lines through nonadjacent vertices of the hexagons, every line that isn't a Bishop path runs parallel with a Rook path. Thus, the hexagonal Bishop moves on all diagonal paths that do not pass over any two spaces that share a common side. Well, we have a couple options. (1) We can overhaul our terminology by doing away with diagonal and orthogonal and replacing them with more exact terms. (2) We can use diagonal and orthogonal in specialized senses. I expect there is too much resistance to changing the terminology, and I think it is common practice in many fields to use common terms in technical senses. For example, statisticians have their own specialized use of orthogonal. I propose that we accept technical senses of diagonal and orthogonal that are specifically suited for describing movement on both standard and nonstandard boards. Here is what I propose. Orthogonal movement is the only kind of movement possible on a 1D board. It moves along a single row of spaces, taking row in the broad sense to refer to any series of spaces connected by a shared side with each neighbor, no matter what direction it runs in. A row may be straight or curved, depending upon the geometry of the spaces, but it may not zigzag. A row may be understood to exist even when it is ignored for purposes of coordinates. For example, Hexagonal Chess has rows running along three axes, but only two axes are used for coordinates. Diagonal movement, in the specialized sense, can be understood as movement that runs through nonadjacent corners of spaces without going through any spaces that share a common side. This is just a slight refinement of the dictionary definition, so that it remains distinct from orthogonal. This definition is perfectly adequate for Hexagonal Chess. In multidimensional variants, we can begin to distinguish between corners formed by two sides, by three sides, etc. This provides a basis for distinguishing between different kinds of diagonal movement. With each new dimension, there would be a new kind of diagonal movement.
<P>When I first learned to play Chess as a child, I learned that the Rook
moves straight. I did not know the word orthogonal until I began studying
Chess variants in more recent years. Because of the definition of straight
that I learned in geometry class, straight seemed like an inadequate term
for how the Rook moves. After all, the Bishop also moves in a straight
line. But the word straight has senses besides the one used in geometry,
and there is one common and everyday sense of straight that adequately
describes how a Rook moves even on a hexagonal board. Let me now quote
from Webster's: 'lying along or holding to a direct or proper course or
method.' And let me continue with some related definitions: 'not
deviating from an indicated pattern' and 'exhibiting no deviation from
what is established or accepted as usual, normal, or proper.' Suppose I
live on a curved road, and we are on the road, headed to where I live. And
I say to you, 'I live straight down the road.' Would you think me mad
because I don't live on a straight road? Would you drive off the road in
order to go in a straight line? Or would you understand that you will find
my house by continuing down the road? In the same sense that I used
straight here, the hexagonal Rook moves straight, and the hexagonal Bishop
does not. The geometry of the board defines certain natural paths, and
these are what the Rook moves along. In contrast, the Bishop moves along
paths that cut across the natural paths of the board. As it happens, the
roots of orthogonal allow an interpretation of orthogonal that is
synonomous with this sense of straight. So either word may do for
describing how a Rook moves.</P>
<P>Now let me amend what I was saying about diagonal last night. In <A
Glossary of Basic Chess Variant Terms</a>, John William Brown provides the
term 'radial move,' which he defines as a move that is either diagonal
or orthogonal. In looking up radial in the dictionary, I don't find any
mention of diagonal or orthogonal directions, but I do find that it can
describe lines originating from a common center. So, the idea behind this
technical sense of radial is that diagonal and orthogonal lines of
movement converge at a common center. So let's now apply this concept to
movement along a Chess board. A radial line of movement would be one that
passes through the center of every space it connects. This distinguishes
it from an angular line of movement, which doesn't always pass through
the center of connected spaces.</P>
<P>Now, as Brown was defining the term, it includes both diagonal and
orthogonal movement. It is now simple to distinguish between these. An
orthogonal line of movement is a radial line of movement that never passes
through corners. A diagonal line of movement is a radial line of movement
that does pass through corners.</P>
Tony P., You say: 'Regarding 'diagonal' movement in 'cubic' multidimensional space, there's no reason to consider the space as having anything but the pieces and a set of potential resting points (think 'Zillions').' When we're dealing with squares or cubes, the geometry naturally fits with the coordinate system, and there is indeed no special reason to pay attention to the geometry when thinking in terms of the coordinate system will do. In such a context, we can even get away with thinking of orthogonal and diagonal as meaning uniaxial and uniformly multiaxial. The problem comes in when we try to apply such thinking to games whose geometry does not fit with the coordinate system. Hexagonal Chess is a prime example of this. In this case, the geometry does matter, and it becomes important to recognize that orthogonal (or straight) and diagonal describe geometric relations, not equations between sets of coordinates.
Tony P., Your last comments just leave me puzzled about what you're talking about. So I have no response. Putting that aside, I have now come up with a sense of orthogonal that works with nonstandard boards AND refers to right angles. I hope it will please you. Orthogonal lines of movement from a space are those radial lines of movement which intersect the edges of the space at right angles, or when this is impossible, at the points where the intersection comes closest to forming right angles.
Tony P., You wrote: 'In one of 12-12 comments ('As it turns out, the dictionary ...') you brought up statistics and suggested that a different meaning ('specialized sense') was being given to orthogonal by statisticians. I responded by indicating that these statistical senses were not different in their root meaning. You criticized this as involving equations between sets of coordinates rather than geometry.' Okay, here is why your comments puzzled me. You are entirely mistaken in your assumption that my comments on equations had anything at all to do with your comments on the statistical use of orthogonal. In fact, I have said nothing on the subject of the statistical use of orthogonal since my one-time mention of it. My comments on equations between sets of coordinates was on an entirely unrelated thread, in which I was simply discussing the two different methods for describing piece movement.
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