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Comments by FergusDuniho
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
I'm planning a new feature for the Game Courier that would make it much easier to play this game. Basically, it would add an automated move to the end of every move. This could be done as a rotation of all the spaces around the main part of the board. But I'm not clear on the rules of this game. When it is your turn, do you move first or rotate the board first? Or can each player move and rotate in either order?
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
As a general rule, I recommend the practice of putting the game's name first in the link text for a preset. This is because the page that lists the presets sorts them in alphabetical order according to the link text. If you put the game's name first, people will be able to find the preset under the letter for the game instead of missing it because it got listed under G. So, for example, the link text for this page could be 'Pocket Mutation Chess Preset for Game Courier'.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
While I expect that White's object is to checkmate Black's King, what is Black's object?
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
From the perspective of playing by email, it makes some sense to move first then move the board. This allows a player to move on the board as he sees it, since the Game Courier has no facility for updating the board before the players moves. But moving the board first is virtually logically equivalent to moving it last. Moving the board first can be simulated by changing the starting position to the first rotation, then rotating the board at the end of every move.
![A miscellaneous item](/index/misc.gif)
There is now. I already told you by email but will mention it for the benefit of others. String comparison on userids is now case insensitive.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
That would be my best guess, but I'm looking for an official word on the subject from Charles Gilman.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
I just made two presets for Motorotor. One goes by the rule that the board rotates at the end of each move, and the other simulates the rule that the board rotates at the beginning of each turn. In trying out your sample game with both presets, I learned that it is illegal no matter whether the rule is to rotate before the move or after the move. When you rotate before the move, f10 does not exist when it is Black's first turn to move. When you rotate after the move, there is no piece on c4 for White to move on his second turn. It could be that in your sample game, you sometimes rotated the board before the move and sometimes rotated it after. But your sample game never indicated when the board was rotated during each player's turn. So it would provide incomplete information for anyone wishing to follow it. If this is not what happened, then some moves have been recorded inaccurately.
![A miscellaneous item](/index/misc.gif)
Okay, I made a preset called 'Alfaerie: Four Colors'. I used the colors David made pieces in, which are red, green, blue, and white. I assigned the red and green pieces letters that I hope are mnemonically helpful. Here are the mnemonics. C is for Castle, a common term for Rook. D is for Dame, the French and German name for the Queen. F is for Footsoldier, which is what a Pawn is. H is for Horse, which is what the Knight's name means in most languages. L is for Laufer, the German name for Bishop, or Loper, the Dutch name. S is for Shah, the Persian name for King.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
Some people have requested the ability to handle games with more than two players. I am thinking of adding this, but it will take a while. The main work will be in updating the rendering methods to handle showing the board from each player's perspective. Rather than making this feature completely versatile, I will just add 90 and 270 degree views for square boards and 120 and 240 degree views for hexagonal boards. Other angles would not be doable under some rendering methods.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
Any piece, including a Pawn, can place a King in check.
![A game information page](/index/game.gif)
I recently finished a game of Anti-King Chess II with Andreas Kaufmann. This game can be found on the Game Courier logs page. I like Anti-King Chess II a lot. It seems to be a very positional game. At the end of our game, only a Pawn on each side had been captured. From the first move, I followed the strategy of moving away any pieces that were attacking the Anti-King. Instead of focusing on material advantage, I was counting up tempos, making sure that I remained several tempos ahead. A tempo advantage meant that in a race to eliminate attacks on each other's Anti-King, I would get done first. As it happened, moving pieces away from the Anti-King also served the goal of piece development. Toward the end of the game, I was positioning pieces in a manner that I hoped would let me win with a move that checked the King and simultaneously removed the last attack on the Anti-King. But Andreas resigned before this could happen.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
While looking at the ongoing Alice Chess game, I noticed some poor syntax. Inline comments should be preceded with two slashes (//), not with a semicolon. The semicolon is for separating moves.
I changed the conditions under which the beeping occurs to alert you that it is your move. When you get email that it is your move or see on the logs page that it is your move, you already know it is your move, and you don't need the page to beep to alert you of this. The beeping is intended for when you are playing a single game in realtime and you immediately go back to the same game after making your move, letting the page wait until your opponent moves. You do this by clicking on 'Continue' after you send your move. So, your game page will audibly alert you of your move only when you click the 'Continue' button. When you don't, the assumption is that you already know it is your turn, and the page doesn't bother you by beeping.
I've added a Status field to the move form. This should be left set to 'Ongoing' while the game isn't finished. When the game is over, the value of Status should be set to declare the winner or that the game is drawn. This should normally be done with the last move of the game, such as a resignation or a checkmate. It can also be set for games that are already finished. If you have finished any games already, please set the appropriate status for each one for which the Logs page says it is your move. The value of Status will be used on the Logs page to identify whether a game is ongoing or finished. It will also allow you to select which type of games you want to view. In order to make it easier for you to use the 'Your Games' link to navigate between your ongoing games, it will be set by default to list only your ongoing games. You will still be able to view all your games by changing the value of the Status Filter.
![A miscellaneous item](/index/misc.gif)
It looks like you're using periods where commas would be more appropriate. When you use a period instead of a comma in a number, it can get confused with a decimal point.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
I don't know why the Voidriders disappeared. I have no memory of doing anything to get rid of them, and I'm sure I wouldn't, yet the fault was even in the copy of the abstract5.php file I had on my computer. This is now fixed.
Since these are personal invitations, they will not show up in the Waiting Room. So, to delete these logs, you should first go to the Logs page. Once there, enter your userid in the Userid field and click Submit. This will show you your games, and it will include a link for deleting each of your logs. This will be in the rightmost column and say Delete. Click on the link for the appropriate log. Below the board, there will be a form you need to fill out to delete the log. Your userid should already be filled in. Enter your password and click Delete. The log should then be deleted.
![A play-by-email page](/index/pbm.gif)
Given that you posted your message with your userid, you should be able to make a move. The same userid and password that you used to post your message is what you need to make a move.
Keith, Let me point out that every game is shown on the same page, that page being http://play.chessvariants.com/pbm/play.php Most people viewing this page are not even seeing your game.
![An unknown type!](/index/script.gif)
To keep cell heights from doubling, long game names are now truncated.
It seems to be working now, though I'm not sure that I did anything to fix it. Delete your old invitations and try issuing them again. In case it doesn't work, save the html code created by Game Courier after you have it issue the invitation. If it doesn't work, email me this html code, so that I can better tell what went wrong.
The Waiting Room makes use of a database created by David Howe, and this database does not contain links to the rules pages. To view the rules for any game listed on this page, follow the 'Play this person' link, then read the brief rules provided with the preset or follow the preset's link to the rules page. I have plans for using the Logs page as though it were the Waiting Room page, but I'll have to wait for all invitations before Sunday to go away. Since the Logs page gets its information from the logs instead of from a database, it can access any variable in the logs, including a link to the rules.
![An unknown type!](/index/script.gif)
On the Logs page, the name of each game is now linked to the rules page for that game. In the event that a link does not work, the wrong link has been provided in the log for the game. This page cannot correct such errors.
An HTML file would be easier to read. Your text file doesn't wordwrap in my browser, and I don't like to read a page by sliding a horizontal scroll bar left and right.
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