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Seireigi. Variant of standard Shogi with promotable Gold Generals, as well as more varied and animalistic promotions. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, Apr 13, 2023 11:43 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 09:43 PM:

The Abstract pieces look terrible, which I'm saying as the creator of the original design. Why not just use the Symbolic pieces, which look much better, and have already been made for Shogi from the Abstract pieces? Also, we have much better-looking Kanji and half-Kanji pieces available. Just take a look at the sets already being used for Shogi in Game Courier.

I've copied the appropriate images from Eric Silverman's 1kanji set from Ai Ai to use in my diagram in place of the old images (the Mnemonic setup diagrams are still present, to aid in mapping pieces to their correspinding moves). The rest of the page should be good to go, as it is done in a similar format to my other Shogi variant pages.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Apr 14, 2023 01:07 AM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 12:49 AM:

The changes are there, but you will need to refresh the cache of either your browser or the site to see them. All the image links have the ?nocache=true suffix, so they will change immediately once this is done.

Seireigi. Variant of standard Shogi with promotable Gold Generals, as well as more varied and animalistic promotions. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Apr 14, 2023 01:07 AM UTC:

Seireigi is ready.

Seireigi. Variant of standard Shogi with promotable Gold Generals, as well as more varied and animalistic promotions. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Apr 14, 2023 01:45 AM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 01:09 AM:

I removed all the old pieces. That said, I can make Mnemonic pieces pretty easily. It's just a matter of forming the templates, and then making pieces from those templates.

Also, the checkered board is an intentional design choice, in case you were wondering.

Edit: I've uploaded enlarged Mnemonic images for Seireigi and the ability to switch between the Mnemonic and Kanji sets (refresh browser cache).

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Apr 14, 2023 03:28 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 07:25 AM:

I'm currently experimenting with adding linear Lion moves to the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant. Surely, those will have an impact. They would have the same limitations as their current iterations, but would be able to tear through defenses easier, while still being short range.

Edit: For now, in my experiments on piece moves, I have given the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant the ability to step twice in a straight line, or jump two squares, along the forward orthogonal and forward diagonals, respectively.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Apr 14, 2023 05:41 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 04:44 PM:

It would give the variant much less 'Shogi feel' when you introduce such an exotic move. I am also not sure whether in Shogi Soaring-Eagle-like Lion capture would do really much more than a two-square jump (or even slide). The locust capture is mainly dangerous because it can eliminate protected pieces. But in Shogi the main factor that determines the value of a piece is how effective it is in checking a King. And there you don't care whether it was protected or not. Starting to hunt for other material by dropping, promoting, capturing takes too long, and you would probably be checkmated before you get the opportunity to drop the piece you gained by it.

Good points.

Although I think that in Shogi the promotion Silver to Gold was mainly motivated by uniformity, it is not an entirely useless promotion. When dropping a Silver in front of the King to check the latter, the King can evade by stepping next to the Silver. The latter can then pull backwards to renew the check, and by promoting to Gold in the process it can make sure the King now has to retreat.

The same could be said for the Drunk Elephant (or non-royal King). While it may take too long to actually move it, it can still do things that the other pieces might struggle with, such as checkmating a King from the side. That being said, I don't think the double step options will work. For now, I am just going to make the style changes you recommended.

Edit: I've made the changes, and I've decided to give the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant sliding moves in the directions I tried giving them double step options on.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sat, Apr 15, 2023 01:41 AM UTC:

Seireigi is ready.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sat, Apr 15, 2023 03:10 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 02:42 PM:

I suppose I could change the names. But then I would also have to change them in the Ludii file as well. While Ludii does have an enormous collection of LSV pieces (it implements Taikyoku Shogi, crazy enough), there aren't that many elephant or wolf pieces in said collection.

I could use Great Elephant for the promoted Gold. That would make a lot more sense, and since sometimes it is disputed whether it appears or not in the historical LSVs, this version could stand out. But for the wolf piece, I want each promoted form to use unique characters so it stands out, and the running character is already used for the promoted Lance. I suppose I can use the Venomous Wolf here for the same reason.

Edit: I changed the names of the promoted Silver and promoted Gold to Venomous Wolf and Great Elephant, respectively.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sat, Apr 15, 2023 04:26 PM UTC:

Seireigi is ready.

Edit: Slight change of rules. I have changed the Lance so that it steps diagonally forward in addition to its regular moves. As such, its normal drop restrictions apply. This move seems to fit the piece better, as its Japanese name literally means "incence chariot" and chariots don't really have a way to move backwards besides turning around. This change also has another benefit regarding a future four player variant of Seireigi. Everything has been updated accordingly.

Edit: Disregard my previous edit. I was able to find a more elegant solution to the problem I faced with four-player Seireigi without resorting to manipulating piece moves in this game (and also avoiding very costly headaches in the process :) ). Update coming soon.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 02:08 PM UTC:

I've been thinking about the way the game has changed since H. G. Muller's comments. Now that all promotions are unique, it makes less sense to boost the Knight and Lance. Thanks to the changes I made to the promoted Silver and Gold Generals, Seireigi's new identity now revolves around the new promotions, so it doesn't make sense to include new moves that would heighten the learning curve for an already difficult game. Plus, I've come to realize that limitation breeds creativity, and since the drop rule is already in force, I can afford to pop off the extra steps for the Knight and Lance, as their standard Shogi selves already work.

I will need to update this page's description (which requires temporarily deleting this submission and resubmitting it) and update everything else, but it's not like I'm agonizingly experimenting with moves for a single power piece like I did with Suzumu Shogi. This is a good problem to have.

Update coming soon.

Edit: I have updated this page and its PBM counterpart.

💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 10:08 PM UTC:

Seireigi is ready.

Edit: I also added a vertical step move to the Running Stag to make it better at checking the King. This way each promoted piece has at least three forward moves.

Edit: I've finalized the ruleset, meaning Seireigi's rules are now set in stone, though some of the promotion names may change. Or I could include them in a bigger version of Seireigi...

Edit: I've decided to rename each promotion to its normal Shogi form until I can decide on a good set of names for them, and the board is now uncheckered.

Edit: I'm currently working on pieces for Dai Seireigi, an 11x11 game with drops that "marries" the historical LSVs with modern Shogi. I think I will keep the Seireigi promotions as they were before they changed to Promoted X, but I am still working on the Dai Seireigi promotions.

Edit: I am no longer working on Dai Seireigi, but I have finalized the promotion names for Seireigi.

Interactive diagrams. (Updated!) Diagrams that interactively show piece moves.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Wed, May 3, 2023 06:54 PM UTC:

I noticed a bug affecting drops in betzaNew.js. If you use the navigation bar to go through the game, dropped pieces will turn into empty spaces.

Here's an example from Seireigi: 1. c4 g6 2. Bxh8+ Sxh8 3. B@c3

Click '<' and then '>|'. The captured Bishop will be dropped on c3 and then turn into an empty space.

satellite=seireigi files=9 ranks=9 holdingsType=-1 promoOffset=8 promoZone=3 maxPromote=7 promoChoice=+ royal=8 stalemate=win graphicsDir=/membergraphics/MSseireigi/ whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b lightShade=#ffe682 darkShade=#ffe682 graphicsType=png?nocache=true enableAI=0 squareSize=49 symmetry=rotate firstRank=1 rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF newClick=1 Pawn:P:fW:p:a3-i3 morph=T Lance:L:fR:l:a1,i1 morph=M Knight:N:fN:n:b1,h1 morph=Y/Y Silver General:S:FfW:s:c1,g1 Gold General:G:WfF:g:d1,f1 Bishop:B:B:b:b2 Rook:R:R:r:h2 King:K:K:k:e1 Golden Bird:T:WfF:p2: Great Tiger:M:sRvWsN:l2: Heavenly Horse:Y:fFsfWbN:n2: Venomous Wolf:V:fRfFsbW:s2: Great Elephant:U:fBbFsfW:g2: Dragon Horse:H:BW:b2: Dragon King:D:RF:r2:

A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, May 5, 2023 03:39 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Thu May 4 03:14 PM:


I also noticed another bug where the King seems to be deleting Pawns to its bottom-right (from white's perspective) after moving to its destination when navigating through the game. For example, in the previous comment's diagram, 1. Ke9e8 will delete the Pawn on f7, and 1. Ke1e4 will delete the pawn on f3 after clicking < and then >|.

A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, May 5, 2023 11:04 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 06:27 PM:


Seireigi. Variant of standard Shogi with promotable Gold Generals, as well as more varied and animalistic promotions. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, May 11, 2023 02:35 AM UTC:

Seireigi is ready.

Edit: I've updated the static images and the Mnemonic images for the orthogonal sliders (refresh browser cache).

Edit: I've reverted the impasse rule to that of standard Shogi.

Chu Shogi. (Updated!) Historic Japanese favorite, featuring a multi-capturing Lion. (12x12, Cells: 144) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, May 11, 2023 08:29 PM UTC:

I am thinking about doing something similar with a game called Dai Seireigi, which is basically Chu Shogi, but with drops and an altered piece/moveset roster to account for the drop rule. This includes replacing the Lion power with a "hit-and-run" ability that allows a piece to move or capture on a square and then move without capturing to a square adjacent to . This allows pieces with the ability to capture a piece in a certain direction and then maneuver into place to check the enemy King, while also not being too overpowered for the drop rule.

The Dai Seireigi Lion would have the hit-and-run ability in all directions, and a two-step area move, similar to that of the Tenjiku Shogi TSA Lion Hawk, but without the ability to return to its starting square (KmcamKaK).

However, I have an important question regarding anti-trading rules. Since in a game with drops no piece ever goes entirely out of play, would you need an anti-trading rule in such a game?

A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, May 12, 2023 03:15 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Thu May 11 09:24 PM:

I'm guessing that's what happens when you use the drop rule with a game that wasn't designed for it. I'm attempting to solve this in Dai Seireigi by using the same forward bias found in regular Shogi.

Here's a prototype of what I have so far (You may need to view this comment by itself for the diagram to show, and some of the mnemonics are close approximations of the actual piece). Only the eight most valuable pieces are not subject to this forward bias, and the Falcon and Eagle (promoted Horse and Dragon) will be subject to it as well.

The promotions are not included, as I haven't sorted that out yet, except that the King, Lion, and Queen do not promote, pieces found in normal Seireigi promote as they do in that game, and that I plan on adding Korean-style hopping move (without restrictions on what it can do) for a few of these promotions.

A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, May 12, 2023 08:12 PM UTC in reply to Edward Webb from 06:21 PM:

This looks good. You could remove the Side Movers as they make the game too defensive, and the Coppers that promote to them at the same time. Lances that promote to Great Tigers cover at least the same movement capability as Side Movers.

The majority of the promotions won't be the same as in Chu Shogi, and this includes the Copper Generals, which would promote to a Silver General that can also jump to the second square orthogonally sideways or forward, or diagonally forward.

As it is now, the Side and Vertical movers can't move backward at all to try and ensure that they don't add too much to defense, but the sideways slide of the side movers may indeed be a problem. The question now is, what to replace them with?

The Drunk Elephant could also be removed as its promotion to Crown Prince would drag the game out needlessly.

I wasn't planning on having a piece that promoted to another royal, I can simply have the elephant (or its equivalent) not promote to begin with or make its promotion non-royal.

Knights could move to where the Coppers are, allowing them to move freely in the opening.

There is a defender (the Donkey). It works together with the Knight to protect the outer pawns from a distance, hence why the Knight is placed where it is. Like the current Side and Vertical Movers, the Donkey one of the pieces with no match in the Mnemonic piece directory for its Dai Seireigi move, and instead is being approximated, hence why you didn't see it initially.

Home page of The Chess Variant Pages. Homepage of The Chess Variant Pages.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sat, May 13, 2023 02:44 AM UTC:

The Edit Index Information script is working now.

Yonin Seireigi. Four-player variant of Seireigi based on Yonin Shogi. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Wed, May 17, 2023 10:00 PM UTC:

Yonin Seireigi is ready.

Dai Seireigi. Variant of Dai Shogi playable with drops. (15x15, Cells: 225) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, May 25, 2023 08:53 PM UTC:

Dai Seireigi is ready.

Tenjiku Shogi. Fire Demons burn surrounding enemies, Generals capture jumping many pieces. (16x16, Cells: 256) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, May 26, 2023 05:53 PM UTC:

Here's an Interactive Diagram for Tenjiku Shogi (following Wikipedia/CVP ruleset) with the new ruleset used on Wikipedia, which was edited to remove the rule against capturing royalty via range-jump. The GC preset has been updated as well.

satellite=wikipedia files=16 ranks=16 holdingsType=0 promoOffset=35 promoZone=5 maxPromote=30 promoChoice=+ royal=35 royal=44 captureMatrix=/"25/.27^^.4^3.8^.13^^..^^=/"//"3/.33^3.8^.17^^=/.34^^.8^.18^=//"22/.27^^.4^3.8^.13^^..^^=/"///.33^3.8^.17^^=/.34^^.8^.18^=//@67/" stalemate=win graphicsDir= whitePrefix= blackPrefix=flip/ lightShade=#FFFF80 darkShade=#FFFF80 graphicsType=gif squareSize=36 symmetry=rotate firstRank=1 rimColor=#000000 coordColor=#FFFFFF newClick=1 trackPieces=65 trackedTypes=2 spell=burn spellZone=K blastZone=K atomicCapture=0 pawn:P:fW:Pawn:a5-p5 dog:D:bFfW:Dog:e6,l6 iron general:I:fFfW:IronGeneral:d1,m1 copper general:C:fFvW:CopperGeneral:e1,l1 silver general:S:FfW:SilverGeneral:f1,k1 ferocious leopard:FL:FvW:FerociousLeopard:c1,n1 gold general:G:WfF:GoldGeneral:g1,j1 blind tiger:BT:FsbW:BlindTiger:f2,k2 drunk elephant:DE:FsfW:DrunkenElephant:i1 knight:N:fN:Knight:b1,o1 kirin:KY:FD:Kyrin:g2 phoenix:PH:WA:Phoenix:j2 lance:L:fR:Lance:a1,p1 reverse chariot:RV:vR:ReverseChariot:a2,p2 side mover:SM:vWsR:SideMover:a4,p4 vertical mover:VM:sWvR:VerticalMover:b4,o4 side soldier:SS:bWsRfW2:SideSoldier:a3,p3 vertical soldier:VS:bWfRsW2:VerticalSoldier:b3,o3 bishop:B:B:Bishop:c3,n3 rook:R:R:Rook:c4,n4 dragon horse:DH:BW:DragonHorse:d3,m3 dragon king:DK:RF:DragonKing:e3,l3 horned falcon:HF:BsbRfWfDfcavWfabW:HornedFalcon:d4,m4 soaring eagle:SE:RbBfFfAfcavFfabF:SoaringEagle:e4,l4 lion:LN:KNADcaKmcabK:Lion:h2 queen:Q:Q:FreeKing:i2 bishop general:BG:B(paf)0cB:BishopGeneral:f4,k4 rook general:RG:R(paf)0cR:RookGeneral:g4,j4 chariot soldier:CS:BvRsW2:ChariotSoldier:c2,d2,m2,n2 water buffalo:WB:BsRvW2:WaterBuffalo:f3,k3 free eagle:FE:QADcaFmcabF:FreeEagle:i3 lion hawk:LH:BWNADcaKmcabK:LionHawk:h3 vice general:VG:B(paf)0cB(a)2KabK:ViceGeneral:i4 great general:GG:Q(paf)0cQ:GreatGeneral:h4 value=3500 king:K:K:King:h1 tokin:+P:WfF:PawnP: multi general:+D:bBfR:DogP: vertical soldier:+I:bWfRsW2:IronGeneralP: side mover:+C:vWsR:CopperGeneralP: vertical mover:+S:sWvR:SilverGeneralP: bishop:+FL:B:FerociousLeopardP: rook:+G:R:GoldGeneralP: flying stag:+BT:FsWvR:BlindTigerP: prince:+DE:K:DrunkenElephantP: side soldier:+N:bWsRfW2:KnightP: lion:+KY:KNADcaKmcabK:KyrinP: queen:+PH:Q:PhoenixP: white horse:+L:fBvR:Lance: whale:+RV:bBvR:ReverseChariotP: free boar:+SM:BsR:SideMoverP: flying ox:+VM:BvR:VerticalMoverP: water buffalo:+SS:BsRvW2:SideSoldierP: chariot soldier:+VS:BvRsW2:VerticalSoldierP: dragon horse:+B:BW:BishopP: dragon king:+R:RF:RookP: horned falcon:+DH:BsbRfWfDfcavWfabW:DragonHorseP: soaring eagle:+DK:RbBfFfAfcavFfabF:DragonKingP: bishop general:+HF:B(paf)0cB:HornedFalconP: rook general:+SE:R(paf)0cR:SoaringEagleP: lion hawk:+LN:BWNADcaKmcabK:LionP: free eagle:+Q:QADcaFmcabF:FreeKingP: vice general:+BG:B(paf)0cB(a)2KabK:BishopGeneralP: great general:+RG:Q(paf)0cQ:RookGeneralP: value=3500 heavenly tetrarch:+CS:jvhQjsQ3cabK:ChariotSoldierP: fire demon:+WB:shQ(a)2KabK:WaterBuffaloP: fire demon:FD:shQ(a)2KabK:FireDemon:g3,j3

Home page of The Chess Variant Pages. Homepage of The Chess Variant Pages.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sun, May 28, 2023 02:11 PM UTC:

It seems MShonnoshuka has not been fully deleted. When I changed Seireigi's name from Shuka, I tried to delete MShonnoshuka, but it seems that the page hasn't been fully deleted (probably because I clicked "Delete This Submission" too quickly). The record of it is still in the database, but the database thinks it has been deleted, as shown below. I would like this record to be fully deleted so it doesn't cause problems in the future.

404 Error from

ItemID is MShonnoshuka

A record of this page is still in the database, and it indicates that the page has been deleted.

Seireigi. Variant of standard Shogi with promotable Gold Generals, as well as more varied and animalistic promotions. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, Jun 1, 2023 06:05 PM UTC:

I changed the Seireigi Pawn promotion to its normal Shogi form (the Tokin) across all games in the Seireigi family to decrease the learning curve. Also, in all games in the Seireigi family, the Promoted Silver General is now a Running Wolf, but is otherwise unchanged.

Seireigi is now ready for publishing.

Chu Seireigi. Variant of Chu Shogi playable with drops. (12x12, Cells: 144) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝A. M. DeWitt wrote on Wed, Jun 7, 2023 06:23 PM UTC:

Chu Seireigi is ready.

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