Comments by ChessShogi
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I have implemented k now such that in combination with c it disables capture of royals. (A combination that before was not different from plain c.)
Actually this means that k now can do what the t modifier (for 'tame') does in XBoard. Without using an extra letter!
That's fantastic. Brings Tenjiku Shogi one step closer to being implementable in an interactive diagram. The range jumping piece's moves (in this case the Bishop General) can now be written as B(paf)0ckB, where ck takes care of the restriction against capturing royals by jumping. The current BadZone function could easily handle the rest of the rankings for the jumping Generals. Now just to figure out what to do for the burn...and how to specify options to accomodate how the burning move behaves. Once I have a way to do this, I can take care of the rest.
BTW, I have played Tenjiku at high level according to 'modern' rules, where the King can be jump-captured. To my surprise this was very playable, and not too unbalanced. If you know the correct opening lines. Which my Tenjiku engine was able to determine.
In addition I came to realize that the King has highest rank does not necessarily have to refer to capture. Originally I thought that outlawing jumping over a King only would be pointless, as you would never be interested in doing that when you could also capture it. But it could also refer to your own King. So the evidence that historic rules did not allow King capture is starting to get flimsy.
Jumping Generals are not allowed to jump over a King or Prince (or other higher-ranking pieces) of either side, regardless of which ruleset you use, so the fact that the rankings could refer to friendly pieces is a rather dubious piece of evidence for allowing jump-captures of royals. Besides, even if the evidence for forbidding jump-captures of royals is indeed flimsy, it still improves the gameplay, as allowing jump-capturing of the King creates a critical weaknesses in the opening after 1. 7k (2. VG 2g#) which is only solvable via 1... SE3f. Furthermore, this weakness persists throughout much of the game, as the King remains boxed in throughout the opening and (early) middlegame, the Soaring Eagle on 3f (and other pieces defending 2g and 1h) can easily be threatened with capture, and one wrong move can result in a smothered mate. The point is, you should not need to use an AI to find a good opening.
Unfortunately this is not so easy, because BadZone only gets the locust squares passed. Not the pieces jumped over. The non-destructive intermediate squares are not part of the internal move representation. But I suppose BadZone could be made such that it scans the board for high-rank blockers along the path from origin to destination itself.
You can just use board[y][x] & 511 for the piece type, and a call to a recursive function that scans the in-between squares to handle the rest.
Ok, fair enough.
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
Yeah, that doesn't seem like a good idea.
![A reference work](/index/reference.gif)
This is probably a stupid question, but can a subroutine have zero parameters?
sub <subname>;
Ok. Thanks.
When using the allow command, am I correct that the word in the word/number argument pair does not have to be a command or keyword?
allow ... one 2 two 2 onetwo 2 ...; // I was planning on using this to get around a very annoying bug I found in a future version of Suzumu Shogi's GC preset (with multi-capturing versions of the jumping Generals).
Edit: I answered my own question. You can use custom commands in allow, provided that for each custom command you include a subroutine in your Pre-Game code like the one shown below.
sub <cmdname>: return true; endsub;
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
Do you want to update this page to remove the rule that the jumping Generals cannot jump-capture royalty?
Note: My presets for Tenjiku Shogi and Nutty Shogi follow the rules described in their respective Rules pages, so they will not be changed unless you update them.
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For some reason, when using an image for the board in Game Courier, the file labels are positioned higher than they should be. Here's an example from Chu Shogi.
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
Well, I don't want to have any discrepancy between what is in Wikipedia and on CVP, so I would then also have to change it in Wikipedia. To not run into an edit battle there, this would have to be done with care.
Understandable. I don't think this would be too hard, provided that the forbidding jump-capturing royalty rule is mentioned in the Disputed Moves section along with a reason for the change (perhaps your comment from our conversation in the Betza notation (extended) page?). But then again, maybe the Wikipedia page is far more sensitive to rule changes than I think it is.
All other rules equal, this would make for a very interesting game.
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
You have some great ideas. However, you seem to have some difficulty when trying to put those ideas in words. Thankfully I'm here, and I have plenty of tips from personal experience with using the site.
Here's some of those tips to get you started.
- Put important statements (such as "All rules are identical to standard Chess except for the following") at the top of the section they go in. This makes reading about the differences more intuitive, as the top of the section is the first thing the reader will see. The same goes for the page in general.
- Put the Interactive Diagram for the game in the Setup section along with the picture, preferably above the picture. This way the reader can dive right in without having to scroll down to the comments section. This helps the reader understand your game more quickly.
- Using tables in the Pieces section works wonders for helping the reader to understand your game better, and has the added benefit of making the Pieces section look nicer in general.
- Make sure to respond to comments that editors make in a timely fashion. This speeds up the publishing process
- Be patient. There are only a handful editors on the site, and only some of them will be processing submissions at any given time, so it may take a while to get your submissions published, even if you do everything right the first time. Case in point, the GC preset pages for Suzumu Shogi and Mitsugumi Shogi have been approved, but the corresponding Rules pages have not (which I find a bit odd, but I digress).
- You can leave a comment on this page if you think they missed your submission, but do this sparingly.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help! There are plently of contributors and editors on the site who are more than willing to help you if you just ask them.
And I'm not sure exactly what the 'table' you are talking about is
When I say tables, I am referring to HTML tables. Speaking of which, it wouldn't hurt to get to know the basics of HTML, if you haven't done so already.
The editor also allows you to insert tables without needing to write HTML.
But I don't know how to apply interactive diagram inside the page.
All you need to do is paste the diagram definition into the page. The Interactive Diagram script doesn't care where you put it - the result is the same. Depending on whether there are multiple diagrams on the page, you may need to set the satellite parameter (satellite=xxx) within the definition to get it to work.
IMPORTANT: When inserting or editing an interactive diagram, make sure you keep the editor in HTML format, otherwise the editor will mess up the definition!
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
After some testing, I found that the threat of the Great General capturing one of the Fire Demons was giving Black too big an advantage. So to keep the new range captures under control, the jumping Generals are now subject to the rankings from Tenjiku Shogi (may only jump lower ranking pieces, but no restrictions on final capture). Update coming soon to both the rules page and the GC presets.
After some testing, I have managed to implement an algorithm to implement the Tenjiku ranking system in the interactive diagram. I've also changed the Heavenly Tetrarch's move so that instead of burning, it freezes (immobilizes) all adjacent enemy pieces except other Heavenly Tetrarches. Because of this, the Fire Demon's burning move restriction now only applies to other Fire Demons.
The GC Preset has already been updated, and the Mitsugumi Shogi preset will be updated soon.
Is that instead of burning? That's an interesting addition
Yep. It creates a nice duality between the the Fire Demon and the Heavenly Tetrarch. And it was really easy to implement for the interactive diagrams and GC presets thanks to this comment and GC's Ultima include file. The diagram now understands the new restrictions for the jumping Generals as well (same as Tenjiku, but with no restrictions on the final capture), though it still isn't yet capable of understanding the burning restriction. The GC presets are also up to date. But the best part is that I am finally done developing this game (for real this time). It took 4 years, but it was worth it.
The new freezing ability for the Suzumu Heavenly Tetrarch came from a suggestion by Eric Silverman somewhere about a certain version of the Tenjiku Heavenly Tetrarch having a similar ability instead of the igui ability, immobilizing adjacent pieces, and stopping an adjacent Tenjiku Fire Demon's burn (for all pieces adjacent to the Fire Demon) as well. I can't seem to find it anymore though...
Edit: I also cropped the Shogi images so that they are the same size as the Mnemonic images.
Edit: It seems I left out the double igui part of the Tetrarch's description. I'll fix that right away.
Edit: I also changed the turn skipping restrictions to be more in line with those of other LSVs (specifically, you cannot skip two consecutive turns, making skipping a turn useless if your opponent can skip their turn too)
I think I have an idea of how to implement the burning restriction in the interactive diagram using the clicks array, which stores the values for each move made using the the new move system. It's going to take a while to perfect it though.
Edit: I managed to implement the burn restriction for Fire Demons that burn once in a prototype file. Now for the hard part...Fire Demons that burn twice.
Edit: Turns out the code from the first prototype covered a lot of the cases for the twice-burning Fire Demon. Now, the second prototype covers most cases. The only thing left is to allow a direct capture of a Fire Demon where the Fire Demon burns exactly twice.
Edit: After some struggling, I managed to cover all the cases for the twice-burning Fire Demon, which means the Diagram now properly forbids a Fire Demon from burning another Fire Demon. The Rules pages for Suzumu Shogi and Mitsugumi Shogi will be updated soon.
Edit: I've updated both pages. No more worrying about having the AI make an illegal move.
Edit: It turns out the AI's move generation doesn't use the clicks array, so the AI will exit with an error whenever you try to run it.
Edit: With some help from H. G. Muller, I was able to fix the burning restriction for the AI.
![UPDATED! A reference work](/index/reference.gif)
I'm having a problem with Suzumu Shogi's interactive diagram. I managed to get the Fire Demon's burning restriction implemented properly in the pieceZone function using the clicks array, but as it turns out, clicks is not used by the AI's move generator, so the AI doesn't work properly. I was wondering if there is a similar array used by the AI to keep track of the squares it visits?
In case you need it, here is the relevant portion of the pieceZone code and its supporting functions (I left the rest out, since it is quite complicated)
function pieceZone(x2, y2, piece, color, x1, y1, ex, ey) { if(touched) return 0; // not during ShowMoves() // ... Heavenly Tetrarch Section ... // Fire Demon v = board[y2][x2] & 511; // Highlight square firstX = (clicks.length >= 4) ? clicks[2] : -1; firstY = (clicks.length >= 4) ? clicks[3] : -1; firstVictim = (clicks.length >= 4) ? board[firstY][firstX] & 511 : -1; secondX = (clicks.length >= 6) ? clicks[4] : -1; secondY = (clicks.length >= 6) ? clicks[5] : -1; secondVictim = (clicks.length >= 6) ? board[secondY][secondX] & 511 : -1; if(isBurner(p)) { // Always allow starting square if(x2 == x1 && y2 == y1) return 0; // Reject captures of Fire Demon outside normal range if(isBurner(v) && !nonBurningRange(x1, y1, x2, y2)) return 1; // Allow direct capture of Fire Demon with second burn after first burn if(firstVictim > 0 && !isBurner(firstVictim) && clicks.length == 4) { if(isBurner(v) && nonBurningRange(x1, y1, x2, y2) && canBurn(x2, y2, firstX, firstY)) return 0; } // If first victim is a Fire Demon, allow move to start square, reject moving to empty square or burning another Fire Demon if(isBurner(firstVictim)) { // Always allow starting square if(x2 == x1 && y2 == y1) return 0; // If a Fire Demon was captured via igui, always allow second burn of Fire Demon if(isBurner(firstVictim) && secondX == x1 && secondY == y1) return 0; // if second victim is not an empty square or a Fire Demon, only allow single burn if(secondVictim > 0 && !isBurner(secondVictim)) return !(x2 == secondX && y2 == secondY); // Reject moves to empty square or burn of Fire Demon else return (v == 0 || (isBurner(v) && (x2 != firstX || y2 != firstY))); } // If first victim is not a Fire Demon, allow direct capture with optional second burn, reject burn of another Fire Demon else { if(firstVictim != -1 && !isBurner(firstVictim)) { if(isBurner(v)) return 1; } } } // ... Range Capturing Pieces Section ... return 0; }
Very useful information. Unfortunately it requires me to go back to the drawing board...
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a solution for implementing the burning restriction for the AI other than disabling the AI. It mainly has to do with the fact that the move generator will auto-complete the move if it thinks only one move is left if I try to use the killX and killY arrays instead of the clicks array.
I think it is better to just show you the difference. You can find the demonstration diagrams here.
I did notice that the kills variable wasn't being updated upon selection of a locust victim when I did some debugging of my own. The killX and killY arrays would update, but kills would always be zero. That would explain why when I tried recreating the clicks array using the visits array (using kills to regulate the length of the killX and killY arrays), it always ended up failing.
Some other remarks: You use (af)0 to force a slide on a K atom, but this is not recommended. Because (af)0K is expanded by pre-processing to KafKafafKafafafK..., as if every distance is a separate move, which would be attempted independently. So if the slide is blocked at the second square (so that afK would fail to produce a move) it would still keep trying afafK etc. And when afafafK was a valid non-capture, it would still again check the first four squares for emptiness when attempting afafafafK and longer paths. The equivalent plain Q would do much more efficiently, and probe each square on the path only once, and stop after it finds an occupied one. You can turn the Q into K for the burning by using ya to specify a range toggle. E.g. mpyacabQ would describe a Queen burning one enemy adjacent to her destination.
Sure, (af)0mpacabK is inefficient, but under the current implementation, it's the only Betza string that gives all options for the Fire Demon's burn. Using ympacabQ omits some of these options for some reason.
I suppose I should put the code that moves the destination click earlier inside a loop, so that it is able to pass locust vctims as lon as the preceding two legs have a cab structure. Then the double burnings could be entered by first clicking the destination, and then picking off the burn victims until you run out of victims, or click the destination again to terminate the move. That would be a much more intuitive way for entering multiple burns.
It would also make implementing the burning restriction much simpler, as then I don't have to worry about branching cases nearly as much, as it would usually be the same check every time (usually, not always, because shooting an adjacent Fire Demon without moving (double igui) is still allowed).
Right now I am supressing the new Highlight function with the old one, since the current code in Suzumu Shogi's interactive diagram relies on the call from the Highlight function. Once the pass for cab locust captures is implemented, I should be able to use the new function without any problems.
The extensive testing you do in BadZone() slows things down enormously. It is questionable whether this variant can ever be played by the Diagram's AI, (it outlasted my patience even at 2 ply), but this extra processing certainly doesn't help. If you need this amount of programming to make it work, it might be simpler to just replace some functions of the original script by slightly modified ones of your own. JavaScript allows you to redefine a function.
The amount of testing required for the Fire Demon was mainly because of the branching cases. With the new version, not only was I able to use the code from your comment to make the check much shorter, I was even able to remove three of the supporting functions because of this. As for code in general, sure, it will slow things down a lot, but that is to be expected from a complex game like Suzumu Shogi. You could treat it like a correspondence game in GC, though, so I was never too worried about it being too slow. I could probably do some optimization (I've saved this comment in my favorites), but right now I am just happy that everything is working properly.
OK, I think I fixed it. The Betza compiler now refrains from inserting these 'loop directives' in the legs sequence when the NewClick move-entry method is used. I had to change some tests in the assignment of click sequences (which already relied on the presence of these directives) too. Distant or sliding rifle captures do not require the click to the final destination. This might be a folly, though, as it causes ambiguity when both the rifle and normal capture are allowed on the piece. Perhaps I should make this subject to a Diagram parameter autoComplete, and in general require all clicks, but consider the move entered when there is only one matching move left in the list, and at least two clicks have been given.
I am not even sure that swapping the order of locust victim and destination is always harmless, or whether it could lead to ambiguities too.
There does seem to be a problem when using the Lion Dog (XBetza: KADGHcavKabKmpafcavKcafcmpavK) with the newClick generation. When doing a double capture of the first two pieces in a straight line, and you click the second piece again, it always selects the two out one in option. This is probably due to the ambiguity caused when rifle captures and normal captures are allowed. I am planning on reviving Hook Shogi, and I intend to include the Lion Dog in it, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the best solution would be some directive specifically for this kind of ambiguity, or to only skip a locust victim after cab if that locust victim's square is the only one that can be visited, so as to not destroy the directives that allow the Suzumu Fire Demon's burning restriction to work properly.
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Yes, using cpaf instead of cmpaf does work, but only if it used once. (cpaf)2cB only covers a subset of the moves that (cmpaf)2cB covers. Remember, the p and a modifiers exclude the m modality if only c and/or d are specified in the modifiers immediately before it, per their definitions. Thankfully, this problem can easily be solved by writing the missing legs separately, yielding B(cpaf)2cBcafpafcBpafcafcB. Longer for sure, but it won't have the same search explosion problem, at least for the (cpaf)2 part. The other two multi-leg parts may have search explosions since paf is (usually) equivalent to mpaf (which can lead to the same problem as before), but they will be much more subtle explosions since paf is only used once.
I will update the diagram at the page I used to demonstrate the Suzumu Shogi BadZone bug (which can be found here) to include this bug, for future reference.