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Steven Streetman wrote on Sat, Feb 19, 2011 11:31 AM EST:
How to Post Your Chess Variant
Making a Chess Variants (CV) Submission

This work describes the preferred way to make a chess variant submission, i.e. through the Chess Variants’ on-line forms. This method is preferred because you end up with a consistent presentation that you the inventor/author can easily edit and update.

If you would like a printable copy of these instructions send an email to:
SpartanChessOnline at

This document has 4 sections:
I. Big Picture – An outline of the complete process.
II. Details – Details on each step in the process.
III. Submission Illustration – An example of a chess variant submission
IV. Submission Results – The result of the example variant submission

I. Big Picture
Making a chess variant submission through the Chess Variants (CV) on-line forms is a 4 step process. Each of these steps in described in section II Details.

The steps are:
A. User Registration
B. Request contributor ID
C. Document your variant
D. Make your submission

II. Details
Here are details on each step.

A. - User Registration
Register as a user and get a voice on CV forums. To register visit this page:
You may, if you like, do this step before you document your chess variant or even if you never plan to submit a variant.

B. - Request contributor ID
Request a contributor ID by sending an email to either David Howe at david_cvp at or Joe Joyce at mjjoyce3 at Be sure to remember your Contributor ID and password.

C. - Document your variant
CV provides a format for chess documentation that has been used for hundreds of chess variants. You will need to have this format in mind when documenting your chess variant.

There are 5 sections in the CV format:

Introduction – A description of your variant. What is historical, new or distinct about it?
Set Up –Board layout and piece set up.
Pieces –Movement of pieces.
Rules – Variant’s rules.
Notes – Document anything else you need or want to say about your variant.

HTML or Text
You can make a submission to CV as text. Alternatively you may make a HTML submission. An HTML submission requires more knowledge.

Later on we will illustrate a simple chess variant text submission utilizing a fictitious chess variant called Plutonian Chess.

D. - Submit your variant
These are the steps involved in submitting a chess variant to CV. You may jump directly to the submission page here:

You may wish to wish to read the CV submission related materials on route to the submission page by following these pages:

> From the CV main page select the How you can help link.

> From the 'How you can help!' page select the follow the technical guidelines for the html-code link.

> From the 'Preferred html-form of contributions' page select the Post your own game link.

1. Step 1 - Complete Form: Edit the name and classification information by checking the appropriate boxes and so on. You will note that you must select your contributor ID from a list box. Since it cannot be entered manually step C must have already been completed.

SEND - When you are done filling out this form press the SEND button at the bottom of the form. You will be taken to the Step 2 form.

2. Step 2 – Describe Your Submission: You will be called upon to describe your submission in the format outlined above in “A - Document Your Variant”. It is easiest if you have already written your submission and you are simply cutting and pasting it from a program like Word, Notepad or Aptana Studio.

SEND – When you are ready to view what you have entered hit the SEND button at the bottom of the form and you are directed to view your submission.

RE-SENDING - You can enter a portion of your complete submission and SEND it as many times as you like. Feel free to enter your submission in small portions if that suites you.

BOOKMARK URL – After you hit the step 2 SEND button and are viewing your CV submission we suggest you bookmark or write down the URL. This way, if your submission process is interrupted for a day or even a month, you can easily come back to this page and resume the process. And from this page, near the bottom are links w get you back to the Step 1 and Step 2 forms.

3. Upload Images: If you are making an HTML submission you can upload images. When you SEND your Step 2 form you will be directed to a view of your variant submission. Near the bottom of this view is a link titled “upload files”. Click this link and you are directed to the Upload File form. BROWSE and find the file you wish to upload on your computer and enter your password.

UPLOAD FILE – After you select the file you desire, press the UPLOAD FILE button to upload your file from your computer to CV.

'IMG TAG' - You will be given the exact format and content of the HTML 'img tag' that you need for your image. You may wish to copy this tag and go back to your Step 2 form and paste it in.

4. I lost my submission, and can’t find it!: If this happens send an email to Joe Joyce at mjjoyce3 at and he will do what he can to find it and send you the URL.


III. Submission Illustration
What follows is the documentation created for fictitious chess variation called Plutonian Chess. This submission illustration is for a text format submission. The text between the dotted lines was cut and pasted into the Step 2: form.

You may view the Step 2 form with the following submission text here:

--------BEGIN INTRODUCTION--------------------

Plutonian Chess is a completely fictitious chess variant created for the purposes of illustrating a CV submission. It has never been played.

You may, however, think of Plutonian Chess as the preferred form of chess played by Venusian star freighter captains docking at Pluto on their way to Alpha Centuri in the 23rd century.

--------END INTRODUCTION--------------------
--------BEGIN SETUP--------------------
Plutonian is played on a standard 8x8 chessboard.

White King e1; Queen d1; Rooks a1, h1; Knights b1, c1; Changelings f1, g1; Pawns a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2.

King d8; Queen e8; Rooks a8, h8; Knights f8, g8; Changelings b8, c8; Pawns a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7.

Setup Illustration:
8 r c c q k n n r
7 p p p p p p p p
6 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . .
2 P P P P P P P P
1 R N N Q K C C R
a b c d e f g h
--------END SETUP--------------------
--------BEGIN PIECES--------------------

All pieces are the same as in orthodox chess except as described here.

The changeling takes the place of the bishop and both are deployed on the right flank. The movement of the changing depends on the color of the square it sits on:
On a white square: B+N - Bishop or Knight
On a black square: R+N - Rook or Knight

A dominator enters the game when a pawn is promoted. A dominator moves:
B+N+K – Bishop or Knight or King
--------END PIECES--------------------

--------BEGIN RULES--------------------
All rules are the same as for orthodox except as modified here.

Pawn Promotion
When a pawn reaches the 8th rank it always promotes to a dominator.
--------END RULES--------------------
--------BEGIN NOTES--------------------
Plutonian Chess may be played with a standard chess set and a few tokens such as pieces from a checkers set.

Use the Bishop to represent the Changeling.

Place a token such as a checker under the promoted pawn to indicate it is a Dominator.
--------END NOTES--------------------

IV. Submission Result
You may view the result of this submission here:


If you would like a printable copy of these instructions send an email to:
SpartanChessOnline at

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