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George Duke wrote on Tue, Nov 9, 2010 04:19 PM UTC:
Invented in 1977, Chess Different Armies initiated salvation for little customary 64 squares. Betza left us thinking it is to be Next Chess, period, After all, every cycle and every life ends, or re-continues, and sixty-four -- vraiment, compare its diminutiveness to big 81 Shogi and big 90 Xiangqi -- were computer-busted by the nineties if not the eighties. Busted to the point ex-player Fischer (1943-2008) proposed junking the set array RNBQKBNR in 1996, ignorant that was done by Frenchman Alexandre as early as the 1820s post-Napoleon. Fischer Random is Alexandre redux.  Now by Fischer we can have BNQRRKNB, so long as Bishops do not compete. Beautiful. Betza saw irony/inferiority there and redoubled towards perfection of CDA, obviating FRC for Next Chess, in armies: Nutty Knights, Remarkable Rookies, Colourbound Clobberers, Forward F.I.D.E.s, Amazon Army, Meticulous Mashers, pitted against each other or against the F.i.d.e. one.  The pointage of that latter, 39, is the benchmark for equality of usually different forces. There have to be subtle differences inexactly achieved, equal-valued forces being impossible when so much as a single piece-type differs side to side. There are contributors' Armies of point value also approximately 39 not created by Betza: Lawson's Pizza Kings, Aronson's Fighting Fizzies, Streetman's Spartan. The latter in current discussion has not a single new piece-type and may be adequate new combination as useful as Lawson's Army or Aronson's Army. The best Armies appear to be ones described in follow-up comment soon.
Does it matter that one Army is 38 points or 40 points? A little. When there is a disparity humans can detect, the challenge then becomes to win with White 38.5-pointed, or win with Black 39.5-pointed.  How many near-39-point Armies can be created? Hundreds. Thousands. Probably thousands of good ones, not beyond that, if computer-generated and having time allotted to devote.  How many active or finished games of Chess Different Armies are indicated at Game Courier? 105. Also for follow-up will be to find the leading player(s) Chess Different Armies over the past ten years.

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