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Steven Streetman wrote on Sat, Nov 6, 2010 11:27 AM EDT:
Spartan Chess News

CV Submission
Some of you were wondering why or where the Spartan Chess Variant posting to our web site was. It turns out that editor in charge of this was on vacation! Who authorized that? :) The editor was very helpful in getting my variation posted. You might have seen Spartan Chess listed in the “What’s New” news. If not you can find the posting here:

Computer Play Download
Mr. H.G. Muller who collaborated on this project has modified the Spartan Chess Fairy-Max download. I believe the dedicated Spartan Chess playing package is in its final and correct form.
- Play a game against the computer.
- Watch the computer play against itself.
- You may get your copy here:

Web Site
The Spartan Chess web site, which has turned out to be a small hobby of mine, can be viewed here:

Spartan Quotes
Here is a collection of my favorites...

'Now I know why the Spartans do not fear death.'
 -- A visitor to Sparta having eaten a Spartan meal.

Lay down your arms and Xerxes will allow you to leave peaceably.
-- 'Come and take them!'
---- King Leonidas at Thermopylae

'The walls of Sparta are its young men; its borders the points of their spears.'
---- King Agesilaos

'Come home with your shield or upon it.'
---- Spartan mothers to their sons

Why are Spartan swords so short?
--  'Because we fight close to the enemy.'
---- King Agesilaos

Persian archers can blank out the sun with their arrows.
    'Good, then we shall have our battle in the shade.'
---- Dienekes at Thermopylae

Spartans renounced wealth and good food. There was a banquet where a gourmet
Persian meal was laid out amongst Persian finery alongside a meager Spartan meal.
--  'These Persian have come to steal from us our poverty.'
---- Spartan King

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