Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To M Winther wrote on Fri, Jun 5, 2009 01:34 PM EDT:Almost all of my Game Courier presets are now automated (but theyignore check, etc). Castling and 'en passant' are automated. Pawns turn to queens at promotion (one must input manually to promote to another piece). So they are now very comfortable to use. It would be great if they were used some time. Some of the variants are very interesting, I think. The most unusual variant is Orphic Chess (received a mention in Variant Chess magazine). Gunnery Chess uses pawns as cannon balls. There are many more interesting features, like the Magic Pawn. You will find that I have a strong tendency toward modest variants. My Game Courier presets are here (the nether part of the page). /Mats Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID My game presets does not match any item.