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Man and Beast 07: When Beasts Collide is an article on pieces. It is categorized as: Not categorized.
Man and Beast 07: When Beasts Collide. Systematic naming of more complex oblique pieces.
By Charles Gilman.
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Invented in the year 2004. [2003-2005]. [1999-2009].
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See Also
Man and Beast 01: Constitutional Characters. Systematic naming of symmetric and forward-only coprime radial pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 02: Shield Bearers. Systematic naming of divergent coprime radial pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 03: From Ungulates Outward. Systematic naming of the simplest Oblique Pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 04: Generalised Generals. Systematic naming of part-symmetric coprime radial pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 05: Punning by Numbers. Systematic naming of coprime triaxial oblique pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 06: The Heavy Brigade. Systematic naming of symmetric and forward-only non-coprime radial pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 08: Diverse Directions. Systematic naming of symmetric pieces mixing radial and oblique components. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 09: Mighty Like a Rose. Systematic naming of pieces following Curved, Crooked, or Bent paths. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 10: The Hybrid Diagonal. Systematic naming of straight coprime hex-prism-specific radial pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 11: Long-nosed Generals. Systematic naming of part-symmetric pieces with non-coprime components. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 12: Alternative Fronts. Systematic naming of pieces using complex mixes of forward, backward, and same-rank moves. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 13: Straight and Crooked Moving. Systematic naming of part-straight and more complex non-straight pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 14: Oddly Oblique. Systematic naming of hex-specific coprime oblique pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 15: Strengthened Across the Board. Systematic naming of pieces reinterpreting the concept of directions. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 16: Diverging Further. Systematic naming of more complex divergent pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 17: Hex Heavies. Systematic naming of non-coprime hex-specific pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 18: Complex Pieces with Simple Ratios. Systematic naming of compounds of oblique pieces with SOLLs in ratios of 1, 1½, 2, 3, and 6. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 19: The Vice Squad. Systematic naming of more complex pieces mixing radial and oblique moves. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 20: Far From Square. Systematic naming of more complex hex-specific pieces. By Charles Gilman.
Man and Beast 21: Lords High Everything-Else. Systematic naming of pieces that do not fit in any of the other articles. By Charles Gilman.
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