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10th Anniversary World Circular Chess Tournament is a news item. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Circular shaped board. This item is located on a site outside of
10th Anniversary World Circular Chess Tournament. 10th Anniversary World Circular Chess Tournament.
Author: Dave Reynolds and Richard Orange.
I am pleased to say that the Circular Chess Society's website is back up and running (not all pages complete yet but will be v.soon) with interesting news about the tenth anniversary world championship in Lincoln. [The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, 20 August 2005.]
Sorry to hear a few of your contributors couldn't get in touch recently - apologies to them - we are up and running again.
Many thanks.
Richard Orange
On behalf of Dave Reynolds, CCS President
Other Information
The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 64 cells/squares.
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See Also
Circular Chess. D. Reynolds's Circular Chess, a modern version of a Byzantine variant (with zrf). By M Winther.
Circular Chess. Chess on a round board. (16x4, Cells: 64) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
Circular Chess Society Information Pack. Rules of Circular Chess and Information on the Circular Chess Society. (Cells: 64) Author: Rob Stevens. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
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Announcement Circular Chess World Championship 2004. Missing description
Circular Chess Championship for 2002 Announced. Missing description Author: Rob Stevens.
Circular Chess World Championship 2003. Missing description
The Circular Chess Society. Organization for players of Circular Chess. Author: Rob Stevens. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
The Circular Chess Society. Homepage of British organization playing Circular Chess. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
Circular Chess. PBM Preset for Circular Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
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Circular Chess
. Chess on a round board with modern pieces. Author: Robert Price. Inventor: Dave Reynolds.
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