Diagrammatic Shogi Pieces
Here is a set of diagrammatic Shogi pieces of my own design. Each piece has a movement diagram showing how the piece moves. I used points for moving one space, lines for moving any number of spaces, blue for orthogonal movement and green for diagonal movement. I put black dots in the center of unpromoted pieces and red dots in the center of promoted pieces. This dot is the point of origin in each diagram. You may use these noncommercially so long as you credit Fergus Duniho with the artwork, and so long as you don't use them for pieces with different powers of movement than what's indicated on them.
Bishop | BishopFlip | BishopP | BishopPFlip |
Gold | GoldFlip | King | KingFlip |
Knight | KnightFlip | KnightP | KnightPFlip |
Lance | LanceFlip | LanceP | LancePFlip |
Pawn | PawnFlip | PawnP | PawnPFlip |
Rook | RookFlip | RookP | RookPFlip |
Silver | SilverFlip | SilverP | SilverPFlip |
Written by Fergus Duniho. Artwork by Fergus Duniho.
WWW Page Created: Tue Oct 19, 1999. Last Modified: Tue Oct 19, 1999.