Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

FIDE - Clobberers (3)

1. d4 g6 2. e4 b6
     (j'adoube 2...(NB)d8-c6?? 3. d5!! )
       (Note: 3..(NB)c6-a4!? 4. Bc4 (BD)h8:b2
                5. Bb3 (BD)b2:c1+ 6. Q:c1 unclear
                5. Bb3 (NB)a4:b3!? also interesting. )
       (Note: 3. Nf3 sacking pawn for lots of development is interesting)

Postgame editorializing: I didn't see 3..(NB)c6-a4! and that was my
biggest mistake. This sort of piece-play is hard to get used to, but
you can't really handle the Clobberers unless you make it a part of
your repertoire.

3. Nc3 c5 4. d5 e5 5. Bd3 (WA)b8-d6 6. Nf3 (FAD)f8-f6 7. h4 (WA)d6-f4
8. g3 (WA)f4:f3 9. Q:f3 h6 10. h5 g5 11. a4 a6 12. Nd1 (WA)g8-g7
13. Ne3 (WA)g7-h7 14. Ra3 d6 15. Rb3 (BD)a8-b7 16. Bf1 (FAD)c8-d7
17. Bh3 b5 18. B:d7+ (BD)b7:d7 19. ab ab 20. Ra3 O-O
21. 0-0 (FAD)f6-d4 22. c3 (FAD)d4-b6 23. Kg2 (NB)d8-b7
    (j'adoube 23. Bd2 (BD)d7-h3 24. Qe2 (NB)d8-f6)
24. Qe2
    (j'adoube f5 25. ef (WA)h7:f5 26. Qg4 (BD)d7-f7 27. N:f5 (NB)b7:d5+
        28. f3 (NB)d5-f6 29. Ra8 (BD)f7:h5 30. N:h6+
           (Note: 30. Q:h5!? (NB)f6:h5 31. Rh1 (NB)h5-f6
                32. R:h6 (NB)f6-d5 unclear;
                32. N:h6+ probably +-)
24 ... (NB)b7-c8 25. g4 (BD)d7-b7 26. Nc2 (BD)f8-d8
27. Be3 (FAD)b6-c7 28. b4 c4 29. Rfa1 (BD)d8-b8 30. f3 (WA)h7-h8
31. Ra8 (WA)h8-f6
      31... (WA)h8-f6
            32 Ba7 (FAD)c7:a7 33 R1a7 (NB)c8:a7 34 R:a7 (BD)b8:a7+
            32 Qf2 (WA)f6-h4? 33 Qd2!
                   (NB)c8-d7 33 R1a7 (FAD)c7:a7 34 B:a7? (FAD)b7:a8
                          35 B:b8 (NB):b8 36 Qb6 (NB)-d7 safety
      31... (NB)c8-d7
            32 Ba7 (BD)b8-d8
            32 R1a7 (FAD)c7:a7 33 B:a7? (FAD)b7:a8
32. Qf2 (NB)c8-d7 33. Qg1 Kf8
    (Note: 33. Bb6!? (FAD)c7:b6
         34. Ra8:b8+? (FAD)b6:b8
         34. Qf2:b6 (NB)d7:b6 (not check) 35. R:b8+ Kg7?
            ( (NB)b6-c8!? probably okay ) 36 R:b7 wins
     Hard to visualize.
34. R1a2
    (j'adoube 34. R1a7 (FAD)c7:a7 35. R:a7 (BD)b8:a7 36. B:a7 (NB)d7-c8
       (j'adoube (WA)f6-d8 37. Ne3 (WA)d8-f6) )
34... Ke7 35. Qc1 Kf8 36. Qa1 Ke7 37. Bf2 Kf8
38. Ne3 Ke7 39. Nf1 Kf8 40. Ng3 Ke7 41. Be3 Kf8
42. R1a7 if (FAD)c7:a7 43. Q:a7

} - My intuition tells me that soon I will be a piece ahead.
} Funny - mine tells me the same thing  :-)
} I can't believe I haven't seen this before - I was too focused on
} other plans.

I can't believe I haven't seen this before. j'adoube!

(But am I in Zugszwang????)

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