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Colorbound Clobberers Problem 1

       a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |   Ralph Betza
8   |  *k |     |     |     |     |     |   K |     |   March, 1997
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |   "Yo Yo"
7   |     |  *n |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
6   |     |     |  NB |     |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
5   |     |     |     |  WA |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
4   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
3   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
2   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
1   |     |     |     |   B |     |     |     |     |
This problem is a simple mate in two (White must find the best move, and then give checkmate with his second move).

White has only a King on g8, a NB on c6, and a WA on d5; Black has only a K on a8, a N on b7, and a B on d1.

As you can see, White is playing with the Colorbound Clobberers army and Black has the Fabulous FIDEs.


You should try to find the solution yourself.

Because it's considered impolite to tell you the answer before you've had a chance to try, but on the other hand I don't want to have a separate page for the solution, you'll need to scroll down a while here:

  1. (WA)d5:b7  Bd1-b3+ 2. (WA)b7-d5 mate
                Bd1-a4  2. (WA)b7-a7 mate
                Bd1-f3  2. (WA)b7-d5 mate or 2. (WA)b7-a7 mate
I am not a good composer, and I know that this miniature has several technical flaws. Even so, there are a few things about it that I like.

First of all, the switchback theme (the WA moves, and then returns to its original position) has always amused me. I think that you are almost forced to start with a capture if you are doing a two-move switchback, so one of the technical flaws is excused.

Then, a two-move switchback with a crosscheck (main variation) isn't bad, especially when the crosscheck is a discovered check of unusual shape.

Add to that a secondary variation that forces a different mate, and things are looking good.

Unfortunately, White has both 2.(WA)b7-a7 mate and 2.(WA)b7-b8 mate. This minor flaw could be fixed by adding a White Pa7, but that would be worse -- the Pawn would serve no other purpose and it would be ugly.

Finally, the variation 1...Bd1-f3 2.(WA)b7-d5 mate would really make this a winner if only (WA)b7-d5 were forced. Unfortunately, the double check is available, and there really isn't any way to fix this, though it would certainly be worthwhile adding a piece or two to fix it.

By changing the starting position so White's K is on g2 and Black's B is on b3, I could have 2 clean variations without the tantalizing near-miss of the third one.

Perhaps a real problem composer will get a good idea from this problem.

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