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User ID: dcannon1965
Contributor, Game Inventor, Member
Last Logged on 2024-07-16 21:44:44.
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1. Chess on Steroids: I first published this variant in 2003, although I had thought of the idea back in the 1980s. Pieces assimilate the powers of captured pieces. I am not so proud of this variant now: Fergus Duniho invented a number of games based on a similar concept, but much better designed and implemented. I have not bothered to create a Zillions of Games file for it, and likely never will. The reason why I've left it up here is that however substandard it may have been, it was my first serious attempt at designing a chess variant.
2. Diamond Chess 306: Inspired by Parachess (Tony Paletta) and Assimilation Fusion Chess (Fergus Duniho).
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3. Chess on a Soccer Ball: Played on the 32 cells of a standard soccer ball.
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4. Narnia Chess: Inspired by Chess on a Soccer Ball (q.v.) and Alice Chess (V.R. Parton).
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5. FIDE Chess with Black/White impartiality rule: Strictly speaking, this invention is not mine, but my 13-year old son's. He thought of a way to eliminate the first-move advantage of the White player by giving the Black pieces to the stronger player. In a typical ten-game match, the players would not automatically alternate between Black and White. Instead, the winner of any game in the match would automatically play as Black in the next game. Invented and published in 2009.
6. Lemniscate Chess: Inspired by Infinite Chess (Mark Colebank).
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7. D�rer's Chess: Played on a circular tiling of 151 pentagons and diamonds first described by Albrecht D�rer in 1525.
Zillions of Games file.
8. Round Honeycomb Chess: Inspired by Circular/Cylindrical Chess and Hexagonal Chess.
Zillions of Games file.
9. Matrix Chess: Played on a 121- or 196-cell tiling of pentagons and diamonds.
Zillions of Games file.
10. King Arthur's Chess 72: Played on a round board of 72 cells.
Zillions of Games file.
11. Rotor-blades Chess: Played on a circular tessellation of 150 triangular cells.
Zillions of Games file.
12. Rotor-blades Fusion Chess: A hybrid of Rotorblades Chess and Fergus Duniho's Fusion Chess.
Zillions of Games file.
13. Windows Chess: A game inspired by an arch window in my neighbourhood.
Zillions of Games file.