The Triagonal Tag
These games can be played on triagonal boards. These are boards whose spaces are interlocking triangles.
Tagged Pages
64 triangles. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
CHESSAGON. CHESSAGON® is like traditional Chess, but with Triangles, with one new additional piece named the Duke. (1)
Delta-Nabla Chess. Chess translated to a triangular grid as naturally as possible. (1)
Delta88 Chess. Chess on a Trigonal Board. (11x8, Cells: 88) (1)
Rotorblades Chess. Game played on a board that is both circular and trigonal. (Cells: 150) (1)
Rotorblades Fusion Chess. Played on a circular tiling on triangular cells. A further development of my previous game, Rotorblades Chess. (Cells: 150) (1)
Step and Circle TrigChess. Trigonal entry for the 45 or 46 cell 2007 design contest. (9x6, Cells: 46) (1)
Triangle Chess. Chess for three players. (Cells: 144) (1)
- Shape: Cells - The cells of the game board are not squares or hexagons.
- Unusual Board - Any board that isn't simply a rectangular grid of squares