Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

Chess Variant Pages -- Financial Information

Below is a summary of the Chess Variant Pages financial transactions. Income from our various associates programs will also appear here, when payment is actually received (which we estimate will take a couple of months at least). This information will be updated every month or so. All amounts are in U.S. Dollars.

Our Bank Account

Older transactions:

Date Description Debit Credit Balance
01-Aug-1999 Initial Balance $0.00
01-Aug-1999 2 year InterNic fee for $70.00 -$70.00
01-Sep-1999 Donation from Vu Vo $35.00 -$35.00
21-Oct-1999 Advertising income from Zillions Development $20.00 -$15.00
01-Jan-2000 Advertising income from Zillions Development $40.00 $25.00
18-Mar-2000 Sponsorship from for 2 Months $43.00 $68.00
31-Mar-2000 Advertising income from Zillions Development $80.00 $148.00
22-Apr-2000 Advertising income from Somac Inc. (Omega Chess) $70.00 $218.00
22-Apr-2000 Banner design for Omega Chess $67.00 $285.00
03-May-2000 Income from associates $67.05 $352.05
03-May-2000 Purchased 'Advanced Search and Replace' software $20.00 $332.05
26-May-2000 advertising payment for June $25.00 $357.05
27-May-2000 XWaveUSA advertising payment $120.00 $477.05
31-May-2000 Zillions Development sponsoship payment for June - Dec $84.00 $561.05
01-Jun-2000 Purchased two copies of 'Popular Chess Variants' for contest prizes $28.90 $532.15
03-Jul-2000 Subscription to Abstract Games magazine $35.00 $497.15
07-Jul-2000 Web hosting fee for Aug 2000 - Jul 2001 $204.82 $292.33
12-Jul-2000 advertising payment for July and August $50.00 $342.33
01-Jun-2000 Interest $1.24 $343.57
01-Aug-2000 Jerry Davis, web page work $50.00 $393.57
01-Aug-2000 Amazon associates program $60.49 $454.06
07-Aug-2000 Cute-FTP program registration $39.95 $414.11
15-Aug-2000 FTPSync program registration $15.00 $399.11
15-Aug-2000 Interest $2.02 $401.13
1-Sep-2000 Jerry Davis, web page work $50.00 $451.13
1-Sep-2000 advertising payment for September and October $50.00 $501.13
7-Sep-2000 Chessapeak Chess -- For review $35.06 $466.07