Haynie's Test Games
Bill Haynie sent the following chess variants. As these (except the last one) are not entirely balanced, one should play these games perhaps twice with changed colors.Game 1: Archbishops versus rooks
The setup is shown here:
All white's major non-royal pieces are rooks, while all black's major non-royal pieces are archbishops: pieces that can move like a knight or like a bishop.
Pawns promote to archbishop or rook.
Game 2: Bishops against Knights

Except for the different setup, all rules are as in chess.
Game 3: Marshalls against cardinals

No castling. Pawns promote to cardinal or marshall.
Game 4: Different pieces
macqkbnr pppppppp ........ ........ ........ ........ PPPPPPPP MACQKBNRM: Marshall (moves like rook or knight).
A: Amazon (moves like queen or knight).
C: Cardinal (moves like bishop or knight).
Q, K, B, N, R, P as in orthodox chess.
Castling is possible, with marshall or with rook. Pawns can promote to marshall, amazon, cardinal, queen, bishop, knight or rook.
Billy Haynie welcomes comments on these variants. Contact him at (email removed contact us for address) mail.com.WWW page made by Hans Bodlaender, based on email of Billy Haynie.
WWW page created: August 11, 1999. Last modified: August 21, 1999.