Three Player Chess
In January or February 1997, articles in Dutch newspapers mentioned a new chess variant for three players. As source, the article of which we see a scan below, the Times is mentioned. This probably was not the first, and it will not be the last three players chess variant, and it seems to differ not very much from some existing (commercial) three-player chess variants. The article mentions that the game was invented by Khia Rasmussin when he was with two other people in a land-house in Scotland for five weeks, closed in by snow.Here, you see a scan of the image. I've reduced the quality to get the file size to reasonable proportions, with the photo of the board in a somewhat better quality.
Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the newspaper from which this clip comes from, and the exact date in Winter 1997. The Times had an article on this game on December 30, 1996, on page 3.
It is possible that the game is the one produced by Connection - The Problem Solvers, from Brighton, UK. You can follow a link to their page on this game.

Written by Hans Bodlaender. Thanks to Andrew Browne for information.
WWW page created: February 13, 1997. Last modified: April 17, 1997.