Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

Please note this file is rather old and no longer accurate or up to date. The 3rd Heterochess Olympic Games will start in autumn 1997 with five countries.



  1. AISE, in collaboration with NOST and "Variant Chess", calls and organises the 3rd postal Heterochess Olympics.
  2. National teams from all countries are welcome to the Olympics. Participation is not limited to one team per country, but if the overall number of team requires a subdivision in series, no more than one team per country will be admitted to the Master Series (Championship).
  3. Admission requests must be sent to the President of AISE, Alessandro Castelli, 62010 Villa Potenza (MC), Italia ((email removed contact us for address) no later the Mar. 31, 1996. No entry fee is required. Requests must include the choice of a primary and a secondary chess variant to be played in the Olympics. If the variant chosen are new or uncommon, a complete set of rules along with sample game (possibly commented in English or Italian) must be enclosed.
  4. The organisers will send to each admitted team the list of all the chosen variants, along with rules and sample games.
  5. Within two months from the communication of the previous point, the teams must send in the list of individual players complete with full addresses and for each player the list of variants that he or she plans to play. No team consisting of less than three players will be admitted to the Olympics.
  6. Each team will play all the chosen variants. The final ranking will be based on team matches results (win=1, draw=1/2, loss=0). Ties will be broken taking into account the individual scores; would that not be enough, the standard Sonneborn-Berger tie-breaking system will be used, first on teams' results, then on individual results if necessary.
  7. AISE will be responsible for the general organisation of the Olympics. Claims concerning the rules of a specific variant will be submitted to the team that proposed it.
  8. "ETEROSCACCO" is the Olympics official bulletin.


The play will generically follow the ICCF rules governing the play by mail. In particular, the following regulations are of greater importance:

  1. Opponents residing in different continents must communicate via air mail.
  2. At the end of a game the winner or both in the case of a draw will notify the result to the tournament director along with the complete score of the game
  3. If no answer is received after 45 days since the last move was sent, a repeat card should be sent to the silent opponent.
    If another 45 days pass with no answer, the relative documentation should be sent to the Tournament Director who may decide to forfeit the game. It is strongly suggested to send repeat cards by registered mail.
  4. Partially or totally illegal moves must be replaced by legal ones.
  5. When sending a move, the following items should be indicated: the sender address; the Chess Variant; the opponent's last move; the own move; the opponent's last card postmark date; the receiving and sending dates.
  6. The tournament deadline is fixed in three years (1.5 year for Like Progressive Chess). Games unfinished by this deadline will be double forfeited, unless one of players can prove that the play proceeded continuously without substantial interruptions.
  7. The AISE official chess notation is the complete algebraic notation. All players are strongly encouraged to use it, especially when sending the scores to the Tournament Director. Two opponents can use a different notation between them upon common agreement.

Alessandro Castelli ((email removed contact us for address)
WWW page created: October 16, 1995. Last modified: October 14, 1997.