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Definition of CV Player| Definition of Chess Game| Definition of Key Piece| Definition of a Pawn| Classification of Chess Games| Pre-version Chess Index#| Calculating the Index| Your Game Index| Briefing on Quang Trung Chess| Briefing on Bach Dang Chess| Briefing on Ultimate Battle Chess|

My Discussions on Chess
The ideas or definitions as presented below are merely for my own personal note. But do let me know how you feel, and of your opinion. After all, the purpose of this webpage is to share information.

In the circle of chess variant enthusiast, the term "chess" refers to a group of board games--such as FIDE chess, Chinese Chess, or Quang Trung Chess. These board games are grouped into the various versions. Within each version, the games are further divided into variants. However, a chess variant player is a person who plays or knows more than one version of chess.

Below is a naming system that I created to use in clasifying chess games. Please come visit this site often because I will make new additions and updates as I go a long. Just treat this site like it were still under construction--it is, by the way. If you have a game and wish me to clasify or have an opinion on it then do let me know.

Definition of a Chess Games
Any game that meets these three requirements below is considered a chess game.
1). The outcome of the game relies totally on the actions of its players--no dices or cards allowed.
2). The game has more than one type of pieces, where each type has its own set of movements.
3). One of the pieces when captured must end the game. This piece is called the key piece.

Definition of a Key Piece
A key piece is the important piece that ends the game when it is captured.

Definition of a Pawn
The pawn is the most numerous and the weakest type of pieces founded in a chess game.

Clasification of All Chess Games
This classification system is based primarily on the nature of the key piece and the pawns. I divide all chess games into two super-families according to the nature of its key piece: the short-key super-family and the long-key super-family. A game that has its key piece moving at one pace at a time belongs in the short-key super-family. A game that has its key piece moving at a specific distance greater then the smallest unit on the board belongs in the long-key super-family.

Each super-family is divided into two smaller extended-families: the total-key extended-family and the partial-key extended-family. The key piece in the total-key extended-family uses all posible directions, where as the partial-key extended-family does not.

Each extended-family is further divided into two smaller families: the restricted family and the unrestricted family. The key piece in the restricted family is confined to parts of the board, where as key in the unrestricted family is not.

Each family is further divided into two smaller sub-families: the checking sub-family and the non-checking sub-family. The key piece in the checking sub-family has the ability to capture another key piece, where as the key piece in the non-checking sub-family could not.

So far all the divisions, which contain the word "family" in it, are based on the nature of the key piece. The following divisions, which contain the word "version" in it, are based on the nature of the pawns.

Each family is further divided into two super-versions: the goal-oriented super-version and the promotion-oriented super-version. The pawn in goal-oriented super-version do not change it mode of movement during the course of the game, where as the promotion-oriented super-version pawn does.

Each super-version is further divided into two extended-versions: the short-pawn extended-version and the long-pawn extended-version. The pawn in the short-pawn extended-version moves only one pace at a time, while the pawn in the long-pawn extended-version moves at a specific distance greater then the smallest unit on the board.

Each extended-version is further divided into two pre-versions: the checking pre-version and the non-checking pre-version. The pawn in the checking pre-version could always check a key piece without having to put itself in danger from the key piece. The pawn in the non-checking pre-version could not always safely checking the key piece.

Each pre-version is further divided into many versions. And each version is further divided into many variants.

Pre-version Chess Index Number
Using the above clasification system, I could give avery existing chess game an index number to go along with its names. The index number is ranging from 1 to 128. The number can be used to describe and compare the various chess games in a systematic way. For example, two games having the same index number means that both games are very closely related together--the closer the index numbers, the closer the games are related.

Calculating the Index Number
1. Every chess games starting out with 1
2. Add 64 if it is belonging to the long-key super-family
3. Add 32 if it is belonging to the total-key extended-family
4. Add 16 if it is belonging to the unrestricted family
5. Add 8 if it is belonging to the checking-key sub-family
6. Add 4 if it is belonging to the goal-oriented super-version
7. Add 2 if it is belonging to the long-pawn extended-version
8. Add 1 if it is belonging to the checking-pawn pre-version
9. The sum is the pre-version index number for that particular chess game.

Index# for Your Particular Game
Do notice that a game with a bigger index# doesn't mean it is better or worse. The index# is used for classification. It only has meaning if two games having the same index#, which means that they're similar.

Index#-name of game
033-Chinese chess
037-Korean chess
049-FIDE chess
049-Tamerlane chess
049-"most games"
128-Quang Trung Chess
128-Bach Dang Chess
128-Ultimate Battle Chess

A Brief Note on Quang Trung Chess
So far, most of the chess variants posted to the public are variants of FIDE chess or variants of another version within the same family as FIDE chess. This is where Quang Trung Chess, Bach Dang Chess, and Ultimate Battle Chess come in. These three games are from three different versions, and together they form their own super-family.

The idea for Quang Trung Chess was started in July of 1992. At that time, I was looking to create a new chess game for the Vietnamese because Vietnamese simply do not have a chess game to call theirs. (Cotuong is just another name for Chinese chess). Anyway, Quang Trung Chess was finally completed on March 3rd, 1999. The game is named in honor of Emperor Quang Trung--Vietnam late 18th century military hero.

A Brief Note on Bach Dang Chess

Besides the introduction of a brand new piece (the ship), Bach Dang Chess looks very much like Quang Trung Chess playing on a 10x10 board. The game was completed on March 10, 1999. It is named after Song Bach Dang--the river that witnessed history repeated itself in battles.

A Brief Note on Ultimate Battle Chess

Ultimate Battle Chess is the Quang Trung Chess version of FIDE chess. The game is played using the exact FIDE materials. Thus, anyone who has a set of FIDE chess could enjoy Ultimate Battle Chess right away. The game was completed on March 15, 1999. This game is probably my last chess game--I have moved on into another hobby. In the future, do remember to check me out on my other hobbies.

Written by Vu Q. Vo.
WWW page created: April 5, 1999.