Games using the Same Board
The board used for this game has
- Chess on an Infinite Plane. Chess game with no boundaries (infinite board), and Guard, Chancellor, and Hawk. ()
- Real-time, many-player, "io-style" game.
- Colour Chess and Lure. Chess Variant where the board is different every time you play, and you can control what pieces your opponent can move next.
- Crossover-piece Dual Direction Variants. Variants adding different moves in the dual direction to already dual pieces. ()
- Delta PI. Commercial chess variant with science fiction theme.
- Express Chess. Information on commercial chess variant with cards instead of board and pieces. ()
- Infinite Chess 3D. Extends Chess to larger, even infinite, boards. ()
- Large Variants in the Historic North European Style. Missing description ()
- Never-Ending Infinite Sandbox Chess Game. Online forum-based chess game with 12 players, infinite board, and many pieces.
- Notchess. A family of games with Chess and Chess-Variant pieces but no King. ()
- StrataChess v1.0. separate Strategic and Tactical gameplay. 2-6 players. Element of Chance. Terrain. Build your own armies.
- Trappist-1. Chess game with no boundaries. includes Guard, Chancellor, Hawk, and Huygens. ()
- Warlord Chess - Review. 4-player chess with modified board and special moves.