Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 1000
The search is limited to 500 items at a time. There are links at the bottom of the page to either continue or narrow down your search.
Cassandra Chess. Prophesy the doom of opposing pieces two turns in advance to capture them. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Castalia Chess. Introducing the Castalia, which moves like a queen but cannot capture. Instead it can magnetically dislocate pieces (zrf exists).
Castle Chess. As Fide-chess, but with extended castle: the king may jump three squares (with zrf).
Castle Chess
. White must prevent black from castling.
Castle Siege Chess
. Byzantine Chess merged with 6x6 chess board.
CastleChess. White must prevent black from castling. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Castling in Chess 960. New castling rules for Fischer Random Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Castling Rules in Chess Variants. An investigation of castling rules in chess and chess variants.
Castlingmost Chess. All movement in this variant is a form of castling. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cat's Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
Cataclysm. Large board variant with exciting, strategical play, and many powerful short-range pieces.
Cataclysm. Large board game with short-range pieces designed to be dramatic without being overly complicated or dragging on too long. (12x16, Cells: 192)
A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces. A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces, with drawings, photographs and printable links. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Catalonia. Cooperative variant where the players are trying to form chains while the board is getting bombarded. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Catapults of Troy. Large variant with a river, catapults, archers, and trojan horses! (8x11, Cells: 88)
Catapults of Troy
. Large variant with a river, catapults, archers, and trojan horses!
Catapults of Troy. Large variant with a river, catapults, archers, and trojan horses!
Catastrophic 8x8 Chess. Mathematician Missoum gives a new type of chessboard.
Cavalier. Piece from RennChess that steps one diagonally then slides orthogonally, or steps one orthogonally then slides diagonally.
Cavalier Chess. Play Cavalier Chess with Jocly.
Cavalier Chess. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement.
Cavalier Chess. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement.
Cavalier Chess. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cavalier Chess
. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement.
Cavalier Chess Photographs. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement.
Cavalier Zillions Saved Game
. Download this file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament.
Cavalier Zillions Saved Game
. Download this file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament.
Cavalry Chess. All pieces have additional knight move except knights which get camel + zebra moves.
Cavalry Chess. Enhanced moves for all pieces.
Cavalry Chess
. A once popular variant from the 1920's where every piece has additional jumping moves.
Cavalry Chess. A once popular variant from the 1920's where every piece has additional jumping moves. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cavalry Queen Chess. Queen rides a horse and therefore it passively moves as Knight (but captures as usual). (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cavewars CSIPGS Chess. Three dimensional chess variant based on Cavewars game.
Cazaux Chess. Some chess variants invented by Jean-Louis Cazaux, along with some others.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. An interview.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. Website of Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. Books by Jean-Louis Cazaux.
CC chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
CC chess
. Missing description
CC Top. Column Chess. (9x9, Cells: 81)
CCC - The Clash of Civilizations Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
CCC - The Clash of Civilizations Chess. ...two Chess Armies made from (some of) the most popular pieces used in Western and Eastern Chess games.
. Missing description
. Missing description
CCC-FF(updated) with zrf.file. Missing description
CCChess - shuffle version. A few different imaginings of CCChess.
CCChess Final Fight. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
CCChess new generations. Missing description
CCCHess,Demon Vs Super Symchess. Pieces from Demon Chess face off against those from Super Symchess.
CCChess-FF(In-Yan variant). Missing description
CDA Variant: Fighting Fizzies. Missing description
CDA: Demi-Rifle Army. Missing description
CDA: Meticulous Mashers. ...every piece very nearly matches the corresponding piece from FIDE-chess, both in value and in general characteristics. - RB.
CDA: Pizza Kings. Experimental CDA army, submitted half in jest, with pieces whose movement imitates their shape.
CDA: Spacious Cannoneers. Spacious pieces combine with Vao and Pao pieces for Betzan Chess with Different Armies Variant.
Cellular Chess. One step towards Joe Joyce's ideal of playing chess on an 100x100 board. (30x30, Cells: 900)
Cellular Chess. Play Cellular Chess at Game Courier.
Centaur. Moves as Knight or Man. AKA Crowned Knight.
Centaur Chess. Pieces move backwards as Knight. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Centaur Chess. All pieces except Pawns move backwards as a Knight.
Centaur Chess
. All pieces except Pawns move backwards as Knights.
Centaur Princess Chess. Chess on a 10x8 board with Centaurs and Princesses (archbishops) added. (10x8, Cells: 80)
Centaur Royal and Double Centaur Royal
. Missing description
Centennial and Millennial Chess: Cutout pieces. Pictures to print for making your own Centennial and Millennial Chess set.
Centennial Chess
. 10x10 Variant that adds Camels, Stewards, Rotating Spearmen and Murray Lions to the standard mix.
Centennial Chess. 10x10 Variant that adds Camels, Stewards, Rotating Spearmen and Murray Lions to the standard mix. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Centennial Chess. 10x10 Variant that adds Camels, Stewards, Rotating Spearmen and Murray Lions to the standard mix.
Centennial Chess Photographs. 10x10 board, Shogi-like pieces.
Center of Attention. FIDE Chess but with an additional winning condition: Move your king unchecked into a center square.
Center of Attention. In addition to regular rules, win by moving your King to a center square. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Center of Attention Chess. In addition to regular rules, win by moving your King to a center square.
Centerless Chess. No center pawns or squares.
Central Chess. Move twice per turn, once in center and once on edge.
Central Point Chess. Small 7x7 game with different pieces.
Central Rotational Chess. Plays like chess except the center (4 squares) rotate after each move and kings must be captured (instead of mated). (8x8, Cells: 64)
The Central Squares
. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares.
The Central Squares. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares. (3x(6x6), Cells: 100)
Centurion Chess. Centurions replace the Kings. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Cerimon Chess. Recover pieces by checking with a like piece. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cetina Random Chess. Missing description
Cetina Random Chess. Play with a sissa and a chancellor from a randomly generated setup.
Cetran Chess 2. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cetran Chess 2. Missing description
CGNP chess. A game with Knightly Pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64)
CGNP chess. A game with Knightly Pawns.
Chad. Castles and walls in a strategic deep chess variant. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Chad. Christian Freeling's simple game of complex strategy.
Chafl. combines Chess with Tafl. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chain of Fools. Game with a Chess set where the goal is form chains of defended pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chak. A modern vision of what a Mayan chess would look like.
. Variant with fairy pieces and transmitters that can transport pieces.
Chakra. Variant with fairy pieces and transmitters that can transport pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chamaeleon. Multiplayer variant with pieces moving differently depending on square color.
Chameleon. Chess variant on board of 41 colored squares, where pieces change type depending on color of square the move to. (7x7, Cells: 41)
. Chess variant on board of 41 colored squares, where pieces change type depending on color of square the move to.
Chameleon (1). Take a piece in the way that piece is taking.
Chameleon (2). Change movement abilities after every movement.
Chameleon Chess. On each turn the rank of the moved piece changes.
Chameleon Chess
. Each player has a King and 11 Chameleons whose moves are determined by the type of square they are on.
Chameleon Chess. Begin with 16 pawns which evolve.
Chameleon Chess. Each player has a King and 11 Chameleons whose moves are determined by the type of square they are on. (6x7, Cells: 42)
Chameleon Chess Redux. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Champagne Chess. Chess on a 12x8 board with ferfils and dragons added. (12x8, Cells: 96)
Champagne Chess. Chess on a 12x8 board with ferfils and dragons added.
Moves one orthogonally or jumps two orthogonally or diagonally.
Chance Chess. Commercial game: cards determine what piece you can move. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chance Chess. Randomizer determines what units you may move. Free move out of check.
Chance Chess Co.. Web site.
The Chance Game
. Missing description
Chancellor. Moves like rook or as knight.
Chancellor Chess. Play this 9x9 19th century variant on Jocly.
Chancellor Chess. Classic 9x9 board with rook-knight.
Chancellor Chess. On a 9 by 9 or 9 by 8 board with a piece with combined rook and knight moves. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Chancellor Chess. Problems from Chancellor Chess book.
Chancellor Chess (Book). Missing description
Changi with diagonal pieces. Missing description (9x10, Cells: 90)
Changling Chess. Rooks become Bishops and Bishops become Rooks when moved.
Chaos. A strange Chess variant designed to baffle onlookers.
Chaos Chess. Random starting positions.
Chaos Chess. Pieces are placed randomly everywhere on the board before the game starts. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chaos Chess. Commercial chess variant with cards that modify chess rules.
Chaotenschach. Players start the game by making a secret setup on their own half of the board. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chaotic Chess. Play Chess with dice and flip the dice each turn to mutate the pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chaotic Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Charge Chess
. Pieces must move forwards or sideways until they hit the last row.
Charge of the Light Brigade. Seven knights fight 3 queens, and usually win! (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chariots. Standard pieces start as pairs with shared capabilities, but can separate and recombine. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Charismatic Chess. x5 speed up your chess game! (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chasm Chess. Berolina Pawns, reflecting Bishop and Queen, and a chasm in the board!
Chasm Chess. Berolina Pawns, reflecting Bishop and Queen, and a chasm in the board! (8x8, Cells: 64)
chass. www.chass.info.
Chassyrinth. A 'color-attribute' based hexagonal chess variant.
Chatter Chess. Variant based on the idea of line chatter where rider pieces can switch to other friendly pieces' lines of movement. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chatty Chess. Four-handed game using normal board and pieces.
Chaturaji modern-variant (4-handed Chaturanga without dice)
. Missing description
. Oldest known form of chess.
Chaturanga. The first known variant of chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chaturanga. Oldest known form of chess. (Recognized!)
Chaturanga. Oldest known form of chess.
. Version with fancy graphics.
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Chaturanga. Computer game that plays Chaturanga and many other variations.
. Part of a document describing various Historical Chess Variants.
Chaturanga - Four Kings - Double Mate. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chaturanga 10x10. Two decimal variants: 'Shatranj Elephants' and 'Chaturanga'.
Chaturanga 4-84
. An Updating of Chaturanga for Four Players with modern pieces on an 84-square board.
Chaturanga 4-84. An Updating of Chaturanga for Four Players with modern pieces and an 84-square board. (10x10, Cells: 84)
Chaturanga for Four. Ancient partnership game, sometimes said to be the.
Chaturanga for Four -- Machiavellian Version. Cutthroat new version.
Chaturanga for four players.. Oldest multiplayer chess variant. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)
Chaturanga with minor changes. A series of variants based on the (according to many) earliest form of Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
. Oldest known version of Chess plus Arabic Chess plus a guess at Ethiopian Chess.
Chaughts. A mixture of chess and international draughts. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chazz. Only kings and pawns. Pawns can move backwards. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chazz. Only kings and pawns. Pawns can move backwards.
. Only kings and pawns. Pawns can move backwards.
Cheapmate Chess. Mate your opponent with an illegal move. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheapmate Chess. You may make one illegal move in order to checkmate.
Cheapmate Chess
. Mate your opponent with an illegal move.
Cheapmate Chess
. Mate your opponent with an illegal move.
Cheapo. Missing description
Cheaters' Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chec Toe. Chec Toe is a 4x4 Chess variant played with a six sided die, incorporating uniquely designed features, such as Checkering, Cross.
CHECK 11. 11 different original factions, chosen secretly, each with extra powers when few pieces remain.
Check Force Chess. The player giving check decides how the opponent escapes.
Check, or Combination Chess. Pieces may combine in couples and triplets. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checker-capture Chess. Pieces can capture as in checkers game. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checker-Pawn Chess. Pawns are replaced by Anglo-American Checkers pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkers. The most popular game besides Chess played on the same board.
Checkers Chess. Pieces may not move backwards until they have visited the.
Checkers Chess. Pieces move initially only forwards. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkers with Bosses. Checkers variant with different types of pieces. Game's main feature are Bosses. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkismate. Put the King in check to win. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkless Chess. Giving check without mate is not allowed. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkless Chess. You may not check unless it is mate.
Checkmate in an Infinite Number of Moves. Missing description
Checkmate Sliding Puzzle. Slide squares in this puzzle such that the black king becomes mated.
Checkmating Applet. Practice your checkmating skill with fairy pieces.
Checkmating Applet (3 vs 1). Practice your checkmating skill with fairy pieces.
Cheer Chess. All pieces are boosted by sideline Cheerers.
CheGo. Drop chess pieces on the board to control the largest number of squares. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chelma. A cross between Chess and Halma.
Chelma. A cross between Chess and Halma. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chennis. Kyoto-Shogi-inspired variant (with alternating piece sides), with a tennis theme.
Cheops. Large 3d chess variant inspired by Dune novels.
Chesh. 3 player, hexagonal chess.
Cheshire Cat Chess
. When a unit leaves a square, the square vanishes.
Cheshire Cat Chess. When a unit leaves a square, the square vanishes.
Cheshire Cat Chess. Squares are disappearing. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheshire Cat Chess, 10 x 10. Missing description
Chesica. Game from the 19th Century combining elements of Checkers and Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
. Game from the 19th Century combining elements of Checkers and Chess.
Chesimal Fusion I. Missing description (16x12)
Chesimals I. This game introduces "Chess Animals", independent groups of chess pieces that act as one large multi-square piece.
Chesimals: Autonomous Multi-unit Pieces. self-contained autonomous multi-square pieces. (16x12, Cells: 192)
ChesK: Risk and Chess Combination. A combination of the classic chess and Risk.
Cheskers. The most popular cross between checkers and chess.
Cheskers. Fun and simple crossover between chess and checkers invented by professor Solomon W. Golomb.
. Cross-variant between chess and checkers.
Cheskers. Cross-variant between chess and checkers. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheskers and Grand Cheskers
. Cross-variant between chess and checkers, with variants on larger boards.
. Variant played on a quadruple Alquerque board.
Chesquerque. Variant played on a quadruple Alquerque board. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Chess. Play Chess with Jocly.
Chess. Play Chess online with other people, using Game Courier, a PBM system that works with any web browser on any computer.
Chess. The rules of chess. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)
The most popular of Chess variants, Chess itself. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess (Variant) Graphics. Icons of chess variant pieces.
Chess - The Speed Game
. Chess on a 5 by 6 board.
Chess - The Speed Game. Chess on a 5 by 6 board. (5x6, Cells: 30)
Chess - the Speed Game. Photo's of set.
Chess 1010. Game with 40 pieces.
Chess 1010. Game played with 40 pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess 112. Large variant on an 8x12 board. (14x8, Cells: 112)
Chess 121. Large chess variant with Demo Dos-program. (11x11, Cells: 121)
Chess 2 - The Sequel. Different armies, a new winning condition, and duels. (8x8, Cells: 64)
CHESS 2000. Chess on 8 by 8 board with knight/rook and knight/bishop pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess 2000
. Chess on 8 by 8 board with knight/rook and knight/bishop pieces.
Chess 2000. A program that plays Chess 2000.
Chess 2000 Review. Review of a large (12x13) commercial, chess-like game.
Chess 25 (Fischer Placement Chess). Swap king and/or queen before play begins. Follows FRC rules (with zrf).
Chess 256. The Chess experience upscaled to a larger board. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Chess 3D. A java applet that plays a three dimensional chess variant.
Chess 4.5. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess 66. Board based on the 8x8 arrangement - with the difference that 66 fields are now available. (8x8, Cells: 66)
Chess 68. FIDE Chess with setup inspired by Omega Chess, to allow two modest new corner pieces.
Chess 68. 8 x 8 board with 4 extra corner squares, two extra piece types. (8x8, Cells: 68)
Chess 68
. 8 x 8 board with 4 extra corner squares, two extra piece types.
Chess 69. Variant on modified chessboard with 69 squares.
Chess 911. 9x9 board plus corner squares, compounds, and special diagonals. (9x9, Cells: 85)
Chess 960. Randomized setup; also known as Fischer Random Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess 960. Play Fischer Random Chess on Jocly.
Chess 99. Game with 9 pawns and a paladin. The objective is to capture the opponent's king. Many rules altered.
Chess 9x9. Exciting variant combining classical pieces with Amazons, Camels and Dragon Horses.
Chess Addresses. Missing description
Chess Adventurer
. True Type chess font with distinguished bishop.
Chess Alfonso
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from famous games book of King Alfonso from Spain, 13th century.
Chess and a Half. Game with extra leapers.
Chess And Physics. Several chess variants based on physics.
Chess and Xiangqi Variants. Variants from the Shakki-77 group.
Chess Assistant Light. Chess publishing software.
Chess Attack. Play this small 5x6 variant with Jocly.
Chess Battle
. Military-themed Chess variant on a large board, invented in the Soviet Union in 1933.
Chess Berlin 1.1
. True type chess font.
Chess Captor. Program to make chess diagrams.
Chess Cards. Cardgame with chess flavor.
Chess Cards. Sample Games.
Chess Cards - Graphics. Instructions and pictures for your own set of Chess Cards.
Chess Cards Scoresheet. Print your own scoresheet for the Chess Cards game.
Chess cards, Sample game: Queen's Privilege Snippet. Missing description
Chess Cards: Match 1. Missing description
Chess Cards: Match 2 - Card sacrificing motif. Missing description
Chess Cards: Overmate - Sample Game. Missing description
Chess Cases
. True type chess font used in Problemiste.
Chess Chaos. Announcement of pack of cards that affect chess.
Chess Composition Microweb. Extensive website on chess problems.
Chess Condal
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from Spanish chess books.
Chess Contradance. Move pieces to the other side of the board without attacking each other.
Chess Cubed. Played within a 4x4x4 cube.
Chess Cubed on Steam. Chess on a Puzzle Cube with standard pieces and rotations.
Chess Cubic. Chess board is a cube with each side a 4x4 grid. (6x(4x4), Cells: 96)
Chess Detective: Kriegspiel Strategies, Endgames and Problems. Missing description
Chess Diagram Construction Utility. Webpage that helps to make chess diagrams for publications.
Chess Dial. Play starts with Shogi, then mutates into Xiang Qi, then FIDE Chess, then Shogi again! (9x10, Cells: 90)
Chess Draughts. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Eccentricities. An old book on Chess variants from 1885.
CHESS Eccentricities, By Major George Hope Verney. Images from the book (complete).
Chess Empire. Large four player chess variant. (20x20, Cells: 322)
Chess Equalizer dice. Dice with chess symbols.
Chess Equalizer Dice. Photo's of dice with chess symbols.
Chess FAQ. Frequently asked chess questions.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian and Norwegian.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Croatian, Danish, English, German, Slavonic, Swedish, and Yugoslavian.
Chess figurine font, based on Times New Roman font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian and Norwegian.
Chess Figurine Font: FigurineStymbol T1, using Times New Roman.
. For texts with chess figures. For Croatian, Danish, English, German, Slavonic, Swedish, and Yugoslavian.
Chess Figurine Font: FigurineStymbol T2, using Times New Roman.
. For texts with chess figures. For French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.
Chess font: Chess Utrecht
. Stylized chess font (true type).
Chess For Any Number of Players. Rules for multiplayer chess that can be played with an arbitrary number of players.
Chess for Three. Three-player Chess with standard pieces and moves.
Chess for Three. A 3-player variant on an unusual board.
Chess for Three. Traditional pieces, three players, on a triangular board.
Chess from Draughts etc.. Missing description
Chess Harlequin
. True type chess font based on diagrams from French book.
Chess History and Reminiscences. Project Gutenberg eBook version of this public domain book (large!).
Chess II. Two extra files with two additional pieces (princes) on each side. (10x8, Cells: 80)
Chess II
. Two extra files with two additional pieces (princes) on each side.
Chess in a Klein bottle. 8 by 14 board with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112)
Chess in a Moebius Strip. 8 by 14 board with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112)
Chess in a Toroidal Board. 8 by 14 board with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112)
Chess in the Fast Lane
. The 64-squares of a regular Chess board are grouped into 41 "regions" producing a small board that looks full size.
Chess in the Fast Lane. The 64-squares of a regular Chess board are grouped into 41 "regions" producing a small board that looks full size. (8x8, Cells: 41)
Chess in the Round. 1970's commercial variant that allows turning corners with the Rook and Queen. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess in the Round. A commercial variant on a round board.
Chess in the Third Dimension. Three-D proprietary game from Skor-Mor.
Chess Is Wild. Pieces acquire special moves in the inner 16 squares. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Jester. 4-player variant with two new pieces.
Chess Kingdom. 4-player variant, on a 20x20, plus-shaped board. Standard pieces. (20x20, Cells: 364)
Chess Kingdom
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from Latin American chess books.
Chess Latrunculi duo milia et septum. Chess with dragon horse and dragon king movements for bishops and rooks. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Legions. Decimal variant with extra, exotic pieces.
Chess Leipzig
. True type chess font from book from Leipzig, end of 19th century.
Chess Line
. Simple geometric chess font.
Chess Lucena
. True type chess font based on 500 years old book `incunable of Lucena'.
Chess Magnetic
. True type chess font based on magnetic chess set.
Chess Mark
. A TrueType diagram font in a simple geometric style.
Chess Mark
. True type chess font with stylized figures.
Chess Marroquin
. True type chess font.
Chess Marroquin
. A TrueType diagram font in a modern Mexican style.
Chess Maya
. True type chess font for children's chess publications, using silhouettes of Staunton pieces.
Chess Mazes. Shareware program. Find a route for a piece that does not use an attacked square.
Chess Mazes. Chess based maze puzzles.
Chess Mediaeval
. True type chess font with traditional design.
Chess Merida
. True type chess font with classic design.
Chess Millennia
. True type chess font in two versions with stylized versions for the third millennium.
Chess Miner. Shareware program. Add mines to undermine all black pieces.
Chess Miscel
. Clipart font for chess publications; true type font.
CHESS MORALITY XIV: Pleiadic Dialectic. 14th poem in Chess Moralities series.
Chess Morality XIX: Shadow-Chess. Missing description
Chess Morality XV: Piece Offering. Missing description
Chess Morality XVI: Body of Chess. Missing description
Chess Morality XVII: Turning Rhyme. Missing description
Chess Morality XVIII: The Falcon Heresies. Missing description
A CHESS MORALITY: Castle Early. falcon.
Chess Motif
. True type chess font with simple figures and bold outlines.
Chess New. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 64)
Chess of Amazons. Chess played on a 10x10 board with all FIDE pieces, but extra pawns, and the Amazon piece from the Game of Amazons.
Chess Olympic. Some pieces move differently. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Olympic
. Kings, Queens and Pawns have additional moves, and victory is by capture instead of checkmate.
Chess on a 12 by 12 Board
. Orthodox chess but with additional squares around the setup.
Chess on a 12 by 12 board. Orthodox chess but with additional squares around the setup. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Chess on a 12 by 12 board. Doug Vogel has placed the standard 32 chess pieces in the center of a 12x12 board.
Chess on a Board with 37 Squares
. Game with full Chess arrays minus a Pawn on a 37 square board without any corners.
Chess on a board with 37 squares. Game with full Chess arrays minus a Pawn on a 37 square board without any corners. (Cells: 37)
Chess on a Cylindrical Board. 8 by 14 board in with sides glued together. (8x14, Cells: 112)
Chess on a Larger Board with not so few Pieces Dropped. Game with an interesting mix of Orthochess and Exotic pieces, some of which start in-hand. (12x8, Cells: 96)
Chess on a Larger Board with not so few Pieces Dropped
. Game with an interesting mix of Orthochess and Exotic pieces, some of which start in-hand.
Chess on a Larger Board with not so few Pieces Dropped Preset. Play this game with an interesting mix of Orthochess and Exotic pieces, some of which start in-hand!
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added. Play this 8x10 game with three new pieces.
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added. On a 10 row by 8 column board, with three new pieces. (8x10, Cells: 80)
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added
. On a 10 row by 8 column board, with three new pieces.
Chess on a Longer Board Zillions Saved Game
. Download this file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament.
Chess on a Mass Transit System. Missing description
Chess on a Really Big Board. Play Ralph Betza's Huge Chess Variant with Game Courier.
Chess on a Really Big Board. Game that introduced rose and knight-camel-zebra...
Chess on a Really Big Board. Chess on multiple chess boards. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Chess on a Soccer Ball
. Chess played on the 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons of a soccer ball.
Chess on a Soccer Ball. Missing description (Cells: 32)
Chess on a Tesseract. Chess played over the 24 two-dimensional sides of a tesseract. (24x(5x5), Cells: 504)
Chess on an Infinite Plane. Chess game with no boundaries (infinite board), and Guard, Chancellor, and Hawk. ()
Chess On Stamps. Web site devoted to postage stamps on Chess themes.
Chess on Steriods. Pieces increase their powers with those of the pieces they capture. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess on the Dot. Play this adaptation of Chess to a spherical board on Game Courier.
Chess on the Rainbows. Six different colors light up the board. You have to keep a piece on each color throughout...
Chess on the Rainbows. Players must retain a piece on all 6 colors of a 6-color board.
Chess on the Rope. 1d chess experimental variant with standard rules and variations. (1x21, Cells: 21)
Chess on Two Boards. Chess on Two Boards.
Chess on Two Boards. Chess on Two Boards. (4x(4x(4x4)), Cells: 256)
Chess Piece Discs. Chess variant pieces on wooden discs.
Chess Players Statue (Photo). Missing description
Chess Playing Application. Also plays: Elena Chess, Do-or-Die, Demi Chess, Diana Chess, Half Chess, HP Chess, Haynie's PC, and Courtyard.
The Chess Plus Deck. Traditional chess spliced with Dvorak cards.
Chess Plus Plus Deck. Chess with special cards. Free!!
Chess Poker. Like poker, but players are dealt a hand of pieces instead of cards.
Chess Pool. Game played on a pool table, inspired by chess.
Chess Pool. Sample game of Chess Pool v. 0.50.
Chess problem - joke. chess problem-joke.
A Chess Problem with a Chancellor. Chess problem from 19th century.
A Chess Problem with a Chancellor. Mate in two moves.
A Chess Problem with a Chancellor. Mate in two moves. Winner of tournament.
Chess Problem with a Nightrider. Missing description
Chess Problems of 1001 years ago. Mansubat: Ancient and interesting shatranj puzzles.
Chess problems of 1001 years ago: A modern exercise?. This old and simple shatranj problem uses only modern pieces and rules.
Chess problems of 1001 years ago: Check!. Old shatranj problem of a form, typical for many such problems (mansubat).
Chess problems of 1001 years ago: Check! - Solution. Missing description
Chess problems of 1001 years ago: Check! - Solution. Missing description
Chess problems of 1001 years ago: The right way to check. Old shatranj problem in which one must determine in what order white must check black.
Chess problems: A proof game. Problem to construct a legal game of given exact length to reach a given position.
Chess puzzle task: shortest game with only two kings in final di. Missing description
Chess Remix. Create your chess variant. ()
Chess Rules for Kids. An illustrated guide to the rules of chess for children.
A Chess Set. being a Handful of Games.
Chess set: a very cheap set. Photo's of a set bought for a quarter of a Dutch guilder, with some silly variants playable with the set.
Chess set: Abstract pieces. Photo's of chess set with geometric forms for pieces.
Chess set: Abstract set from Poland. Photo's of chessset.
Chess set: Human figures. Photo's of chess set with human figures as pieces made by mrs. Bodlaender-Groote.
Chess set: Orthodox wooden set. Photo of orthodox (Staunton) wooden chess set.
Chess set: Portable plastic set. Photo's of cheap portable plastic chess set.
Chess set: Set from Poland. Photo's of a wooden painted chess set from Poland.
Chess set: Small wooden set. Photo's of small round wooden chess set.
Chess Soccer
. Chess Soccer game on a 9x9 board with no Pawns, no Captures, two goals and one ball.
Chess Stamps - index. Updated.
Chess Stamps from Laos. Stamps with historical paintings of chess variants.
Chess Tests: Bizarre Positions. Website with tests of strange chess positions and how programs deal with these.
Chess Usual
. True type chess font; redesign of Chess Regular.
Chess Utrecht
. Stylized chess font, true type.
Chess Utrecht. A True Type chess font.
Chess Variant Applets. Ed Friedlander's Chess variants applet site.
Chess Variant Construction Set. Putting together a set of materials for playing several different Chess variants.
Chess Variant Inventors. Find out which inventors have the most games listed here.
A Chess Variant Making Off.. Missing description
Chess Variant Pages Membership. Missing description
Chess Variant Pages Rating System. Missing description
Chess Variant Pages Shop. Selling now also mugs with our logo.
Chess Variant Pages: Privacy Policy. Missing description
Chess Variant Pages: Terms of Service. What is expected of members and visitors.
Chess Variant Problems on Game Courier. Solve Chess Variants Problems Composed with Game Courier.
Chess Variant Quotations: Asimov. Quote on chess variants from a book of I. Asimov.
Chess Variant Quotations: Burroughs. Quote on chess variant Jetan from a book of E.R. Burroughs.
Chess Variant Score Notation Book. Chess score notation book for 100 square chess variants.
Chess Variant Set Construction. Describes a chess variant set made with ceramic tiles and wooden cubes.
Chess variants fandom wiki. Fandom wiki for chess variants.
Chess Variants of Sándor Nagy. Link to Hungarian web page.
Chess Variants PBM Instructions. Help page for the Chess Variants Play-by-Mail system.
Chess Variants Query. More options for searching in these pages.
Chess Variants Training. A site that helps you improve at Chess variants.
Chess Variants with Inverse Capture. Several variants around the idea that captures are done in the manner of the captured piece. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Variants, 50 variants on the game of chess. Information on a book.
Chess Variations: Ancient, Regional, and Modern. Book that describes a variety of chess variants.
Chess vs checkers. Missing description
Chess vs checkers. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess vs Strong Makruk. Chess against an enhanced Makruk army in an 8x8 board.
Chess with a Fool. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Batteries
. Special Battery piece which augments the powers of other pieces.
Chess with Batteries. Special Battery piece which augments the powers of other pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess with Batteries
. Sample game of Roberto Lavieri vs. Rhonan Lavieri.
Chess with Batteries
. Sample game of Rhonan Lavieri vs. Roberto Lavieri.
Chess with checkers added. Add checkers in front of the pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Cyclical Armies. Whenever a piece moves, it changes to another type of piece of vaguely similar value.
Chess with Cyclical Armies
. Whenever a piece moves, it changes to another type of piece of vaguely similar value.
Chess with Different Armies. A Ralph Betza personal favorite: Features series of armies with approximately the same strength as the FIDE army. (Recognized!)
Chess with Different Armies
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Chess with Different Armies. Betza's classic variant where white and black play with different sets of pieces. (Recognized!)
Chess with Different Armies
. Massive version of Chess with Different Armies with index page and many experimental armies.
Chess with Different Armies
. Play chess but with different types of armies.
Chess with Different Armies
. Play chess but with different types of armies.
Chess with Different Armies Zillions Saved Game
. Download this file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament.
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders. Ralph Betza variant, in which the White Pieces have the advantage of treating the board cylindrically.
Chess with Different Periods. Missing description (6x6, Cells: 36)
Chess with Different Periods
. A Turn-related variant of Los Alamos Chess. Players may play with many modest variants.
Chess with Extended Castle. Standard chess with extended castle rule, effectuating greater opening variance (with zrf).
Chess with Extra Bishops. FIDE Chess with Extra Pair of Bishops that Start from Same Square.
Chess with magical connections. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Mixed Pawns. Four normal and four Berolina pawns per player. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Promoters. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Promoters. Each player has a piece which may promote the pieces of his opponent.
Chess with Quantum Bishops. Bishops move orthogonally along both paths and end up where a normal bishop would end up. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess with Reserves. Load your units during the game.
Chess with Terrain. Play Greg Strong's Chess with Terrain on Game Courier.
Chess with Ultima, Rococo and Supremo Pieces. A series of variants with the Orthochess array transplanted to a 10x10 board and various exotic pieces added. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess with Ultima, Rococo and Supremo Pieces
. A series of variants with the Orthochess array transplanted to a 10x10 board and various exotic pieces added.
Chess with wickets. The wicket is behind the King's 1. (8x8, Cells: 66)
Chess with Wizards.
A Decimal Chess Variant with Antoine Fourri. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess With Wizards. Chess with Wizards on the Game Courier.
Chess without pawns. Variant where only kings can take and no pawns are used. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess without pawns
. Variant where only kings can take and no pawns are used.
Chess Word Macros and Fonts. Alastair Scott's Chess DTP Page.
Chess'3. Chess variant on 10 by 10 board. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess+. Players choose when and where to place their pieces behind the pawns.
Chess++. Some pieces are made more powerful, some less. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess-Battle. War variant from the Soviet-Union, 1933. (12x12, Cells: 128)
A Chess-like Variant Construction Set. Build your own army and territory.
Chess-like Variant Construction Set. Critique.
Chess-Merels. Lining up three units in a row captures the last enemy unit moved.
Chess/Aces. A large Chess variant based on modern FIDE chess pieces as well as on traditional ancient pieces. (12x8, Cells: 96)
Chess/Xianqi/Shogi Tournament #1. Enter the First Chess/Xiangqi/Shogi Game Courier Tournament!
Chess100. Piece positions are modestly randomized according to Arrangement Chess rules, castling is retained (+ zrf).
Chess2 ~ A New Game of Chess for a New Generation of Players. Decimal Chess variant with two new pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Chess256. The pawns are randomized on the 2nd and 3rd rank.
Chess3. Chess-Cubed, a commercial, three level chess game. (3x(8x8), Cells: 192)
Chess3. Three dimensional board with three board parts. (3x(8x8), Cells: 192)
Chess36. Game with invisible piece set up.
. A chess variant on a board with 37 squares where pieces outside of the center 9 squares move like Kings.
Chess37. A chess variant on a board with 37 squares where pieces outside of the center 9 squares move like Kings. (Cells: 37)
Chess3D. A program for building 3D chess boards.
Chess400. Piece setup is randomized according to Configuration Chess rules, producing 400 modest, mostly non-mirrored, positions (+ zrf).
Chess480. Fischer Random Chess with orthodox castling rules. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess484. Before play, certain pieces are regrouped, creating natural positions. Castling is retained (+ zrf).
Chess64. The piece array is moderately randomized according to Relocation Chess rules, castling is retained.
Chess8400. Fischer Random Chess ina 9x9 Board. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Chess960.com. Talk about Chess960 with other members.
Chess960x3. Variant of Chess960. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess99. Large progressive chess variant, where pieces gain progressive capabilities as the game develops. (9x11, Cells: 99)
CHESSAGON. CHESSAGON® is like traditional Chess, but with Triangles, with one new additional piece named the Duke.
. Game where all pieces move forward and a win is by promoting.
Chessapawn. Game where all pieces move forward and a win is by promoting. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chessapawn Puzzles. Four positions of Chessapawn to solve.
Chessapawn Sample Game. Missing description
CHESSapeak. Website of firm selling four player chess variant. (Cells: 160)
Chessapeak Challenge Classic (review). Four player chess variant.
Chessapeak Challenge Photo's. Commercial chess variant for four players.
Chessapeak Challenge Tourney edition (photo's). Large (one meter square board) size edition of four player chess variant. (Recognized!)
Chessapeak Four-Handed Chess. Based on Chessapeak Challenge, arguably the best commercial four-player chess game.
Chessapeak Porta-Challenge. Photo's of pocket edition of multiplayer chess variant. (Recognized!)
Chessapeak: Pictures of Chessapeak Classic. Photo's of 4 player chess variant.
ChessArena.io. Real-time, many-player, "io-style" game.
Chessball. Play football on a chessboard. (5x8, Cells: 40)
Chessbrain Software. Link to website of company making shareware chess puzzle programs.
ChessBreakTimes Chess. Chess with elements of chess-based RPG I slowly elaborate at this time. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chesscala. Missing description (6x8, Cells: 48)
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