Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'DavidHowe' OR `AuthorID2` = 'DavidHowe') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
3 Man Chess. Commercial three player chess variant on a round board.
3 Man Chess - Review. Review of commercial three player chess variant on round board.
32-Turn Challenge. Missing description
32-Turn Contest Results. Missing description
AIGO Chess. International chess with Cannon pieces added. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Alfaerie Variant Chess Graphics. Set of chess variant graphics based on Eric Bentzen's Chess Alpha font.
Alfaerie Variant Chess Graphics: Expansion Set 1. Set of chess variant graphics based on Eric Bentzen's Chess Alpha font.
Alfaerie Variant Chess Graphics: Expansion Set 2. More Alfaerie graphics, plus a preview of the new Alpha Variant font.
Alfaerie Variant Chess Graphics: Expansion Set 3. More chess variant graphics based on the Alpha chess font.
All the King's Men. Remake of Parker Brothers game Smess, but with a serious look. Arrows on squares determine the directions pieces can move. (7x8, Cells: 56) (Recognized!)
Alpha Variant Font. Preview of the new Alpha Variant font along with new Alfaerie graphics.
Archbishop. Moves as bishop or as knight.
Arena Chess 42
. Game with two boards totaling 42-squares where pieces captured on the large board move to the small board.
Arena Chess 42. A non-competing entry in the 42 Squares contest. (Cells: 42)
Beyond Chess (tm). Commercial variant with dynamic board. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Bifold Halfgi. Bifold pieces are able to combine with other same-colored bifold pieces and move as a single normal sized piece.
Bifold Halfgi. A variant of Halfgi, but with half-sized pieces.
Big Outer Chess
. Large variant with concentric circles on the board, so there is less concentration on the center.
Capablanca's chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Capablanca's chess. An enlarged chess variant, proposed by Capablanca. (10x8, Cells: 80) (Recognized!)
CARDCHESS. Utilizes the two key elements of card games: four suits and the ability to place cards face down to hide their values. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Cardinal. Moves as bishop or as knight.
Centennial Chess
. 10x10 Variant that adds Camels, Stewards, Rotating Spearmen and Murray Lions to the standard mix.
Centennial Chess. 10x10 Variant that adds Camels, Stewards, Rotating Spearmen and Murray Lions to the standard mix.
Centennial Chess Photographs. 10x10 board, Shogi-like pieces.
Chancellor. Moves like rook or as knight.
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
. Version with fancy graphics.
ChesK: Risk and Chess Combination. A combination of the classic chess and Risk.
Chess 2000 Review. Review of a large (12x13) commercial, chess-like game.
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added. On a 10 row by 8 column board, with three new pieces. (8x10, Cells: 80)
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added
. On a 10 row by 8 column board, with three new pieces.
Chess Piece Discs. Chess variant pieces on wooden discs.
Chess Rules for Kids. An illustrated guide to the rules of chess for children.
Chess Variant Pages Membership. Missing description
Chess Variant Pages Rating System. Missing description
Chess with Different Armies
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Chess with Different Armies. A Ralph Betza personal favorite: Features series of armies with approximately the same strength as the FIDE army. (Recognized!)
A Chess-like Variant Construction Set. Build your own army and territory.
Chess37. A chess variant on a board with 37 squares where pieces outside of the center 9 squares move like Kings. (Cells: 37)
Combination Chess
. Pieces give their movement capabilities to friendly pieces in their zone of influence.
Combination Chess. Pieces give their movement capabilities to friendly pieces in their zone of influence. (Cells: 39)
The Concise Guide to Chess Variants. Missing description
Continuous Chess. There are no 'squares' on the board, and pieces are not restricted to moving discrete distances.
Contrast Chess. Pieces lose or gain strength depending on the colour of the square they stand on. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Courrier Chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Create Member Submitted Item. Chess Variant Pages members can post their own items to the site!
Create Member Submitted Zillions Item. Chess Variant Pages members can post their own Zillions files to the site!
Cycle Chess
. Variant on a board with 39 cells, three of which are special.
Dave's Example Game. This is Dave Howe's example of a user-posted game. (2x2, Cells: 4)
Diagonal Chess. Board turned 45 degrees. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Divided Forces Chess. Half of your army starts on the other side of the board. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Eight Stone Chess
. On an 8 by 9 board with eight neutral stones.
Eight Stone Chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Eight-Stone Chess Pictures. Photo's of home made chess variant set for Eight-Stone Chess.
Empress. Fairy Chess name for Rook+Knight compound.
Feeble Chess
. Very weak pieces, but still 'chess-like'.
Feeble Los Alamos Chess
. Los Alamos Chess using Feeble pieces.
Feeble Los Alamos Chess. Los Alamos Chess using Feeble pieces. (6x6, Cells: 36)
Feudal. Chesslike game of wellknown game company.
Floppy Board Tiles. An example of a chess variant board construction set.
Fun-in-a-Box Chess. Featuring Thing One and Thing Two from The Cat in the Hat.
The Game of the Three Kingdoms. Another variant on Chinese Chess for three players. (Cells: 135)
The Game of Three Friends. A variant on Chinese Chess for three players. (Cells: 135)
General Comments Page. Page for making general comments.
Grand Chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Grand Chess Set. Photographs of a commercially available Grand Chess set.
Grande Acedrex
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Greg White's Chess Variants. Missing description
Growing and Shrinking. Playing with the Size of Chess Pieces.
. Pieces trying to reach a goalfield can only move if in reach of a friendly piece.
Helping us Maintain this Site. Information on how you can help us maintain this site.
Heraldic Chess Review. A review of Modest Solans' game Heraldic Chess.
Hive: A Review. A review of the two-player strategy game called Hive.
Horse Chess-Nut. Horse statue with two chess problems painted on it.
Infinite Recursion Chess. Another mega-chess type game. (2x(8x8), Cells: 128)
Interchange Chess. Get as many of your own pieces to their destination squares on the other side of the board as possible. (8x8, Cells: 64)
InterGrid Chess. Pieces on corners and on centers of squares of 8 by 8 board. (8x8, Cells: 145)
InterGrid Chess
. Pieces on corners and on centers of squares of 8 by 8 board.
King and Queen
. Variant on cross-shaped board with 39 squares.
King's Court Pictures. Photo's on modern oblong 12 by 8 chess variant based on Courier chess.
. Win by placing 3 pieces in a row.
Knight-Tac-Toe. Small variant with only kings and knights where you must get three pieces in line in the center of the board. (5x5, Cells: 25)
Los Alamos Chess
. Chess on a 6x6 board.
. All 64 squares of 8 by 8 board are initially filled with pieces.
Magician Chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Marshall. Moves like rook or as knight.
Mega-Chess. A chess game where each piece is a chess game! (64x(8x8), Cells: 4096)
Mimics. Several pieces that can imitate the movement of other pieces.
Modern Shatranj. A bridge between modern chess and the historic game of Shatranj.
Monochrome Chess. All pieces are the same color. Players move pieces on their side of the board.
Multimove Chess. Players spend points to make multiple moves. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Nahbi Chess
. Variant on 10 by 10 board with equator, Nahbi's and Archers.
Nomic Chess. Combination of Peter Suber's Nomic with Ralph Betza's Chess For Any Number of Players.
Omega chess
. Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares.
Omega Chess Review. Review of commercial Chess variant set.
Paladin. Moves as Bishop or as Knight.
Palindromic Chess. Play until the position on the board is the reversed of the starting postion. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Pawns Chess. Each pawn has a unique ability. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Pick-the-Team chess
. Make up a list of pieces and choose your pieces from your and your opponents list.
Poll: Recognized Variant for 2003 #1. Help us choose the next recognized variant!
Poll: Recognized Variant for 2003 #2.. Help us choose the next recognized variant!
Poll: Recognized Variant for 2003 #3. Voting begins August 1!
Portal Chess. Two boards and pieces can teleport from one board to another. Also playable with two half-boards. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Potential Chess. Pieces start out as any piece and become a particular piece depending on how they move,.
Princess. Moves as Bishop or as Knight.
Proteus: A Chess Army that Changes at your Command!. Variant played with 8 dice per side, each side of which has a different Chess piece printed on it.
Quad-Square Chess. Chess on a board of 38 squares, of which six have size two by two. (7x8, Cells: 38)
Quang Trung Chess Pictures. Photo's of home made Quang Trung set.
Reduced Endgame Chess. Two kings and six pawns are used for practicing endgames. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Reflex Chess. Force your opponent to mate you. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Review: 3 Man Chess. Missing description
Review: Heraldic Chess. A review of Modest Solans' game Heraldic Chess.
Review: Omega Chess. Review of commercial Chess variant set.
Review: Zillions-of-Games. Review of Windows program for playing user-programmed Chess variants and other strategy board games.
. Which of the seven robbers is the robber-baron?
Rococo. Animated piece movement diagrams.
RSS Feed. Chess Variant Pages RSS Feed.
San-kwo-k'i. inese Chess for three players (Game of the Three Kingdoms). (Cells: 135)
Sceptre 1027 A.D.. Large, commercial, multiplayer chess variant. (9x(8x8), Cells: 576)
. Version with fancy graphics.
Shifting Chess. Variant inspired on shifting puzzles; one can move pieces of the board. (8x8, Cells: 56)
. Westernized version using Alfaerie graphics.
Shogi Pieces. Graphics of shogi pieces and symbols.
Smess. Produced and sold in the early 70's by Parker Brothers. Arrows on squares determine direction pieces can move. (7x8, Cells: 56) (Recognized!)
Square graphics: more fantasy pieces. Images of some fantasy pieces for the creation of diagrams.
Taikyoku Photographs. Missing description
Take the Brain. British name of Smess, a Parker Brothers game in which arrows on squares determine the directions pieces may move. (7x8, Cells: 56) (Recognized!)
Tamerlan Chess
. Westernized version using Alfaerie graphics.
Tamerlane Chess
. A well-known historic large variant of Shatranj.
Tapestry Chess. Chess on a four-color 6x6 board, with a 5 square control board. (6x6, Cells: 41)
A Taxonomy. Categorizing several types of pieces.
The chess variant pages: Offline Version. Read this website without an internet connection.
The Concise Guide to Chess Variants. Brief descriptions or definitions of terms, phrases and named related to Chess variants.
Timur's Chess: Sample Game 1. A sample game of Tamerlane Chess.
Tony Quintanilla is a new Father!. Our Chess Variant Pages editor's new creation!
Twelve Mutation Chess. Variant that uses 12 mutators that may be activated or deactivated during the game.
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Ultima Pieces. Illustrated guide to how Ultima Pieces capture.
Ultima with Alternate Graphics
. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability.
Unreliable Delivery Chess. Pieces may get delayed before they arrive at their destinations.
UTF Conversion Page. Page for documenting UTF conversion issues.
Viennese Chess, or Viennese Kriegspiel. Start with a secretly made setup. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Vyremorn Chess Pictures. Photo's of large chess variant.
Weakest Chess
. Pieces are as weak as possible while still retaining chess-like qualities.
. An exotic variant of Shatranj with more powerful pieces.
. Decimal variant with Nightriders and Cannons.
. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Xhess. Decimal variant with Nightriders and Cannons. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Western Style. Version using Alfaerie graphics.
Zeitgeist.. Variant with simultaneous movement.
Zillions-of-Games. Review of Windows program for playing user-programmed Chess variants and other strategy board games.
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