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Beginners Chess. Missing description By Stephane Burkhart.
Chess with Different Periods
. A Turn-related variant of Los Alamos Chess. Players may play with many modest variants. By Yu Ren Dong.
ChessVariants.zrf. 17 variants in 1 file. By (zzo38) A. Black.
Diagonal Chess
. Board turned 45 degrees. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: David Howe.
Drawless Chess
. Simple rules are added to make draws impossible. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Michael D. Ward.
Dynamic Chess
. Pieces move like closest piece left on the same rank. Author: Marek14 .
Fool's Chess. One pawn is replaced by a Fool. By Danny Van den Berghe.
. Pieces change to random type when they move. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Jari Huikari.
. Game with elements of Checkers and Ultima where all pieces are colorbound and only capture pieces on the other color. By Peter Aronson.
Iron Guard Chess. Instead of a queen, white has an Iron Guard who can move only to adjacent diagonal squares and cannot be captured. Author: Douglas Silfen.
Kings or Lemmings?. Normal chess except that a player can produce clones of his king.
. Very Strong Chss. By Larry L. Smith.
. Simple chess variant with only two set of pieces on each army. By Yu Ren Dong.
Luotuoqi (Camel Chess)
. Chess variant designed by committee. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Various.
Mage. Rooks cannot be captured or capture, and the Queen is replaced by a Mage. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Oliver Xymoron.
. Pawns can promote on the sixth row. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Bernd Eickenscheidt.
Mike's Camel Chess
. Lùotuoqí (Camel Chess) variant with more balanced pieces. By Michael Nelson.
No Chess
. Forbid one move to your opponent each turn. Author: Robert Price. Inventor: Zoltan Blazsik.
Pole Chess
. F.I.D.E. chess with Pole piece added: from the SF/fantasy novel "Robot Adept". Author: Malcolm Webb. Inventor: Piers Anthony and Malcolm Webb.
. Variant between Checkers and Chess. Author: Uwe Wiedemann. Inventor: Heinrich Richter.
Shamanic Chess
. Pieces may be transformed into 'Shamans'. By M Winther.
A Simple Proposal. Variant where promotion may occur on the 7th or 8th rank, and may be delayed, but only to captured pieces. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Ted Clancy.
Sudden Death Chess
. A piece must be sacrificed after each non-capturing move. By Doug Chatham.
Taxi Chess
. Pay for moves: long moves are expensive. Author: Robert Price. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
The Travelers
. Missing description Author: Roberto Lavieri and Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Roberto Lavieri.
Ultima with Alternate Graphics
. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Undecided Chess
. Pieces begin in an undecided state until they move. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
veSQuj - Chess with 21st century armies
. A highly tactical variant with a 21st-century-war theme. By Glenn Overby II.
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