Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'PBM' AND FIND_IN_SET(:'2d',`Categories`) AND FIND_IN_SET(:'Diff-Moving',`Categories`) AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- 10-directional Chess. Updated with rule-enforcing presets. By Nick Wolff.
- 123456 Chess. Missing description Author: Nick Wolff. Inventor: (zzo38) A. Black.
- 6hess. Each piece moves 6 times before disappearing. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- Ajax Orthodox Chess. Orthodox Chess with Ajax-Chessmen, and droping Ajax-Ministers. By Jose Carrillo.
- Amalgamated Chess. Missing description By James Gryphon.
- Amazon Chess. Well known old variant with amazons instead of Queens in FIDE Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho.
- Andy's Chess. Missing description By andrewthepawn.
- Berolina Chess. Classic variant with different moving pawns. Author: Fergus Duniho.
- Bishop Knight Morph Factor. Missing description Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
- Bland Chess. Chess, but with no diagonal movements (aside from that built within the Knight). Author: Gary K. Gifford.
- Cannonrider Chess. The Cannonrider moves differently depending on square colour: on white squares as a Nightrider; else as a Chinese Cannon. By M Winther.
- Cavalier Chess. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement. By Fergus Duniho.
- Centaur Chess. All pieces except Pawns move backwards as a Knight. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- CGNP chess. A game with Knightly Pawns. By Abdul-Rahman Sibahi.
- Chasm Chess. Berolina Pawns, reflecting Bishop and Queen, and a chasm in the board! Author: Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Danielle Allen.
- Crab Chess (Chess4). Blocked flank pawns are have an additional jump move to empty square (with zrf). By M Winther.
- The Demon Game. 10 x 10 game with extra Capablanca pieces. Author: Nick Wolff. Inventor: Larry L. Smith.
- Doppelganger BordahBee. A combination of BordahBee and Doppelganger Chess. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Dr. Who Chess. Variant based on the popular TV seiries. By Calvin Jack Pomerantz.
- Dromedary Chess. Pieces adjacent to the King can leap like a Dromedary (Camel). By M Winther.
- Dynamo Chess. Preset for Dynamo Chess. Author: Adrian Alvarez de la Campa. Inventor: Hans Kluever.
- Elk Chess. The double-barrelled Elk moves differently depending on square colour. By M Winther.
- Elkrider Chess. Elkrider plus regular pieces. The Elkrider moves like a Nightrider if standing on white squares, otherwise it moves like a Rook. By M Winther.
- Fabulous Flying Kittens. Toroidally interwoven board using same number of squares and pieces as FIDE Chess. By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
- FIDE Frolic. FIDE chess, but with each piece able to leap. By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
- Golden Age Chess on a Really Big Board. Play this 16 x 16 variant with several different pieces. Author: Nick Wolff. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
- Gunnery Chess (with Scorpions). The Scorpion pawns have the additional capability of cannon-like moves. Very advanced. Only recommendable to grandmasters! By M Winther.
- Half Chess of Ralph Betza. Exactly like halfling chess, only the knights are replaced by crabs, making them more compatible with half moving rider pieces. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
- Half Courier. Missing description Author: Nick Wolff. Inventor: Charles Gilman.
- Heavy Gravity Chess. Due to heavy gravity, Knights can't jump, Queens, Rooks, & Bishops can't move more than 4 spaces. Kings move like Ferz. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Hopper Chess (with Scorpions). Pieces standing before friendly pieces can jump over enemy Scorpion pawn and land directly behind it. By M Winther.
- Hopper-Chess. Pieces in front of friendly pieces can land immediately behind enemy pawns. By M Winther.
- House of Mirrors Chess. Mirrors and reflective pieces add interesting twists to strategy by making pieces appear in 2 or 3 places at the same time. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Improved Chess. An improvement of standard chess: a blocked pawn on the far side gets extra jump moves to empty squares (with zrf). By M Winther.
- King's Guard Chess. Missing description By Graeme C Neatham.
- Latrunculi duo milia et septum. Chess with rook/ferz & bishop/wazir substitutes for rooks and bishops. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Little Trio. Missing description Author: Nick Wolff. Inventor: Jared B. McComb.
- Makruk. Play the traditional Chess variant of Thailand on Game Courier. Author: Jose Carrillo.
- Mastodon Chess (8x10). Standard pieces plus two Mastodons per side. A strategical big-board variant. By M Winther.
- Medusa Shogi. A Shogi variant of Pillars of Medusa, which is based on Turkish Great Chess. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Multimove FIDE Chess. Each turn utilizes a number of points that get applied to movement. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: David Howe.
- Multiple of 10 Checkmate. Variant where you can only checkmate or be checkmated on move 10, 20, 30, ect.. By Calvin Jack Pomerantz.
- Ninth Century Indian Chess. Differs from Shatranj in the setup and the Elephant's move. Author: Tony Quintanilla and John Ayer.
- Pocket Mutation Chess. Take one of your pieces off the board, maybe change it, keep it in reserve, and drop it on the board later. Author: Tony Quintanilla and Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Michael Nelson.
- Polymorph Chess. Knights and Bishops can morph into each other or into combined pieces. Author: Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Greg Strong.
- Pretentious Chess. Pieces can move as and demote to a Knight. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- Queen of the Night Chess. An over powered game on the Standard Board. By Abdul-Rahman Sibahi.
- Ready Chess. Play this game, where pieces cannot capture right after capturing, they have to be restored first! By Tony Quintanilla.
- Relativistic Chess. http://www.chessvariants.org/boardrules.dir/relativistic.html. By Carlos Cetina.
- Royal Rumble. A 6 board all-out melee with random pieces, royals and starting positions. By Nick Wolff.
- Scorpion Chess. Poisonous Scorpions instead of pawns. By M Winther.
- Separate Realms Chess. Pieces capture like normal FIDE pieces, but have limited moves that only take them to part of the board when not capturing. Author: Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Michael Nelson and Peter Aronson.
- Shatranj Darwinian. A game that shows the evolution of today's classic pieces. Wazirs and Ferz evolve into modern pieces. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Smaller Alice Chess. Missing description Author: Abdul-Rahman Sibahi. Inventor: Vernon Rylands Parton.
- Swedish Hopper Chess. Features the Swedish Hopper. By Abdul-Rahman Sibahi.
- Switching Chess. In addition to normal moves, switch with an adjacent friendly piece. By Tony Quintanilla.
- Takeover Chess Play-By-Mail game. Examine this game played in the Invent and Play contest! Drawn. Author: Peter Aronson and Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Tony Quintanilla.
- Time Travel Chess. Play Time Travel Chess on the Game Courier! Author: Gary K. Gifford and Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
- Triumvirate Chess. Uses three Knights. The last remaining opposing Knight must be checkmated as the King. and Tony Quintanilla.
- Undecided Chess. Undecided Pawns change into orthodox pieces by moving like them. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- Valiant Chess. Knight pawns at the fifth rank have an additional jump move to empty square (with zrf). By M Winther.
- Warp Point Chess. Play this game! Knights are replaced by Warp Points that other pieces can move between. By Jason Shields.
- Zone X. Chess with a special central Zone, a new piece, and new moves. Author: Roberto Lavieri and Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Roberto Lavieri.