Alpha Variant Font
The following graphics are based on a font currently in development. The font is called Alpha Variant and is being designed by Tom Buhrman. The pieces designed so far are:- Equus Rex (King+Knight)
- Amazon (Queen+Knight)
- Chancellor (Rook+Knight)
- Cardinal (Bishop+Knight)
- Camel
- Elephant
- Wazir
- Ferz
And the Cannon and Knightrider pieces are currently in development.
Alphaerie Graphics
The following table represents my adaption of the Alpha Variant font to my Alfaerie set. In addition, I've created some new graphics: Chariot, Ferz 2, Reversed Elephant and Camel, and Reversed Knight. Download the set here.Ferz |
Wazir |
Ferz 2 |
Chariot |
Ferz |
Wazir |
Ferz 2 |
Chariot |
Cardinal |
Equus Rex |
Amazon |
Chancellor | |
Cardinal |
Equus Rex |
Amazon |
Chancellor | |
Elephant |
Camel |
Camel (reversed) |
Elephant (reversed) |
Knight (reversed) |
Elephant |
Camel |
Camel (reversed) |
Elephant (reversed) |
Knight (reversed) |
Written by David Howe. Graphics created by David Howe. Font created by Tom Buhrman.
WWW page created: June 20, 2002.