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The 2nd World Wide Championship Progressive Fischer Random Chess

In the end of 1997, the second World Wide Championship Progressive Fischer Random Chess has started. The first championship has been finished in October 1997.

Progressive Fischer Random Chess means: we play progressive chess (first white makes one move, then black makes two moves, then white makes three moves, etc.), from a random position, generated in the way Bobby Fischer proposed (for his non-progressive chess variant.) There are a few details: see the rules of Fischer Random Chess, and Scottish Random Chess. (We play the Scottish version of progressive chess, which means that your turn end when you give check.)

You could sign in for this championship. To sign in:

  1. Make sure you understand the rules of the game, and that you will have a reliable connection to the internet until summer 1998. Also, note that correspondence will be in English, so please only sign in, when you are able to read and write at least a little English or have someone willing to translate for you.
  2. Send an email with: your name, your email address, your home town and country, and the words: `Participate in 2nd WW Championship Progressive Fischer Random Chess', before November 21, 1997 to Hans Bodlaender.

The rules followed in the second championship are more or less those of the first, with a few differences, most notable:

  1. Players play a number (up to 6) games simultaneously.
  2. Players have 50 days of `thinking time' for their first 5 turns, and 10 additional days for every additional turn. Players can claim a win when their opponent has used up his or her thinking time.
It is forbidden to use a computer to analyse the games one plays while they are ongoing. If there are at least two people interested, a separate `with computer' competition could be held in parallel: if you are interested, write me.

Again, depending on the number of participants, a multi-round competition will be held. When there are enough participants, in the first round, groups of approximately equal size will be formed, and each player plays one game against each other player in a group. Groups will be made randomly.

There are the following prices:

More info: ask Hans.
Written by Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: May 23, 1997. Last modified: January 30, 1998.