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Strategems is a chess problem magazine which began publication in January 1998. Currently, the magazine is accepting original compositions in all types of chess problems: directmate, helpmate, selfmate, studies, retros, proof games, and just about any type of fairy chess problem you can think of. The magazine's policy is to print all the worthy problems that they receive. The magazine also has articles on tournament winners, problem themes, famous composers, and other current events in the problem world.

Subscription Information

US subscriptions are $20 per year. Other countries $20 per year, $24 airmail. Make your checks (US) or international money orders payable to:

Strategems, 2613 Northshore Lane, Westlake Village, CA 91361.

You can also subscribe to the British magazine The Problemist by sending your checks (U.S.) or international money orders to the same address as above. Airmail delivery, members $33, fellows $43, new memebers $28 ($17 if joining after July 1 or aged under 21). - editor's note: Strategems issue 11 reads "$15 if joining after July 1, etc..." but Mike Prcic told me that this is a typo.)


Chief Editor: Mike Prcic
2613 Northshore Lane, Westlake Village, CA 91361

#2 Editor: Miodrag Mladenovic
420 Franklin Lane, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2702

#3 & #n Editor: Dr. Milan R Vukcevich
2576 Univ. Blvd, Univ. Heights, OH 44118

Studies Editor: Dr. Milan R Vukcevich

Helpmates Editor: Daniel Meinking
663 Steiner Street, Cincinnati, OH 45204

Selfmates Editor: Dr. Milan R. Vukcevich

Retros Editor: Gianni Donati
175 Bertrand Drive, Princeton, NJ 08450

Proof Games Editor: Gianni Donati

Fairies Editor: Gianni Donati

Solutions Editor: Mike Prcic

Author's note: While I highly recommend this magazine, please note that I have no connection with Strategems other than being a subscriber. Thank you.

Written by Ben Good. HTML conversion by David Howe.
WWW page created: January 12, 1999.