Clark Rodeffer
A two-player chess variant on exactly 42 spaces by
Clark D. Rodeffer, January 2002. Submitted as an
entry in the www.chessvariants.com 42-Squares Chess
Variant Design Contest, 2002. Inspirations included
other animal-based chess variants such as
Jungle and
Demian Freeling's
Congo. The idea
for both position
and direction to be important was inspired by Georg
and Randy Cox'
Battle Pigs.

Back in the days when the great plains were ruled by dinosaurs, the local Tyrannosaurus came to you and your dinosaur friends with a proposition you couldn't refuse: help eliminate the neighboring Tyrannosaurus to open up a new food supply, and you and your friends won't get eaten. Your brain is the size of a walnut, so this 'not getting eaten' bit sounded like a pretty good idea. Little did you realize that the neighboring Tyrannosaurus had the same idea. Who will be the next Dino-Czar?
Capture your opponent's Tyrannosaurus.
Set-Up & Play
The Dino-Czars game board has 42 equilateral triangles with dinosaurs arranged as in Figure 1, moving in the directions indicated by Figure 2.
Figure 1: Setup
____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 /vr\ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 5 /ss\ /tc\ /tc\ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ / \ /br\ / \ e,e /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \BR/ \ / \ / \ / E,E \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \SS/ \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J
Figure 2: Directions of Movement
____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ / \ / \ /____\/____\/____\ /\NNWW/\ NN /\NNEE/\ 5 / \ / \ / \ / \ /____\/NNW_\/_NNE\/____\ /\ /\ NW /\ NE /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ /N \ / \ / \ /____\/NWW_\/____\/_NEE\/____\ \WWWW/\ /\****/\ /\EEEE/ 3 \ / \WW/W \**/ E\EE/ \ / \/WWW_\/____\/____\/_EEE\/ \ /\ SW /\ SE /\ / 2 \ / \ / S\ / \ / \/SWW_\/____\/_SEE\/ \SSWW/\ /\SSEE/ 1 \ / \SS/ \ / \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H JEach player has an army of dinosaurs that move from space to space as shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. On the board, a dinosaur always faces one of the flat sides of the space where they are; they never face the points of the triangles. So if a diagram shows that a certain dinosaur can move or capture to a space oriented differently from the space of origin, the player must also rotate the dinosaur ±60° to face either side as necessary, but (with the exception of the Pterosaur) may not rotate the dinosaur to face straight back in the direction from which it came. All dinosaurs begin the game facing "forward" (i.e., away from the player who controls them), but their facings will likely change during the course of a game.
Table 1
Type Number & Notation Move Capture ---------------------------------------------------- Tyrannosaurus 1 TR / tr \|/ \ / (Dynamosaurus) * * Rotates ±120°; or moves N; or moves / \ / \ or captures NW, NE, SW, SE Velociraptor 2 VR / vr \| |/ \| |/ Rotates ±120°; or moves S; or moves \|/ \|/ or captures N, NW, NE, NNW, NNE, * * NNWW, NNEE (An egg or dinosaur at NW | or NE blocks the Velociraptor's path to the NNW, NNE, NNWW, NNEE) Pterosaur 1 PT / pt Fly to None (Pterodactyl) any open Rotates ±120°, or flies to any space open space on the board, landing facing any legal direction Stegosaurus 1 SS / ss | | (Diracodon) * * Rotates ±120°, or moves or captures /|\ N, or moves AND captures S, SW, SE (Stegosaurus cannot move to the rear without capturing.) Triceratops 2 TC / tc \|/ \|/ (Sterrholophus) * * Rotates ±120°; or moves or captures N, NW, NE Brontosaurus 1 BR / br | | (Apatosaurus, -*- * Elosaurus) / \ / \ Rotates ±120°; or moves E, W; or moves or captures N, SW, SE Egg 2 E# / e# 4>3>2>1>0 None Gestates from 4 to 1, then hatches into any previously captured dinosaur facing any legal direction. ----------------------------------------------------
All of the movements in Table 1 are described as if the dinosaur is facing north, but they are relative to the direction the dinosaur is actually facing. So, for example, a Triceratops facing the NE can move or capture E, NE and EE. A player, if able, may make one of four different types of moves during a turn:
- Rotate one dinosaur ±120° to face a different direction;
- Move one dinosaur as described in Table 1 and Figure 2, possibly capturing another dinosaur in the process
- Lay an egg (it's convenient to use a four-sided die, starting with 4 showing) onto an empty space adjacent to one of your own dinosaurs, or;
- Gestate an egg to the next lower number. If the egg reaches zero, replace it with any of your own previously captured dinosaurs facing any legal direction for that space. Eggs that hatch or that are captured cannot be used again.
Q1. Where can I get parts to make a set?
A1. Small dinosaur models can be purchased at many
toy or dollar stores. These can be spray painted
to distinguish sides. A board suitable for the
size of the models can then be drawn on paper,
cardboard, cloth or vinyl.
Q2. Can an egg hatch into a new Tyrannosaurs?
A2. No. Capturing the Tyrannosaurus wins the game
Q3. What happens if I hatch an egg but none of my
dinosaurs have yet been captured?
A3. Nothing. The egg stays in place and may not
hatch until there is a captured dinosaur with which to replace it.
Q4. Can the Pterosaur be rotated to pass the turn?
A4. Yes, but it would seldom be advantageous to do
Q5. What good is the Pterosaur if it can't capture?
A5. Some pieces, including the Tyrannosaurus, can
only move to certain spaces without capture. The Pterosaur
is an excellent piece for blocking movement in these directions.
Q6. How do I annotate my games?
A6. Abbreviated or co-ordinate notation both work.
To indicate rotation, append an L or R to the
move. To indicate advancing an egg, just state
the co-ordinates of the egg. Use * for drops,
both for eggs and replacement dinosaurs when
they hatch.
Computer Play
I have written an implementation of Dino-Czars for Zillions of Games. You can download it here:
Sample Game
Here is a sample game between two Dino-Czars beginners. 1. SS3HL ... tcF5E4 Player 1 opens by advancing the slow Stegosaurus toward Player 2's Brontosaurus. Player 2 opens with a strong Triceratops advance to the center. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 /vr\ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 5 /ss\ /tc\ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ /tc\ /br\ / \ e,e /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \BR/ \ / \ / S\ / E,E \/____\/____\/____\/_S__\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 2. BRC4R ... e*G5 Player 1 advances his Brontosaurus, and Player 2 lays an egg for the future. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 /vr\ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e4 /\ 5 /ss\ /tc\ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ /B \ /tc\ /br\ / \ e /____\/__R_\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / S\ / E,E \/____\/____\/____\/_S__\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 3. SSG3R ... tcxBR Player 1 advances the Stegosaurus to attack the Brontosaurus at G4, while Player 2's Triceratops punctures the belly of Player 1's undefended Brontosaurus at C4, opening a path for Player 2's Velociraptor at C6! ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 /vr\ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e4 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ /tc\ /tc\ /br\ / \ e /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \SS/ \ / E,E,BR \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 4. SSxbrR ... G5 Player 1's Stegosaurus upsets the Brontosaurus at G4 and threatens to tail swipe the Triceratops at E4. Not knowing what to do, Player 2 advances the egg. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 /vr\ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ /tc\ /tc\ /S \ / \ e,br /____\/____\/____\/__S_\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / E,E,BR \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 5. SSxtc ... vrD4R Player 1 uses the vicious Stegosaurus tail attack to capture one Triceratops and threaten the other. Needless to say, Player 2 is getting rather tired of that Stegosaurus, and advances the Velociraptor to apply some carnivorous pressure. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /tr\ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ v /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ /tc\ r/S \ / \ / \ e,br,tc /____\/____\/__S_\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / E,E,BR \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 6. SSF4L ... trE5L Player 1's Stegosaurus tries to escape the Velociraptor's jaws, but Player 2 brings in more help, in the form of a Tyrannosaurus! ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ / \ /vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ r /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \t / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ v /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ /tc\ r/ \SS/ \ / \ e,br,tc /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / E,E,BR \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \PT/ \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 7. PTF6 ... trxSS Player 1 knows that the Stegosaurus cannot run, so a new tactic, flying the Pterosaur behind enemy lines, is tried. Player 2 isn't worried, and the Tyrannosaurus has fresh Stegosaurus for lunch. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ / \PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ v /\ r /\ /\ 4 / \ /tc\ r/ \t / \ / \ e,br,tc /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / E,E,BR,SS \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 8. E*E6 ... tcB3 Player 1 lays an egg in dangerous territory! Player 2 is looking for a way to get a protected Triceratops deep into enemy territory. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ v /\ r /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ r/ \t / \ / \ e,br,tc /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /tc\ / \ / \ / \ / E,BR,SS \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \TC/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 9. TCD3E3+ ... trE5 Player 1 moves a Triceratops forward, forcing Player 2's Tyrannosaurus to retreat. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ r /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \t / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ v /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ r/ \ / \ / \ e,br,tc /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /tc\ / \TC/ \ / \ / E,BR,SS \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \ / \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 10. TCxvr+ ... trF5R Player 1's Triceratops fatally horns the unsuspecting Velociraptor, forcing Player 2's Tyrannosaurus to retreat in a direction the Triceratops will have difficulty pursuing. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \ /tr\ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ / \TC/ \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /tc\ / \ / \ / \ / E,BR,SS \/____\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \ / \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 11. TCE5 ... tcL Noticing the precious egg was in danger, Player 1's Triceratops moves in to guard it from the Tyrannosaurus' jaws. Player 2 rotates the Triceratops to try to get it out of the way of the Velociraptor at C1. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 /ss\ / \TC/tr\ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /t \ / \ / \ / \ / E,BR,SS \/__c_\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \ / \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \VR/ \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 12. VRD2 ... ssB4L Player 1 tiptoes forward with a Velociraptor, while Player 2 stomps in with the Stegosaurus. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 / \ / \TC/tr\ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ s /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \s / \ / \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /t \ / \ / \ / \ / E,BR,SS \/__c_\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \VR/ \TC/ \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \ / \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 13. TCG3 ... trR Player 1 charges ahead with another Triceratops, double pinning Player 2's Tyrannasaurus, which looks around, trying to find an escape! ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /E4\PT/vr\ /____\/____\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 / \ / \TC/ r\ /pt\ /____\/____\/_t__\/____\ /\ s /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \s / \ / \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /t \ / \ / \TC/ \ / E,BR,SS \/__c_\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \VR/ \ / \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \ / \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 14. VRE3++ ... trxE Player 1 races in with the Velociraptor! Resigned to defeat, Player 2's Tyrannosaurus has an omlet for its last meal. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ / r\PT/vr\ /____\/_t__\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 / \ / \TC/ \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ s /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \s / \ / \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr,E /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /t \ / \VR/ \TC/ \ / E,BR,SS \/__c_\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \ / \ / \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \ / \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J 15. TCxtrR++ In a textbook maneuver, Player 1's Triceratops fatally skewers Player 2's Tyrannasaurus. ____ ____ /\ /\ /\ 6 / \ /T \PT/vr\ /____\/__C_\/____\ /\ /\ /\ e3 /\ 5 / \ / \ / \ /pt\ /____\/____\/____\/____\ /\ s /\ /\ /\ /\ 4 / \s / \ / \ / \ / \ e,br,tc,vr,E,tr /____\/____\/____\/____\/____\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ / 3 \ /t \ / \VR/ \TC/ \ / E,BR,SS \/__c_\/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ /\ / 2 \ / \ / \ / \ / \/____\/____\/____\/ \ /\ /\ / 1 \ / \TR/ \VR/ \/____\/____\/ A B C D E F G H J
Written by Clark Rodeffer. HTML Conversion by Peter Aronson.
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WWW page created: January 22nd, 2002.